The View Alias Information (VEAL) form allows you to view information about an employee by their alias. The information fields within the VEAL form is for viewing only. You will not be able to alter the information through this screen.

‘View Alias Information’ Usage and Examples#


Person Code
This field holds the unique code or number assigned to this employee by the organization (i.e. employee number, personal ID number, badge number).
Govt Code Origin
This field indicates the country associated with the government code provided.
This field displays the government identification code assigned to each citizen in that country. U.S.A.: Social Security Number (SSN). Canada: Social Insurance Number (SIN).
This field shows the usual forms of addressing the employee (i.e. Ms, Mr., Dr, etc.).
First Name
This field provides an alternate first name used by the employee.
Middle Name
This is the employee's alias middle name or initial(s).
Last Name
This field shows the alternate surname of the employee, such an employee’s maiden name or the name specified on an employee’s SSN/SIN card.
This field holds any name extension the employee might use. (i.e. Jr., Sr., III etc.).
Driver’s License
This field provides the employee's driver's license number.


Date of Birth
This field shows the date of birth of the employee.
This field displays the age of the employee in years calculated up to the system ‘As of’ date.
This field indicates where the employee was born.
This field indicates whether the employee is male or female.
This field displays the employee’s ethnicity.

Notes #

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