The View ACA Monthly Data by EE VBACAE is an employee screen where the results of UBACA computations can be viewed. The UBACA report and 1094C/1095C reports get their data by reading this information.

The definition data for the View ACA Monthly Data by EE is stored in the P2K_BE_ACA_MONTHLY_DATA table.

The year that the ACA data is reported for
The month that the ACA data is reported for
ACA Category
The ACA Category is read from the employee’s Group screen or assignment if an override has been entered there.
Enrolled in Plan/Coverage(info)
The current enrollment of the employee in the medical plan and coverage (if any)
Line 14
Contains a code that will be printed in the 1095C report.
Line 16
Contains a code that will be printed in the 1095C report.
ACA Period
The field is populated by UBACA only when a look-back measurement period is selected for the employee.
Covered by Plan/Coverage(info)
The ACA Minimum Value Self benefit plan and coverage
Coverage Rate
The premium rate from the IBPN
Wage Rate
Is derived from the source indicated on the IBACA in the ACA_WAGE_RULE
This field will hold the average hours for the month or for the lookback period.
This toggle is turned on if the UBACA determines that the employee is Full Time, e.g. has worked an average of more than 130 hours per month

The lower section of this screen will show any dependents if the plan is designated as ACA Self Insured in IBPN and there are dependents entered in IECT as Dependents in the Contact Type field and the dependents are associated with the Medical plan in IBRA at a coverage rate greater than 0 (or null).

Last Name
This is the surname of the contact.
First Name
This is the first name used by the contact.
Relation describes the relationship of a person to the employee or you with whom they are associated.
Start Date
This is the date from which dependent coverage or beneficiary status starts.
End Date
This is the date after which dependent coverage or beneficiary status ends.
This toggle is turned on if the dependent is covered on the plan.

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