The View Leave Balances (VALB) screen allows you to view all of the leave policies that an employee has ‘as of’ a specific date.

The definition data for the View Leave Balances screen is stored in the P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS and P2K_AT_LEAVE_ACCRUALS tables.

Hired Date
The date the employee was hired is displayed in this field.
Seniority Date
The employee's seniority date is displayed in this field.
Seq #
The sequential order of the leave balances are defined in this field.
User-defined code to indicate the type of leave for the the leave balance.
A short description of the leave balance is displayed here.
This date field indicates the last time the leave time was evaluated.
The time basis of the leave (hourly, daily) is defined in this field.
Prior Balance
This field displays how much leave is remaining from last year.
This field displays how much leave was earned for the current year.
This field displays how much leave was taken for the current year.
This field displays how much leave has been earned after the bank was last updated.
This field displays how much leave has been taken after the bank was last updated and prior to the current date.
Current Balance
This field displays the amount of time you may take from.
Total Time
This field displays the total amount of the leave time.
Planned Leave
This field displays how much leave has been scheduled to be taken beyond the current date.

VALB gets its numbers from information on the Maintain Leave Accruals IALA and Maintain Leave Records IAAL screens as follows:

(A)Prior BalanceA900 + A050 (on IALA – official)
(B)Earned (Capped)A330 (on IALA – official)
(C)TakenA300 (on IALA – official)
(D)Earned (Unoff)sum of A290 (on IAAL – up to the current date – for non updated lines)
(E)Taken (Unoff)sum of A300 (on IAAL – up to the current date – for non updated lines)
(F)Current Balance(A) + (B) + (D) – (C) – (E)
(G)Total Time(F) – A760 (on IALA – official)
(H)Planned Leavessum of A300 on IAAL – after the current date

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