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For Canadian users, High Line provides capabilities to send an interface file to “Department of Employment and Social Development Canada” (ESDC) to print the Record of Employment.

In prior years, HRSDC developed the ROE Web application for employers to print ROE on the web. This ROE WEB facility is not available on the web to employers for download any more. The ROE Web facility has become obsolete as of March 31st, 2016 by the government. The ESDC has developed the ROE XML file for employers to produce the ROE information.

ROE Web Sites#

The users must refer to the following ESDC web site for government information and publication.


Required Set Up#

Step 1 - Define User Fields For IEEI Employment Screen in IMUF#

These user fields are used for IEEI Employment screen. If user fields do not exist on IMUF screen, UPROEF program will generate the user fields automatically.

If you are a first time user for UPROEF (ROE XML) or in a new database environment, please run UPROEF in Trial mode for any one employee. UPROEF will generate all user-defined fields on IMUF for ROE processing to be entered on IEEI, IPCL, IDTR and IDGR screens.

Step 2 - Define User Fields for ROE in IEEI#

All user fields on IEEI screen are optional, you do not need to set up prior to running UPROEF.

If you enter any overridden information for an employee on IEEI user fields, then if subsequent ROE is needed, you must re-set the IEEI user fields, otherwise the user fields information will be re-used for the next ROE. For ROE XML processing, some old IEEI UDF are no longer required. These UDF’s Prompts are identified with a suffix ‘-Obsolete’. These UDFs are for historical purpose and cannot be removed due to database constraint and these may have been used.

For a list of User Defined fields for ROE and what they are used for review the page ROE User Defined Fields.

Step 3 - Define User Fields For Pay Calendars - Pay Period Type in IMUF#

The user field,ROE Pay Frequency, is used for the Pay Calendars (IPCL) screen. If the user field does not exist on IMUF screen, UPROEF program will generate the user field automatically.

Step 4 - Request For ROE in IEEI#

You must manually request the ROE to be issued for an employee on IEEI screen ROE Status field. You should specify '01 - ROE Required/Request' or '03 - Duplicate Requested'. If ROE Status = '00 - Not Required', employees do not need to be terminated in order to print the ROE information on UPROEF report.

Step 5 - Define Pay Period Type For ROE in IPCL#

ROE Pay Period Type must be one of the following codes to be reported on ROE:
PAY PERIOD TYPEMaximum # of Pay Periods to Include for Box 15
B – Biweekly Last 27
M – Monthly Last 13
O - Monthly Non-Standard Last 13
S - Semi-Monthly Last 25
E - Semi-Monthly Non-Standard Last 25
H - Thirteen per Year Last 14
W – Weekly Last 53
You may enter one of the above letters in the ROE Pay Frequency field on IPCL, otherwise the IPCL Pay Frequency description first letter will be used.

To enter this user field on IPCL screen, you must click the header section and then click the UDF button.

Step 6 - Define Termination Reason Code IDTR#

The user may enter the 3 character ROE Reason Code on IDTR screen for the termination code. To enter this user field on IDTR screen, you must click the header section and then click the UDF button. If the employee’s IEEI screen does not have a ROE Reason Code, then the IEEI Termination Code is used to retrieve the IDTR entry. If the IDTR entry has a UDF defined with the 3 characters, then this is used, otherwise the IDTR REASON CODE is used.

Step 7 - Define FolderCD User Field IDGR#

The user may enter the ROE FolderCD Code on IDGR screen for the Group code. To enter this user field on IDGR screen, you must click the header section and then click the UDF button.

Step 8 – Request for ROE IEEI#

On the IEEI screen for an employee, after the Employment record is selected, the user may enter the ROE Status on IEEI screen. If the ROE Status = ’00 - Not Required’, employees do not need to be terminated in order to print the ROE information on the UPROEF report.

Step 9 - Define Pay Elements For ROE Box 17 and 19 in IPPE#

If you need to report Box 17 or Box 19 amounts, please set up the following elements on IPPE screen or directly enter the amounts on the IEEI UDF to override the IPPE elements. The Element names for Box 17 and Box 19 correspond to the IEEI user field names. The IEEI user fields will be reported with the amount on ROE if there is non-zero amount in the associated elements on the 'Final Pay' or last pay of the employee. Wiki : UPROEF - Plugin insertion failed: Could not find plugin TableWiki : UPROEF - Plugin insertion failed: Could not find plugin Table

Step 10 - Define Interface Format in IDIF#

Seed data script is delivered to clients to load in IDIF Interface Code definition: SEED_IDIF_HL$CAN-ROE-XML.sql

This seed data script will overwrite the same Interface Form Code if it exists, which allows for the delivery of new Interface format set up for the interface file.

You should use the (Copy Definition) button to copy the IDIF definition to a New Interface Code and then use the New Interface Code for UPROEF reporting.

Most of the HL$CAN-ROE-XML set up are pre-defined, you only need to enter the company contact information on IDIF screen.

The file naming standard: The ROE file name must include a file prefix, a dot and an extension as follows: (e.g. CAN_ROE200_mex.BLK). The user can override this File Name in the Prompt when UPROEF is run.

Processing Information#

UPROEF allows you to select employees from Employment screen to generate an interface file to send to the ‘Department of Employment and Social Development Canada’ (ESDC) to print the Record of Employment. UPROEF parameter screen allows you to select employees by 'Employment Status' and 'Termination Reason'

An employee must be qualified for both the 'Employment Status' and 'Termination Reason' for the printing of ROE

An employee can be terminated through the IETR Termination Process.

An employee does not have to be terminated to generate an ROE.

An employee may request the ROE regardless of the employee's status, e.g. employee is on Leave, Terminated or even Active.

To request ROE for an employee, the ROE Status field in the EMPLOYMENT IEEI screen must be one of the following:

01 - ROE Requested
03 - Duplicate Requested

You may run UPROEF with 'Exception Level = Utility Trace' to trace Box 15, 17 logic for the employee. Then after UPROEF is run, you may run RMEX to view the Trace statements for the execution ID of the UPROEF run.

You may generate the ROE File name with mex id by specifying the word 'mex' in the file name, e.g. ROE_file_mex.BLK, or ACME_ROE_mex.BLK.

UPROEF parameter screen allows you to select the ROE Interface Code.

ROE Interface Code#

The ROE Interface Code is mandatory, users may select either 'HL$CAN-ROE-XML' or your own ROE Interface code.

NOTE: please copy the supplied HL$CAN-ROE-XML Interface code to a user defined Interface Code and use your code on UPROEF. From this ROE Interface Code, the IDIF screen Form Type determines the number of pay periods to be used for the Pay Frequency.

Box 17 Pay Period#

If the employee is terminated and has been paid for final pay, the pay header that is marked with 'Final Pay Method' = '01' will be used to derive Box 15, 17 and 19.

If an employee has not been paid for the 'Final Pay', the system will retrieve the most recent pay header that has the pay category marked as Regular Pay with the Pay Period Ending date on or prior to the user selected As of Date or the Assignment Detail's Leave date (whichever is earlier), this most recent pay period is used to derive Box 15, 17 and 19.

If the user has entered an overridden 'ROE Box 17 Period' on IEEI user fields, then this overridden pay period is used for Box 17 and 19 processing.

Update Mode#

You may run UPROEF in Trial mode and verify the ROE information prior to running in Update mode.

If the 'Trial' prompt = ‘Yes’, then the EMPLOYMENT information will not be updated.

If the 'Trial' prompt = ‘No’, (i.e. in Update mode), the following EMPLOYMENT information will be updated if the ROE Status = '01-ROE Required/Request', '03-Duplicate Requested'

Maintain Employment Record IEEI#

Employment screen
ROE Status
If the ROE Status = '01', then the ROE Status is updated to '02 - ROE Issued'. If the ROE Status = '03 - Duplicate Requested', then update to '04 - Duplicate Issued'
ROE Issued
Updated to the ROE Issued Date from parameter of UPROEF run
ROE Letter
Updated to the ROE Letter of the Termination Reason for the employee or the ROE reason that is overridden for this employee on IEEI screen user field 'ROE Reason Code'
Employment UDF (User Defined Fields)
Prev ROE Upto
The system will update this UDF to store the pay period that the ROE has issued up to. This 'Prev ROE Upto' UDF will be used for the next ROE so that the information reported on the next ROE will not be prior to this pay period. If you want to re-issue the ROE, you should change this UDF pay period such that the next ROE will generate Box 15 information from this pay period onward
ROE 1st Work Date
The system will update this UDF to store the First Work Date the ROE has been issued
ROE Last Work Date
The system will update this UDF to store the Last Work Date the ROE has been issued
Prompt: ‘ROE Vacation Pay Amt:’
Prompt: ‘ROE Reason Code:’
Prompt: ‘ROE Stat Hol 1 Amt:’
Prompt: ‘ROE Stat Hol 2 Amt:’
… up to
Prompt: ‘ROE Stat Hol 10 Amt:
Prompt: ‘ROE Other1 Amt:’
Prompt: ‘ROE Other2 Amt:’
Prompt: ‘ROE Other3 Amt:’
Prompt: ‘ROE Special Pymt1 Amt:’
Prompt: ‘ROE Special Pymt2 Amt:’
Prompt: ‘ROE Special Pymt3 Amt:’

Multiple Employments#

If employee has multiple Employments on IEEI screen, please request ROE on the 'ROE Status' field for each of the Employment record on IEEI screen.

If multiple Employments belong to the same Government Registration Number, these Employments are combined together and report on one ROE.

If multiple Employments belong to different Government Registration Number, then multiple ROEs will be issued for different Government Registration numbers for the same employee.

You must pay attention to the user-defined fields for each of the Employment record prior to running UPROEF

Multiple Government Registration Numbers (BN)#

From Pay Headers Group code, it determines the Government Registration Number to be reported on ROE.

If employee has been paid by different Group codes, either by multiple Employments or Assignments, then the employee can be paid by one or multiple Government Registration Numbers.

When UPROEF is run, you may request to run for one or multiple Government Registration Numbers.

The design of the ROE Web Training environment only allows HRSDC to create one unique CRA BN for each employer. However, ROE Web Production allows you to create as many BNs as the employer requests/uses. Although you cannot test the multiple BNs in training environment, this is normal business practice for many Canadian employers so this will be seamless in the production environment.

As well in production, HRSDC have a feature called the "ROE Overlap rule" that enables employers to issue multiple ROEs to the same employee for same periods of employment under different BNs. This must be requested by the employer when they register for ROE Web at a local HRSDC office.

When reporting for multiple Government Registration Numbers for one employee, the employee's most recent pay period that is paid is used to report on multiple ROEs.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
Entity You must enter one entity. (Mandatory)
Federal Regist Set Enter one or more Federal Registration Sets. (Optional)
Federal Regist Number Enter one or more Federal Registration Numbers. (Optional)
ROE Status This field indicates the ROE Statuses to be processed from Employments. (Mandatory) Lexicon X_ROE_STATUS. This allows users to select to print '01 - ROE Required/Request' or '03 - Duplicate Requested' independently. If '00 - Not Required' is selected, employees do not need to be terminated, you can request sample ROE report prior to the employee's termination. If this parameter is not specified, all qualified Employments will be processed including to the previously issued ROE.
As of Date This date is used to retrieve employee demographic information if necessary.
ROE Issue Date This date will be printed on ROE as the ROE issued date.
ROE Status This indicates the ROE Statuses to be processed from Employments. This allows user to select to print ‘01 – ROE Required/Request’ or ‘03 – Duplicate Requested’ independently. If ‘00 – Not Required’ is selected, employees do not need to be terminated, the user can request sample ROE report prior to employee’s termination. If this parameter is not specified, all qualified Employments will be processed including to the previously issued ROE.
Sort Employees By You should sort employees by Last Name/First Name, however you may sort by employee's pay destination for distribution or sort by Person code. Lexicon X_PERSON_SORT
Sort by Active/Inactive Check this toggle to sort inactive employees first for mailing purpose
ROE Interface Code 'HL$CAN-ROE-XML' or your Interface Code (Mandatory). NOTE – copy the High Line supplied HL$CAN-ROE-XML Interface code to a user defined Interface Code and use your code on UPROEF
Directory Name Enter a valid directory name.
File Name Enter a file name or use the default file name from IDIF. ROE Web interface file naming convention: File name is maximum of 32 alphanumeric, file extension must be 'BLK' e.g. ACME_ROE200.BLK
Exception Level You should always run with Exception level only unless for tracing
Trial Allows you to run UPROEF in Trial mode for testing and update mode to update the Employment ROE information (Optional)
ER Addr Location Allows you to enter an overridden Location to retrieve the Employer Address (Optional) If this is not specified, the entity's location address is used.
ROE Process Method Indicates the ROE Processing method on the ROE Web interface file. (Optional) Lexicon X_ROE_PROC_METH. This allows you to select to print Draft or Actual ROE for each UPROEF run.
User Comment Allows entry of user comments to be printed on report (Optional)

Report Filters
Payroll Enter one or more Payroll Codes (Optional)
Department Enter one or more Department Codes (Optional)
Org Level Type Enter one or more Org Level Types (Optional)
Org Level Enter one or more Org Level within Org Level Types (Optional)
Authorization Enter one or more Authorization Areas (Optional)
Location Enter one or more Location codes (Optional)
Unit Enter one or more Unit codes (Optional)
Group Enter one or more Group codes (Optional)
People List Code Please specify if People list is to be used (Optional)
Person Code Enter one or more Person Codes (Optional)
Employment Status Enter one or more Employment Statuses (Optional)
Termination Reason Enter one or more Termination Reasons (Optional)

Notes #

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