You may create and maintain elements through the Define Elements (IPPE) form.

Pay Element data is stored in the P2K_PR_ELEMENTS table.

This field holds the element code assigned to uniquely identify the element. Element_Code is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that you must manually enter.
This field describes the purpose and use of the element. Description is a 50 character alphanumeric mandatory field that you must manually enter.
Basic Element (No Additional Elements)
If the Basic element toggle is ON, the element is made up of pay components only, and is considered a basic element. If the toggle is OFF, the element may refer to another element (also known as an element mapping).
This type of element is known as a compound element. By mapping one element to another it is possible to greatly reduce the amount of pay component keying that is required to set-up all of the required elements.
Basic_Element is a toggle field that is system maintained and is used for efficiency when computing element values.

Pay Components#

This area contains the list of pay components and the order in which they are processed.
Seq #
This field will determine the sequential order (1 to 99999) in which pay components are processed and displayed within the element.
With many elements, the sequencing is not important, because only the total value of the element is significant (e.g. a taxable wage base element). However, with certain elements, the order in which the pay components are processed is vital to the calculation (e.g. the deduction element for computing gross to net) or inherent to the nature of the element (e.g. element for ordering the pay components that will appear on a pay register).
Element_PC_Sequence is a 5 digit numeric mandatory field that you must manually enter.
Pay Code
This field indicates the pay component to be added or subtracted from this element. PC_Code is a 4-character numeric mandatory field that you must manually enter or use the LOV (F9).
This field holds the short form description of the pay component. PC_Abbreviation is a 16-character alphanumeric mandatory field that will default when the pay component is entered.
This field identifies the mathematical operator (Add or Subtract) that defines how the pay component will be processed. Element_Operator is a fixed lexicon (X_ELEMENT_OPERATOR) that you may use to look up the value.

Additional Elements Included#

It is recommended that compound elements be defined with caution, and under the guidance of a Consultant. When implemented correctly, compound elements are a very useful tool that significantly reduces element maintenance work. If they are implemented incorrectly, they complicate the investigation of set up and calculation errors and make them much more difficult to find.
If the pay element is to be compounded, then the element codes of the other basic pay elements must be listed in this field in the sequential order the basic element is to be processed. PEL_ID_COMPRISED_OF is a field tied to the IPPE_PEL_ID LOV which the user must select from.
This field describes the purpose and use of the element. Description is a 50 character alphanumeric mandatory field that you must manually enter.
This field identifies the mathematical operator (Add or Subtract) that defines how the element will be processed. Element_Operator is a fixed lexicon (X_ELEMENT_OPERATOR) that you may use to look up the value.

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