FRS or ‘Florida Retirement System’ is responsible for administering the Florida Retirement System.
Specialized benefit components and user fields are provided that may be set up to ensure that the report and interface file are created correctly.

FRS Work Periods #

The Work Periods (‘WP’) is a column on the FRS report that defines the service credit for retirement purposes. For each amount submitted, a code must be provided. The meaning of the code is shown in the table below. Benefit components are used to define the codes (work periods) used at each organization.

Work PeriodDescription
12Normal Current Contribution
12Prior Period Contribution Adjustment
21Lump Sum Contributions
88Workers’ Compensation Contributions

FRS Setup #

To create the required report and interface file users must use specific benefit components within a specific plan type, create user fields (if needed) and set up the required pay components and pay elements.

Pay Components - IPPC #

You will need to create a total of 9 pay components for FRS:
B0360FRS Reg EarnsPC Usage: 9999
B0361FRS Lump EarnsPC Usage: 9999
B0363FRS PP EarnsPC Usage: 9999
B0368FRS WC EarnsPC Usage: 9999
B0380FRS Lv HrsPC Usage: 9999
B0840FRS Reg ERPC Usage: 13
B0841FRS Lump ERPC Usage: 13
B0843FRS PP ERPC Usage: 13
B0848FRS WC ERPC Usage: 13

Pay Elements - IPPE #

You will need to create a total of 5 pay elements for FRS:
B0320FRS Reg EarnsAll earnings PC that make up Regular Earnings
B0321FRS Lump EarnsAll earnings PC that make up Lump Sum Leave Pay Earnings
B0323FRS PP EarnsAll earnings PC that make up Prior Period Earnings
B0328FRS WC EarnsAll earnings PC that make up Workers’ Compensation Earnings
B0380FRS Lv HrsAll earnings PC that make up Lump Sum Leave Pay Hours

Benefit Plan Types - IBPT #

All FRS benefit plans must be setup with a ‘FRS’ benefit plan type.
If this is spelled differently, the program will not work.

Benefit Plans #

Benefit components are used to calculate and store the values for FRS. These values must be qualified, for the report, by which type of work period. Users must analyze the possible types of contributions made at their site, and set up the appropriate benefit component as described.
In the benefits components in the next section, the result of the component must be stored into a pay component where indicated. This may be zero but it must be stored. Define the appropriate pay component ('PC Code' field), on each benefit component and ensure that the 'action' is "Store Line and Enroll".

Regular Enrollment Dates
Use Benefit Components B0020 through B0270 to define the benefit enrollment start and end dates. As with all benefit plans, these BC’s must be defined.

Eligible Earnings (Salary)
Use Benefit Components B0320 through B0366 to define regular earnings, prior period earning adjustments, lump sum earnings, and workers’ compensation earnings.
These amounts must be stored in a pay component and will be seen on the Benefits Enrollment form and the FRS report.

Lump Sum Leave Pay Hours
Use Benefit Component B0380 to determine this amount. This amount should be from an element that contains all hour pay components to be reported as part of the Lump Sum hours.

Employer Contribution Amount
Use Benefit Component B0800 through B0849 to set up the employer contribution amount.

This amount will appear only in the Benefit Enrollment form, but the rates defined will be used to calculate the amount for the report.

Enter the employer contribution rate as a percentage. i.e. 8.25% would be entered as 8.2500. This amount can be set up as either ‘Same as Premium Amount’, ‘Premium Amount less Employee Contribution’, or as ‘Employer percentage on Member Earnings’.
Additional employer contribution amounts can only be derived using a pay element.

Coverage Rates
The Employer Contribution Rate must be entered through the IBPN screen (Rate step 1; Up to limit 999,999).

List of Benefit Components #

Most Benefit Components have an implied Work Period Code attached, indicated as WP##. Components that represent values on the FRS report also require an output Pay Component to store the calculated value for later reporting.
The Benefit Components provided in the following pages have been grouped based on their purpose under the following subheadings:
0010 – 0299Preprocessing/Qualification
0300 – 0399Eligible Earnings/Amounts
0800 – 0899Employer Contributions

Although the sheer number of options may seem daunting, not all components are required for every plan. They are provided to allow complete versatility when defining policies. Note

  • Bracketed words on the following pages represent fields in the Component Rules or the Enrollment Form to be filled in. i.e. <User Calc>
    • To create any UserCalcs that may be needed, please refer to the User Calculation Tool Workbook.
  • Each component has a table to define the rules that are available. The columns in the table are described below: **Rule - the index number of the rule
    • Description - a brief description of the rule
    • Logic - what the rule will do if chosen, and what other ‘pieces’ it may need to complete it logic
    • Assoc. - if there are any associated benefit components needed they are listed
    • Go to - after this rule is chosen which benefit component should be evaluated next
  • The standard or most commonly used rule(s) for each component is indicated by the asterisk (*) in the rule column. %

B0010 - B0299 Preprocess/Qualification #

B0010 Preprocess/Qualify UserCalc {optional}
This component is required when a UserCalc is used to disqualify/qualify an employee from processing based on any criteria other than entity, unit, group, and/or employment status.

Is a UserCalc required to disqualify/qualify an employee from processing?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0020
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00*Use UserCalc OnlyThe pre-processing or qualifying <User Calc> specified will be executed. The UserCalc may be a qualifier to decide which employees to evaluate.

Specify the name of the <User Calc> on the component. The UserCalc must supply any logic required to disqualify an employee from being processed. The UserCalc must be of the type ‘Function’, with a return value of the type ‘Boolean’. Use the RET operator to return the Boolean value of True or False.

The false value is interpreted by the component as an instruction to exit the coverage without further processing.

B0020 Enrollment Base Date
This component is required to establish the base date used in determining the effective date of an enrollment form.

Choose the rule that is used as the Enrollment Base Date rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00Use UserCalc OnlyThe pre-processing or qualifying <User Calc> specified will be executed. Specify the name of the UserCalc on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.

This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided enrollment base date from which the employee’s coverage effective date is determined.
01Use Processing DateUses the date of the benefits run (or pay period end date if benefits are processed through payroll), to determine effective date of the employee’s coverage. B0030
02*Use Hire DateUses Hire Date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine effective date of employee’s coverage. B0030
03Use Seniority DateUses Seniority Date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine effective date of employee’s coverage. B0030
04Use Latest of Hire/Seniority/Processing DateUses the latest of hire date, seniority date, or date of the benefits run (or pay period end date if benefits are processed through payroll). This rule is often used when a benefit is completely optional, such as a 401K (US) or RRSP (CDN) plan. B0030
05Use Leave DateUses Leave Date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine effective date of the employee’s coverage. This rule is normally only used with disability type plans. B0030
06Use Birth DateUses employee’s birth date from Identity Information (IEEI) form plus a qualifying period to determine effective date of employee’s coverage. Sometimes used for pension type plans that become mandatory at age 18 or 21. B0030
07Use Termination DateUses employee’s termination date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine effective date of employee’s coverage. Used for special coverages available to an employee only after termination, for example, on retirement. B0030

B0030 Enrollment Effective Date Rule
This component specifies whether a qualification period must be added to the enrollment effective date.

Choose the rule that is used as the enrollment Effective Base Date rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01Use Base DateUses the exact date calculated by component B0020.B0020B0070
02*Use Base Date plus Qualifying PeriodUses the date calculated by component B0020, plus any additional qualifying period calculated by components B0040 and B0050.B0020

B0040 Hiring Qualification {optional}
This component specifies whether an employee must be hired by a certain day in the month in order for that month to be included in the qualification criteria.

Must the employee be hired by a certain day in the month in order for month to be included in the qualification criteria?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0050
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00Use Day from UserCalc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return a numeric value.

This value is interpreted as a user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to sign up for benefits in the first month of hire.
01Use Day from ElementSpecify the name of the <Element> on the component.

The value of the element is used as the user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to sign up for benefits in the first month of hire.
02*Hired By Specified DaySpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

The <BC Value> of the component is used as the user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to sign up for benefits in the first month of hire.

Must be entered as DD (15 for the 15th of the month.)

B0050 Qualifying Period {optional}
Is there a specific waiting period for enrollment?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0060
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01Number of DaysSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds the number of days to the enrollment base date.
02Number of WeeksSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds the number of weeks to the enrollment base date.
03*Number of MonthsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds the number of months to the enrollment base date.
04Number of Pay PeriodsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds the number of pay periods to the enrollment base date.
05*Number of YearsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds the number of years to the enrollment base date.

B0060 Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional}
This component specifies that enrollment takes place on a specific day of the month, such as the first.

Is it necessary to roll the effective date forward or backward to a specific day of the month?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0070
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Roll Forward to Day in Next MonthSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Must be entered as DD (01 for the 1tstof the month.)

Rolls effective date forward to this day in the following month.

Used when benefits may only start on a specified day of the month, such as the first.
02Roll Back to Day in Curr MonthSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Must be entered as DD (01 for the 1tstof the month.)

Rolls effective date back to this day in the current month.

Used when benefits may only start on a specified day of the month, such as the first, and benefits may be backdated.
03Roll Forward to First Day in Next QuarterRolls effective date forward to the first day in the following quarter.

Used when benefits may only start at the beginning of a quarter.
04Roll Back to First Day in Curr QuarterRolls effective date back to the first day in the current quarter.

Used when benefits may only start at the beginning of a quarter and enrollment may be backdated.

B0070 Effective Date
This component stores the final effective date result.

Choose the rule that is used as the Effective Date rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Calculate Effective DateStores the calculated effective date of the benefit coverage. B0080

B0080 Eligibility Base Date
This component is required to establish the base date used in determining the eligibility date of an enrollment form.

Choose the rule that is used as the Eligibility Base Date
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00Use UserCalc onlyThe pre-processing or qualifying <User Calc> specified will be executed. Specify the name of the UserCalc on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.

This value is interpreted by the component as a User provided enrollment base date from which the employee’s coverage eligibility date is determined.
01Use Processing DateUses date of the benefits run (or pay period end date if benefits are processed through payroll), to determine eligibility date of employee’s coverage. B0090
02*Use Hire DateUses Hire Date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine eligibility date of employee’s coverage. B0090
03Use Seniority DateUses Seniority Date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine eligibility date of the employee’s coverage. B0090
04Use Latest of Hire/Seniority/Processing DateUses latest of Hire Date, Seniority Date or date of the benefits run (or pay period end date if benefits are processed through payroll). This rule is often used when a benefit is completely optional, such as a 401K (US) or RRSP (CDN) plan. B0090
05Use Leave DateUses Leave Date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine eligibility date of employee’s coverage. This rule is normally only used with disability type plans. B0090
06Use Birth DateUses employee’s Birth Date from Identity Information (IEID) form plus a qualifying period to determine eligibility date of employee’s coverage. Sometimes used for pension type plans that become mandatory at age 18 or 21. B0090
07Use Termination DateUses employee’s Termination Date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine eligibility date of employee’s coverage. Used for special Coverages available to an employee only after termination (retirement). B0090
08Use Effective DateUses date calculated in component B0070.B0070B0090

B0090 Eligibility Date Rule
This component specifies whether a qualification period must be added to the enrollment eligibility date.

Choose the rule tat is used as the Eligibility Date rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01Use Base DateUses the exact date calculated by component B0080.B0080B0130
02*Use Base Date plus Qualifying PeriodUses the date calculated by component B0080, plus any additional qualifying period calculated by components B0100 and B0110.B0080

B0100 Hiring Qualification {optional}
The component specifies whether an employee must be hired by a certain day in the month in order for that month to be included in the qualification criteria.

Must the employee be hired by a certain day in the month in order for month to be included in the qualification criteria?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0110
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00Use Day from UserCalc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return a numeric value.

This value is interpreted as the user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to be eligible for benefits in the first month of hire.
01Use Day from ElementSpecify the name of the <Element> on the component.

The value of the element is used as the user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to be eligible for benefits in the first month of hire.
02*Hired By Specified DaySpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

The <BC Value> of the component is used as the user provided day of the month by which an employee must be hired in order to be eligible for benefits in the first month of hire.

Must be entered as DD (15 for the 15th of the month.)

B0110 Qualifying Period {optional}
This component specifies the waiting period for benefit eligibility.

Is there a specific waiting period for eligibility?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0120
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01Number of DaysSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds number of days to the eligibility base date.
02Number of WeeksSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds number of weeks to the eligibility base date.
03*Number of MonthsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds number of months to the eligibility base date.
04Number of Pay PeriodsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds number of pay periods to the eligibility base date.
05*Number of YearsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds number of years to the eligibility base date.

B0120 Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional}
This component specifies that the eligibility date takes place on a specific day of the month, such as the first.

Is it necessary to roll the eligible date forward or backward to a specific day of the month?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0130
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Roll Forward to Day in Next MonthSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Must be entered as DD (01 for the 1tst of the month.)

Rolls the eligibility date forward to this day in the following month.

Used when benefits may only start on a specified day of the month, such as the first.
02Roll Back to Day in Curr MonthSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Must be entered as DD (01 for the 1tstof the month.)

Rolls the eligibility date back to this day in the current month.

Used when benefits may only start on a specified day of the month, such as the first, and benefits may be backdated.
03Roll Forward to First Day in Next QuarterRolls the eligibility date forward to the first day in the following quarter.

Used when benefits may only start at the beginning of a quarter.
04Roll Back to First Day in Curr QuarterRolls the eligibility date back to the first day in the current quarter.

Used when benefits may only start at the beginning of a quarter, and eligibility may be backdated.

B0130 Eligible Date
This component stores the final eligible date result.

Choose the rule that is used as the Eligible Date rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Calculate Eligible DateStores the calculated eligibility date of the benefit coverage. B0140

B0140 Premium Start Date
This component determines the date premiums will commence.

Choose the rule that is used as the Premium Start Date rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00UserCalc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.

This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided premium date.
01*Use Effective DateUses component B0070 as the premium date.B0070B0150
02Use Eligible DateUses component B0130 as the premium date.B0130B0150

B0150 Expire Base Date
This component is required to establish the base date used in determining the expiration of an enrollment form.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00UserCalc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.

This value is interpreted by the component as the user provided base date from which the employee’s enrollment is expired.
01Use End of TimeUses 31st December, 3999 as the base date from which the employee’s enrollment is expired. B0160
02*Use Termination DateUses the employee’s Termination Date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine the date the employee’s enrollment is expired, or 31st December, 3999 if there is no termination date available. B0160
03Use Leave DateUses the employee’s Leave Date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine the date the employee’s enrollment is expired. B0160
04Use Earlier of Term/LeaveUses the earlier of the Termination Date or the Leave Date as the date from which an employee’s enrollment is expired, or 31st December, 3999 if there is no termination date available. B0160
05*Use Birth DateUses the employee’s Birth Date from the Identity Information (IEID)form plus a continuation period to determine the date an employee’s enrollment is expired.

Sometimes used for life type plans that automatically expire at a specific age.
06Use Spouse's Birth DateUses the Spouse Birth Date from the contact form plus a continuation period to determine the date a spouse’s enrollment is expired. Sometimes used for dependent or spousal life type plans that automatically expire at a specific age. B0160

B0160 Expire Date Rule
This component specifies whether a continuation period must be added to the enrollment expiration date.

Choose the rule that will be used as the Expire Date rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01Use Base DateUses the exact date calculated by component B0150 to expire the enrollment.B0150B0200
02*Use Base Date plus Continuation PeriodUses the date calculated by component B0150, plus any additional continuance period calculated by components B0170 and B0180 to expire the enrollment.B0150

B0170 Termination Qualification {optional}
This component specifies the day on or after which an employee must be terminated in order to remain enrolled.

Must an employee be terminated on/after a certain day in the month in order for month to be included in the continuation criteria?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0180
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00Use Day from Calc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return a numeric value.

This value is interpreted as a user provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated by, in order to remain enrolled during the last month of employment.
01Use Day from ElementSpecify the name of the <Element> on the component.

The value of the element is used as the user-provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated in order to remain enrolled during the last month of employment.
02*Terminated after Specified DaySpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

The value of the component is used as the user-provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated in order to remain enrolled during the last month of employment.

Must be entered as DD (15 for the 15th of the month.)
03Terminated on Last Day in MonthSpecifies an employee must not terminate until the last day of the month in order to remain enrolled during the last month of employment.B0160B0180

B0180 Continuation Period {optional}
This component specifies the continuation period for benefit enrollment.

Is there a continuation period for benefit enrollment?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0190
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01Number of DaysSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds number of days to the expiration base date.
02Number of WeeksSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds number of weeks to the expiration base date.
03*Number of MonthsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds number of months to the expiration base date.
04Number of Pay PeriodsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds number of pay periods to the expiration base date.
05*Number of YearsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds number of years to the expiration base date.

B0190 Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional}
This component specifies that enrollment expires on a specific day of the month, such as the last.

Is it necessary to roll the expiry date forward or backward to a specific day of the month?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0200
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01Roll Forward to Day in Curr MonthSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component. Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the month.) Rolls the expiration date forward to this day in the current or following month, whichever is past the original expiration date month. Used when benefits may only expire on a specified day of the month. B0200
02*Roll Back to Day in Prev MonthSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component. Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the month.) Rolls the expiration date back to this day in the previous month. Used when benefit may only expire on a specified day of the month. B0200
03Roll Forward to Last Day in Curr QuarterRolls the expiry date forward to the last day in the current quarter. Used when benefits may only expire at the end of a quarter. B0200
04Roll Back to Last Day in Prev QuarterRolls the expiry date back to the last day in the previous quarter. Used when benefits may only expire at the end of a quarter, and the employee has to be employed for the whole quarter in order to be enrolled for that quarter. B0200

B0200 Expire Date
This component stores the final expiration date result.

Choose the rule that is used as the Expire Date rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Calculate Expire DateStores the calculated expiration date of the enrollment. B0210

B0210 Eligibility End Base Date
This component is required to establish the base date used in determining the eligibility end date of an enrollment form.

Choose the rule that is used as the Eligibility End Base Date rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00UserCalc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.

This value is interpreted by the component as a user- provided base date from which the employee’s eligibility is expired.
01Use End of TimeUses 31st December, 3999 as base date from which employee’s eligibility is expired. B0220
02*Use Termination DateUses employee’s Termination Date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine date employee’s eligibility is expired, or 31st December, 3999 if date is unavailable. B0220
03Use Leave DateUses employee’s Leave Date from Employment Information (IEEI) form to determine date employee’s eligibility is expired, or 31st December, 3999 if date is unavailable. B0220
04Use Earlier of Term/LeaveUses earlier of Termination Date or Leave Date as date from which an employee’s eligibility is expired, or 31st December, 3999 if date is unavailable. B0220
05*Use Birth DateUses employee’s Birth Date from Identity Information (IEID) form plus a continuation period to determine date employee’s eligibility is expired. Sometimes used for life type plans that automatically expire at a specific age. B0220
06Use Spouse's Birth DateUses spouse’s Birth Date from contact form plus a continuation period to determine date spouse’s eligibility is expired. Sometimes used for dependent or spousal life type plans that automatically expire at a specific age. B0220

B0220 Eligibility End Date Rule
This component specifies whether a continuation period must be added to the enrollment eligibility end date?

Chose the rule that is used as the Eligibility End Date rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01Use Base DateUses the exact date calculated by component B0210 to expire the benefit eligibility.B0210B0260
02*Use Base Date plus Continuation PeriodUses the date calculated by component B0210, plus any additional continuance period calculated by components B0230 and B0240 to expire the benefit eligibility.B0210

B0230 Termination Qualification {optional}
This component specifies whether an employee must be terminated on/after a certain day in the month in order for that month to be included in the continuation criteria.

Must an employee be terminated on/after a certain day in the month in order for month to be included in the continuation criteria?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0240
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00Use Day from Calc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return a numeric value.

This value is interpreted as a user-provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated in order to be eligible for benefits during the last month of employment.
01Use Day from ElementSpecify the name of the <Element> on the component.

The value of the element is used as the user-provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated in order to be eligible for benefits during the last month of employment.
02*Terminated after Specified DaySpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

The value of the component is used as the user-provided day of the month after which an employee must be terminated in order to remain eligible for benefits during the last month of employment. Must be entered as DD (15 for the 15th of the month.)
03*Terminated on Last Day in MonthSpecifies an employee must not terminate until the last day of the month in order to remain eligible for benefits during the last month of employment.B0220B0240

B0240 Continuation Period
This component specifies the length of the continuation period.

Choose the rule that is used as the Continuation Period rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01Number of DaysSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds the number of days to the eligibility end base date.
02Number of WeeksSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds the number of weeks to the eligibility end base date.
03*Number of MonthsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds the number of months to the eligibility end base date.
04Number of Pay PeriodsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds the number of pay periods to the eligibility end base date.
05*Number of YearsSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Adds the number of years to the eligibility end base date.

B0250 Roll Forward/Back Rule {optional}
This component specifies that eligibility ends on a specific day of the month, such as the last.

Is it necessary to roll the eligibility end date forward or backward to a specific day of the month?
Yes - Choose the rule to be used
No - Go to B0260
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Roll Forward to Day in Curr MonthSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the month.)

Rolls the expiration date forward to this day in the current month.

Used when benefits may only expire on a specified day of the month.
02Roll Back to Day in Prev MonthSpecify the <BC Value> on the coverage component.

Must be entered as DD (31 for the end of the month.)

Rolls the expiration date back to this day in the previous month.

Used when benefit may only expire on a specified day of the month.
03Roll Forward to Last Day in Curr QuarterRolls the expiration date forward to the last day in the current quarter.

Used when benefit eligibility may only end at the end of a quarter.
04Roll Back to Last Day in Prev QuarterRolls the expiration date back to the last day in the previous quarter.

Used when benefit eligibility may only end at the end of a quarter and the employee has to be employed for the whole quarter in order to be enrolled for quarter.

B0260 Eligibility End Date
This component stores the final eligible end date result.

Choose the rule that is used as the Eligibility End Date rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Calculate Eligibility End DateStores the calculated end date of the eligibility. B0270

B0270 Premium End Date
This component determines the date premium collection will cease.

Choose the rule that is used as the Premium End Date.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00UserCalc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Date`. The UserCalc must use the RET operator to return a date value.

This value is interpreted by the component as a user- provided date from which the employee’s premium is ended.
01*Use Expire DateUses the date calculated in component B0210 as the premium end date.B0210B0300
02Use Eligibility End DateUses the date calculated in component B0260 as the premium end date.B0260B0300

B0300 - B0399 Eligible Earnings/Amounts #

B0320 Eligible Regular Earnings (Before Cap) WP12
This component specifies which earnings are considered eligible for benefit calculation purposes.

Choose the rule that is used as the Eligible Regular Earnings rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00UserCalc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.

This value is interpreted by the component as a user -provided normal member earnings.
01*Use Earnings from ElementSpecify the name of the <Element> on the component.

The value of the element will be used as normal member earnings.

B0321 Eligible Lump Sum Leave Pay Earnings WP 21
This component specifies which earnings are considered eligible for benefit calculation purposes. Choose the rule that is used as the Eligible Lump Sum Leave Pay Earnings rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00UserCalc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.

This value is interpreted by the component as a user- provided retroactive salary earnings.
01*Use Earnings from ElementSpecify the name of the <Element> on the component.

The value of the element will be used as retroactive salary earnings.

B0323 Eligible Prior Period Adjustment Earnings WP12
This component specifies which earnings are considered eligible for benefit calculation purposes. Choose the rule that is used as the Eligible Prior Period Adjustment Earnings rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00UserCalc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.

This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided prior period earnings.
01*Use Earnings from ElementSpecify the name of the <Element> on the component.

The value of the element will be used as prior period earnings.

B0328 Eligible Workers’ Compensation Earnings WP88
This component specifies which earnings are considered eligible for benefit calculation purposes.

Choose the rule that is used as the Eligible Workers’ Compensation Earnings rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
00UserCalc OnlySpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.

This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided special compensation amount.
01*Use Earnings from ElementSpecify the name of the <Element> on the component.

The value of the element will be used as special compensation amount.

B0360 Regular Earnings (Sequence 585) WP12
This is the regular eligible earnings used to calculate the prior period contribution for FRS. The regular earnings amount replaces any previously calculated amount. Choose the rule that is used as the Regular Earnings rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Replace Enrollment ValueReplaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated normal member earnings value.

A <PC Code> must be indicated.

B0361 Lump Sum Leave Pay Earnings (Sequence 586) WP21
This is the lump sum leave pay earnings used to calculate the prior period contribution for FRS. The lump sum leave pay earnings amount replaces any previously calculated amount.

Choose the rule that is used as the Lump Sum Leave Pay Earnings rule
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Replace Enrollment ValueReplaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated prior period earnings value.

A <PC Code> must be indicated.

B0363 Prior Period Adjustment Earnings (Sequence 587) WP12
This is the prior period adjustment earnings used to calculate the prior period contribution for FRS. The prior period earnings amount replaces any previously calculated amount.

Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Adjustment Earnings rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Replace Enrollment ValueReplaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated retroactive salary earnings value.

A <PC Code> must be indicated.

B0368 Workers’ Compensation Earnings (Sequence 589) WP88
This is the worker’s compensation earnings used to calculate the prior period contribution for FRS. The worker’s compensation earnings amount replaces any previously calculated amount.

Choose the rule that is used as the Workers Compensation Earnings rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Replace Enrollment ValueReplaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated special compensation amount value.

A <PC Code> must be indicated.

B0380 Lump Sum Leave Pay Hours (Sequence 589) WP21
This component is used to store Annual Leave Hours for Florida Retirement System (FRS), only. It may not be used alone and must be used in conjunction with Component B0321, which stores the Annual Leave Pay Amounts.

Choose the rule that is used as the Lump Sum Leave Pay Hours
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go to
01*Replace Enrollment ValueReplaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated special compensation amount value.

An <Element> must be indicated.

A <PC Code> must be indicated.

B0800 - B0899 Employer Contributions #

B0800 Contribution Rate
This component specifies the source of the contribution rate to be used by B0800’s Rule 11.

Choose the rule that is used as the Contribution Rate rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go To
00Use Value from UserCalcSpecify the name of the <User Calc> on the component.

The UserCalc must be of the type `Function`, with a return value of the type `Numeric`. Use the RET operator to return the numeric value.

This value is interpreted by the component as a user provided contribution rate.
01*Use Specified ValueSpecify the <BC Value> on the component.

The specified value is used as the contribution rate.
02*Use Value from Coverage Rate StepUses the contribution rate from the Rates tab. B0810
03Use Value from EnrollmentSpecify the value on the employee’s enrollment.

The specified value is used as the contribution rate.

B0810 Regular Contribution Calculation Method WP12
This component determines how the regular contribution amount will be calculated.

Choose the rule that is used as the Regular Contribution Calculation Method rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go To
11*Percentage of Eligible EarningsMultiplies the contribution rate (B0800) by the eligible earnings (B0360).B0800

B0811 Lump Sum Leave Pay Contribution Calculation Method WP21
This component determines how the lump sum leave pay contribution amount will be calculated.

Choose the rule that is used as the Lump Sum Leave Pay Contribution Calculation Method rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go To
11*Percentage of Eligible EarningsThe contribution rate (B0800) divided by 100 multiplied by the Lump Sum Leave Pay Earnings (B0361).B0800

B0813 Prior Period Adjustment Contribution Calculation Method WP12
This component determines how the prior period adjustment contribution amount will be calculated.

Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Adjustment Contribution Calculation Method rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go To
11*Percentage of Eligible EarningsThe contribution rate (B0800) divided by 100 multiplied by the Prior Period Adjustment Earnings (B0363).B0800

B0818 Workers’ Compensation Contribution Method WP88
This component determines how the workers’ compensation contribution amount will be calculated.

Choose the rule that is used as the Workers’ Compensation Contribution Calculation Method rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go To
11*Percentage of Eligible EarningsThe contribution rate (B0800) divided by 100 multiplied by the Workers’ Compensation earnings (B0368).B0800

B0840 Regular Contribution Amount WP12
This component determines whether the contribution amount replaces any previously calculated amount, or adds to it.

Choose the rule that is used as the Regular Contribution Amount rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go To
01*Replace Value on EnrollmentReplaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.

A <PC Code> must be indicated.
02Accumulate Value to EnrollmentAccumulates the newly calculated contribution amount into the existing enrollment value. B0841

B0841 Lump Sum Leave Pay Contribution Amount WP21
This component stores the lump sum leave pay contribution amount calculated. This is the final lump sum pay contribution amount for FRS.

Choose the rule that is used as the Lump Sum Leave Pay Contribution Amount rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go To
01*Replace Value on EnrollmentReplaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.

A <PC Code> must be indicated.

B0843 Prior Period Adjustment Contribution Amount WP12
This component stores the prior period adjustment contribution amount calculated. This is the final prior period adjustment contribution amount for FRS.

Choose the rule that is used as the Prior Period Adjustment Contribution Amount rule.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go To
01*Replace Value on EnrollmentReplaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.

A <PC Code> must be indicated.

B0848 Workers’ Compensation Contribution Amount WP88
This component stores the workers’ compensation contribution amount calculated. This is the final workers’ compensation contribution amount for FRS.

Choose the rule that is used as the Workers’ Compensation Contribution Amount.
RuleDescriptionLogicAssoc.Go To
01*Replace Value on EnrollmentReplaces the enrollment value with the newly calculated contribution amount.

A <PC Code> must be indicated.

Sample FRS Plan #

In this example the coverage is for HA – Regular Employees. FRS is processed biweekly.
0010 – 0299Pre-processing/Qualification
0300 – 0399Eligible Earnings/Amounts
0800 – 0899Employer Contributions
This is a sample, so the Pay Element and Pay Components may be renamed to best suit your set up. This sample has also been written so you can follow a Work Period Code's complete set up.
B0020 Enrollment Base Date02 Hire Date
B0030 Enrollment Effective Date01 Use Base Date
B0070 Effective Date01 Calculate Effective Date
B0080 Eligibility Base Date02 Hire Date
B0090 Eligibility Date Rule01 Use Base Date
B0130 Eligibility Date01 Calculate Eligible Date
B0140 Premium Start Date01 Use Effective Date
B0150 Expire Base Date02 Termination Date
B0160 Expire Date Rule01 Use Base Date
B0200 Expire Date01 Calculate Expire Date
B0210 Eligibility End Base Date02 Termination Date
B0220 Eligibility End Date Rule01 Use Base Date
B0260 Eligibility End Date01 Calculate Eligible End Date
B0270 Premium End Date01 Use Expiration Date
B0320 Eligible Regular Earnings01 Use Earnings from Element12FRS REG
B0360 Regular Eligible Earnings01 Replace Enrollment Value12 6800 – FRS Reg Earns
B0800 Contribution Rate02 Use Value from Coverage Rate StepALL ER Rate (%) = 10.15
B0810 Regular Contribution Method11 Percentage of Eligible Earnings12
B0840 Regular Contribution Amount01 Replace Enrollment Value12 4800 – FRS Reg ER
B0321 Eligible Lump Sum Leave Pay Earnings01 Use Earnings from Element21FRS LUMP
B0361 Lump Sum Leave Pay Eligible Earnings01 Replace Enrollment Value21 6801 – FRS Lump Earns
B0811 Lump Sum Leave Pay Contribution Method11 Percentage of Eligible Earnings21
B0841 Lump Sum Leave Pay Contribution Amount01 Replace Enrollment Value21 4801 – FRS Lump ER
B0323 Eligible Prior Period Adjustment Earnings01 Use Earnings from Element12FRS PP
B0363 Prior Period Adjustment Eligible Earnings01 Replace Enrollment Value12 6803 – FRS PP Earns
B0813 Prior Period Adjustment Contribution Method11 Percentage of Eligible Earnings12
B0843 Prior Period Adjustment Contribution Amount01 Replace Enrollment Value12 4803 – FRS PP ER
B0328 Eligible Workers’ Compensation Earnings01 Use Earnings from Element88FRS WC
B0368 Workers’ Compensation Eligible Earnings01 Replace Enrollment Value88 6808 – FRS WC Earns
B0818 Workers’ Compensation Contribution Method11 Percentage of Eligible Earnings88
B0848 Workers’ Compensation Contribution Amount01 Replace Enrollment Value88 4808 – FRS WC ER

Exceptions / Notes The sample provided previously is a fairly generic example. You and your consultant will need to discuss your specific requirements.

User Fields #

There are two mandatory user fields that need to be set up. FRS Position Number This user field is OPTIONAL and is attached to the Position Details table.

This is a SYSTEM updated user field.

TableUser Field NamePromptField TypeFld Seq

This user field is OPTIONAL. This user field is attached to the Position Details table.

This is a SYSTEM updated user field.

TableUser Field NamePromptField TypeFld Seq

Process FRS #

This update will process all FRS plans, and produce a flat file to be remitted.

The report can be produced only after the FRS plan/coverages are set up, employees properly enrolled, and payrolls have been closed. At payroll time, the benefit routine will be invoked, which populates the FRS Pay Components with values derived from pay components/elements as defined in the benefit components. Reporting will be done after the pay closes; it will extract the numbers from the benefit components and produce the FRS report using the required format.

Function RPFRS produces the FRS report and optionally the associated file for transmission.

The output file will contain exactly what is shown on the report.

Report FieldSourceNotes
Social Security NumberGovernment CodeP2K_HR_IDENTITIES
DepartmentDepartment CodeP2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS
Check DatePay Issue DateP2K_PR_PAY_HEADERS
Member Name (Last, First)Name (Last, First, M.)P2K_HR_IDENTITIES
Work PeriodDerived from Plans (IBPN)Derived from Earnings Pay Component attached to the Plan’s Benefit Components
Monthly SalaryDerived from Assignment (IEAS)Monthly Salary derived from the Wage Rate on the employee’s assignment.
Employee Contribution AmountN/A
Employer Contribution AmountDerived from Coverage (IBPN)The ER Rate on the coverage multiplied by the Pay Component containing the earnings
Leave HoursFrom PCThe hours in the Pay Component on Benefit Component B380
AdjustmentDerived from Coverage (IBPN)The ER Rate on the coverage multiplied by the Pay Component containing the earnings, when there is an amount in the Pay Component attached to B383

Form Definition Variables #

Modify the standard FRS file requirements using the IDFDV function for HL$FLPERS.

File Format Supported
Field IdentifierDescriptionSourceVariableNotes
CLASS CODEClass CodeNot Specified
PLANFRS Plan CodeData Base ColumnBPN.PLAN_CODE
WORK PERIODWork Period CodeNot Specified
ADJ CODEAdjustment CodeNot Specified
CHECK DATECheck DateNot Specified
EMPLOYEE NAMEEmployee Name (Last, First, MI)Not Specified
SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBEREmployee Social Security NumberData Base ColumnEID.GOVERNMENT_CODE
DATE OF BIRTHDate of Birth (DOB)Data Base ColumnEID.BIRTH_DATE
SEXEmployee GenderData Base ColumnEID.GENDER
ADDRESS LINE 1Employee Address Line OneData Base ColumnEPS.ADDRESS_LINE_1
ADDRESS LINE 2Employee Address Line TwoData Base ColumnEPS.ADDRESS_LINE_2
EE CONTRIBUTIONEmployee Contribution AmountPay ComponentFRS EE
ER CONTRIBUTIONEmployer Contribution AmountPay ComponentFRS ER
REPORT PERIODReport PeriodNot Specified
ANNUAL LEAVE HOURSAnnual Leave HoursPay Component
AGENCYAgency NumberConstant
REPORT FORMAT CODEReport Format CodeConstant
REPORT PERIOD CDReport Period (MMYYYY)Not Specified
TRTrailer Record IdentifierConstant
DETAIL RECORD COUNTDetail Record CountNot Specified

Notes #

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