Table NameAliasDescription
INF_CV_ACCRUALS Used to import employee accruals into the software data structures.
INF_CV_APPLICATIONS Used to import candidate applications into the software data structures.
INF_CV_ASSESSMENTEVENTS Used to import employee and candidate assessment event information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_ASSESSMENTS Used to import assessments into the software data structures.
INF_CV_ASSIGNMENTS Used to import employee’s work assignment information and attendant data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_AUTHORIZATIONS Used to import Authorization Areas into the software data structures.
INF_CV_AUTHORIZEDJOBS Used to import authorized job information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_BANKS Used to import banking information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_CANDIDATES Used to import candidate information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_CAREERLADDERS Used to import career ladder information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_CAREEROBJECTIVES Used to import employee career objective information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_CDNPAYRULES Used to import Canadian taxation rules for employees into the software data structures.
INF_CV_CLASSREGISTRATIONS Used to import class registrations into the software data structures.
INF_CV_CLASSSCHEDULES Used to import class schedule information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_COMPETENCEUSAGES Used to import competence usages into the software data structures.
INF_CV_COMPETENCIES Used to import competency data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_CONTACTS Used to import employee contacts and general contacts into the software data structures.
INF_CV_COURSES Used to import course information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_DEPARTMENTS Used to import department codes and their attendant data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_DEVELOPMENTACTIVITIES Used to import development activities into the software data structures.
INF_CV_DEVELOPMENTPROGRAMS Used to import development programs into the software data structures.
INF_CV_DISBURSEMENTS Used to import historical employee payroll information at a disbursement level into the software data structures.
INF_CV_EDUCATIONS Used to import employee and candidate education information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_EMPLOYMENTS Used to import employee’s employment information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_ENROLLMENTS Used to import the list of benefit plans and coverage’s that an employee has elected to participate in into the software data structures.
INF_CV_ENTITIES Used to import entity codes and their attendant data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_EVENTSITES Used to import event site information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_EXPERIENCES Used to import employee experience data, for automatic wage increases, into the software data structures.
INF_CV_GLFUNDS Used to import gl fund information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_GLSEGMENTVALUES Used to import General Ledger code segments into the software data structures.
INF_CV_GROUPS Used to import group codes and their attendant data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_JOBPROFILES Used to import job profile data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_JOBS Used to import job codes and their attendant data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_JOURNALENTRIES Used to import journal entry data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_LEAVELINES Used to import employee absence information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_LOCATIONS Used to import location codes and their attendant data into the software data structures
INF_CV_MATRICES Used to import salary review matrices into the software data structures.
INF_CV_MILITARIES Used to import employee military records into the software data structures.
INF_CV_ORGLEVELS Used to import organization levels and related department codes into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PAYHEADERS Used to import historical employee payroll information at a summary level into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PAYLINES Used to import pay lines into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PAYMENTRULES Used to import the rules for disbursing an employee’s pay into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PAYPCAMOUNTS Used to import historical employee payroll information at a detailed pay component level into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PAYRUNS Used to import historical payroll information at a payrun level into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PERSONALS Used to import employee identity and personal information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PERSONNELACTIONS Used to import employee personnel action data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PNACCOUNTS Used to import pension account information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PNACTIVITIES Used to import pension activity information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PNEVALUATIONS Used to import pension evaluation information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PNPAYMENTS Used to import pension payment data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PNRECIPIENTS Used to import pension recipient data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_POSITIONS Used to import position codes and their attendant data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_POSTINGS Used to import posting data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PREMIUMS Used to import premium data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PROGRAMSTEPS Used to import training program step information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_PROPERTIES Used to import property information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_QUALIFICATIONS Used to import employee and candidate qualification information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_RANGES Used to import salary ranges and range rules into the software data structures
INF_CV_RECIPIENTS Used to import information about the recipients and beneficiaries of employee benefit plans into the software data structures.
INF_CV_REFERENCES Used to import employee and candidate references information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_RESUMES Used to import employee and candidate resumes into the software data structures.
INF_CV_REVIEWS Used to import employee review information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_SCALES Used to import salary scales and steps into the software data structures.
INF_CV_STATISTICS Used to import statistic components and amounts for employees into the software data structures.
INF_CV_SUNDRYLINES Used to import miscellaneous and sundry transactions into the software data structures.
INF_CV_TEAMPOSTS Used to import the team post data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_TODATES Used to import employee’s to-date (YTD, MTD, QTD) amounts into the software data structures.
INF_CV_TRAININGNEEDS Used to import employee training needs into the software data structures.
INF_CV_TRAININGSUPPLIERS used to import the training suppliers data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_UNITS Used to import unit codes and their attendant data into the software data structures.
INF_CV_USPAYRULES Used to import the rules for employee taxation into the software data structures.
INF_CV_WORKAREAS Used to import work areas into the software data structures.
INF_CV_WORKHISTORIES Used to import candidate work history information into the software data structures.
INF_CV_WORKRULES Used to import work rule codes and their attendant data into the software data structures.

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