Alias: IVBBR#


The INF_CV_RECIPIENTS table is used to import information about the recipients and beneficiaries of employee benefit plans into the software data structures.

Table Columns#

Column nameData Type / SizeMand.Notes
IDNumber(10) Used internally to define a unique identification for the record. This field would not be loaded.
ENTITY_CODEVarchar2(16)YUsed for validation of the employment record. Validation: The Entity Code provided must be defined on P2K_CM_ENTITIES
PERSON_CODEVarchar2(16)YUsed for validation of the employment record. Validation: Must be a valid PERSON_CODE already defined on the P2K_HR_IDENTITIES table.
EMPLOYMENT_TYPEVarchar2(30) Validation: The employee must have an active employment record for this employment type. Must be one of the fixed lexicon values from X_EMPLOYMENT_TYPE. Derivation: If you do not provide an employment type value, the conversion application will look for any P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS record that matches the other criteria. Suggestion: If you are loading employees, you can set this field to a fixed value of ‘01’.
HIRE_DATEDate() Used for validation of the employment record. Derivation: If you do not provide a hire date, the conversion application will look for any P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS record that matches the other criteria. Validation: Must be a valid date.
START_DATEDate()YValidation: Must be a valid date.
END_DATEDate() Validation: Must be a valid date.
CREATE_DATEDate() This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
CREATE_USERVarchar2(30) This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
CHANGE_DATEDate() This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
CHANGE_USERVarchar2(30) This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.

Notes #

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