The Maintain Identity Info screen allows you to maintain identity information using a personnel action.
Maintain Identity Info data is stored in the P2K_SA_PERSONNEL_ACTIONS and P2K_HR_IDENTITIES tables.
Personnel Action Request#
- PA #
- This field displays the PA which will maintain the identity information.
- Takes Effect
- The date the PA takes effect will be displayed in this field.
- Change Reason
- This field provides the reason for the data change.
- Initiate PA
- This button will allows you to initiate a Personnel Action for the employee in focus.
- Cancel PA
- This button allows you to cancel the PA by pressing this button, once pressed the status will change to 'Cancelled'.
- Photo Location
- This field holds the name for the file containing the employee's picture.
- Person Code
- This field holds the unique code or number assigned to this employee by the organization (i.e. employee number, personal ID number, badge number).
- Govt Code Origin
- This field indicates the country associated with the government code provided.
- Gov't Code
- U.S.A.: This field displays the employee’s Social Security Number (SSN). Canada: This field displays the employee’s Social Insurance Number (SIN).
- Gov’t Code Verified
- If this toggle is ON, the government code has been verified. If this toggle is OFF, the government code has not been verified.
- Salutation
- This field uses the usual forms of address (i.e. Ms, Mr., Dr, etc.).
- First Name
- This field displays the first name legally used by the employee.
- Middle Name
- This is the employee's middle name or initial(s).
- Last Name
- This is the legal surname of the employee, as specified on their SSN/SIN card.
- Rank
- This field shows any name extension (i.e. Jr., Sr., III etc.) the employee may have.
- Drivers License
- This field holds the employee’s driver’s license number.
- Date of Birth
- This is the date of birth of the employee (used for tax and benefit purposes).
- Age
- This field shows the age of the employee in years.
- Birthplace
- This field indicates the employee's place or country of birth.
- Gender
- This field indicates whether the employee is male or female.
- Ethnicity
- This field displays the employee’s ethnicity.
- Submit PA
- This is an action button which allows you to submit the PA for review. When pressed a dialog will appear asking you to verify the changes by pressing OK or Cancel. The status of the PA will then change to 'Submitted'.
- Process PA
- This is an action button which will update the employee's records with the changed detail of the PA. The status of the PA will be updated to 'Completed'.