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Entity - Table Names#

Entities are identified in the Entity Relationship Diagrams as a singular name (i.e. DEPARTMENT). The table name can be derived from the entity name on the diagram by noting this name, and the module that the ERD reflects (HR, PR, etc.) which is CM (Common Definitions) for DEPARTMENT.

The table name is assembled by the prefix (P2K_), the module abbreviation (CM_) and then the entity name in plural (DEPARTMENTS) thus: P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS. If the entity name has multiple words then these are separated by underscores (i.e. P2K_PR_PAY_LINE_DETAILS) If the plural of the entity name is an irregular ending, then the correct pluralization applies (i.e. P2K_HR_IDENTITIES from the IDENTITY entity)

View Names#

View names are similarly constructed to table names but it is differentiated as a view by the inclusion of a letter "V" at the beginning of the third section. For example, P2K_HR_EMPLOYMENTS is a table name, P2K_HR_VEMPLOYMENTS is a view that references this table and P2K_HR_IDENTITIES together.

Function Names#

Professional Interface#

1. First character indicates the type of function 2. Second letter indicates the module that this function belongs to (.e.g M = Administration P = Payroll etc.)
3. The rest of the letters are a useful mnemonic of what the function is intended to do. For interactive screens, it is often the table alias of the table primarily maintained (e.g. IEID is an Interactive screen that maintains the EID table, UPCALC is an Update process for Payroll CALCulation)

Self Service Interface#

Lexicon Names#

Lexicons that are provided as part of the system start with "X_" and then have the name of the field that they are associated to. There are cases where a lexicon name does not correspond to the field name it is referenced from, but this is usually when there is another field that would utilize the same set of values.