The Sundry Lines Interface File screen is used to import miscellaneous and sundry transactions into the software data structures. Sundry transaction lines are transactions, usually of recurring nature, that are not attached to a specific pay period and that have a processing frequency associated with them.

Sundry Lines Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_SUNDRYLINES table.

Tab 1#

This field uniquely identifies the sundry lines record within the data base.
This field identifies the entity associated with the sundry line.
Person Code
This field identifies the person associated with the sundry line.
Employment Type
The person's employment type is displayed in this field.
Date of Hire
The employee's date of hire is displayed in this field.
Processing frequencies indicates how often this payroll item (deduction, benefit, etc.) is processed from P2K_PR_FREQUENCIES.
Sundry Line Type
This field indicates whether the sundry line is for a regular amount, an arrears amount, or a retro pay amount.
Start Date/End Date
These dates show the beginning and ending time of the sundry transaction.
Pay Component
This field shows the pay component associated with sundry line. Only pay components with the toggle ‘Enter Sundry’ turned on from the IPPC form will be accessible.
This is the unit code from the sundry’s assignment
This is the group code from the sundry’s assignment
This is the position code from the sundry’s assignment
This is the job code from the sundry’s assignment
Leave Type
The leave type associated with the sundry will be displayed in this field.
This field displays the benefit plan associated with the sundry line.
User Calc
This field shows the UserCalc that may be attached to the pay component chosen.
Country Name
The entity's associated country is displayed in this field.
The entity's associated state or province is displayed in this field.
Tax Jurisdiction
The entity's tax jurisdiction is displayed in this field.

Tab 2#

Assignment Start Date
The first date of the associated assignment is displayed in this field.
The associated assignment is displayed in this field.
Time Used
Pay Point Type
This field indicates the type of logic that is assigned to a pay point.
Pay Line Task
This field identifies the item being processed within the pay point in the payroll calculation.
Pay Point Seq #
This field defines the order of the tasks within each pay point type.
Time Entered
This field shows the amount or time entered for the pay component indicated.
Time Basis
This field holds the unit of measure that the time value is being expressed in.
WC Class
This field shows the Workers’ Compensation derived from the assignment indicated for this sundry line.
Distribution Mask
This field holds the sundry’s overridden distribution mask applicable for all its sundry details within the DR and CR journal entry posting.
Reference Information
This field displays any notes or references for the sundry.
Audit Text
This field will display the exception text generated for this line.
Work Order
Work Order is used to define work orders attached to a specific sundry.
Cost Center
Cost Center is used to define a short cut for the cost center information attached to a specific sundry.
Income Proration
This field shows the proration of the annual value of an employee’s sundry.
This field is used to associate a Sundry Calendar from IDCL to a Sundry Line.
Pay Component
This field shows the pay component code(s) that default in from the Sundry transaction pay component code entered at the top of the screen
PC Action
The PC Action determines whether a transaction item entered under this pay component will be accumulated to the total value of the pay component, replace a prior transaction item, trigger a user calculation, or suppress a user calculation.
This field indicates how the pay component amount is used.
This field shows the element that is to be used according to the pay component details set up.

Tab 3#

User Variable
This field shows the user variable that may be used according to the pay component details set up.
Calculation Method
This field indicates the method by which an amount is calculated.
This field provides a free form description of the sundry line.
Wage Rate
This field shows the wage rate derived from the pay component rule.
O/R Wage Rate
The wage rate that overrides the default rate is displayed in this field.
The rate basis for the wage rate is displayed in this field.
O/R Basis
The rate basis for the override wage rate is displayed in this field.
Amount $
This field shows the amount calculated as a result of applying the PC Calc Method.
O/R Amount $
This field displays the override amount.
O/R User Rate
This field displays an override to the user variable amount.
Distribution DR Mask
The distribution mask contains the distribution derived from the assignment, position, or job, overlaid by the distribution mask based on the debit GL code of the pay component.
Distribution CR Mask
The distribution mask contains the distribution derived from the assignment, position, or job, overlaid by the distribution mask based on the credit GL code of the pay component.
Rate Source
This field indicates from where the wage rate is derived.
Higher of Rate
This field applies the rate based on the assignment rate.
Pay Number
This field displays the pay number attached to the pay transaction.
This field displays any statistic associated with the sundry line.

Notes #

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