The Personal Interface File screen is used to import personal records into the software data structures.
Personal Interface File data is maintained on the INF_CV_PERSONALS table.
Tab 1#
- ID
- This field uniquely identifies the personal record within the data base.
- Person Code
- This field identifies the person associated with the personal record.
- User
- This field identifies the user associated with the personal record.
- Gov't Code
- This field identifies the person's government identification number (SSN/SIN).
- First Name/Last Name
- This field provides person's name.
- Date of Birth
- The person's date of birth is provided in this field.
- Gender
- The person's gender is displayed in this field.
- Language
- The person's primary language is identified in this field.
- Ethnic
- This field identifies the individual's ethnic background.
- Middle Name
- This field identifies the individual's middle name, if applicable.
- Salutation
- This field identifies the title of the individual.
- Rank
- This field provides the individual's name extension. (i.e. JR., SR., II)
- Birthplace
- The person's place of birth is displayed in this field.
- Challenged
- This field indicates if the individual is physically challenged.
- Veteran Status
- This field indicates if the candidate is a veteran.
- Govt Code Verified
- This field indicates if the government code has been verified as a legitimate code for that individual.
- Photo Location
- This field holds the name for the file containing the employee's picture, if applicable
- Drivers License
- This field holds
Tab 2#
- Govt Code Origin
- Effective as of
- Expires On
- Change Reason
- Tax Jurisdiction
- Address 1
- Address 2
- City/Town
- State/Province
- Country Name
- Zip Code
- Mail Address 1
- Mail Address 2
- Mailing City/Town
- Mailing State
- Mailing Country
- Mailing Zip Code
- Phone Unlisted
- Phone #
- Alt. Phone #
Tab 3#
- Cellular #
- Fax #
- Email
- Marital Status
- Date of Marriage
- Number of Dependents
- Years of Education
- Transportation
- Bonded Status
- Citizen Status
- Foreign ID
- Country of Citizenship
- School
- User Field Value 1 - 10
Screen captures are meant to be indicative of the concept being presented and may not reflect the current screen design.
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