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Worker Information provides information such as when employees are pre-authorized for specific jobs in specific departments or when an employee has a work restriction such as “will not work on Saturday”.

Person Code
This field shows the unique code or number assigned to this employee by the organization.
(i.e. employee number, personal ID number, badge number). Person_Code from P2K_HR_IDENTITIES is a 10-character alphanumeric mandatory field.
Work Division
A subdivision of an operational entity in a physical location such as a plant, factory, mill,
store, restaurant, theater, casino, police force, fire service, treatment plant, hospital, school or campus, overseen by a manager or director of operations. A work division is generally subdivided into a number of work areas where work is performed. This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the work division, a subdivision within an entity. Work_Division_Code from P2K_TS_WORK_DIVISIONS is a 16-character alphanumeric optional field you may either manually enter or select a value from the LOV(F9) provided.
Seniority Date
This field shows the date that the employee will gain seniority in this assignment. Seniority_Date is an optional date you may manually enter or select a value from the calendar (F9).
Seniority Sequence
The order that the data must be displayed or processed Senority_Sequence is a 5-character numeric optional field you may manually enter.

Worker Preferences and Availability tab#


Worker Availability
This field indicates whether the Worker is available to be scheduled. Worker_Availability is an optional field which you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_WORKER_AVAILABILITY.
Selected Shift
This field indicates the employees selected shift they will be available to be scheduled into. Selected_Shift from P2K_TS_SHIFTS is a 10-character alphanumeric optional field you may either manually enter or select a value from the LOV(F9) provided.
Selected Work Area
This field indicates the selected Work Area for this employee. Selected_Work_Area from P2K_TS_WORK_AREAS is a 10-character alphanumeric optional field you may either manually enter or select a value from the LOV(F9) provided.
1st Pref Day Off
This field indicates the 1st preferred day off for this employee. e.g. Monday, Tuesday, Weekdays, Weekends, etc. Day_Of_Week_Off_1 is an optional field which you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_DAY_OF_WEEK.
2nd Pref Day Off
This field indicates the 2nd preferred day off for this employee. Day_Of_Week_Off_2 is an optional field which you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_DAY_OF_WEEK.
3rd Pref Day Off
This field indicates the 2rd preferred day off for this employee. Day_Of_Week_Off_3 is an optional field which you may fill from the fixed lexicon X_DAY_OF_WEEK.
# of Shifts per Week
Records the number of shifts this employee will work in a week. This is an optional numeric field. Desired_Shifts_Per_Week
Selected Shift Bids
These fields shows the specific shifts the employees is scheduled for based on day of the week. These fields are used by the UTBPR program to schedule an employee into a specific shift on a specific day of the week. 16-character alphanumeric codes field the user must manually enter or use the LOV from P2K_TS_SHIFTS.

Primary Assignment Information tab#