Clock devices may be used to record employee in/out times. The ITCD function is used to define and maintain clock device records.
Clock device codes must be unique within an entity.
Clock devices may be designated as active or not active.
Clock entries are accepted from only “active” clock devices.
A clock device may be assigned to a location, department, work area or workstation in order to associate all clock entries from that device to the specific area.
A clock device may be assigned to a cost center in order associate all clock entries from that device to the cost center.
If using Clock Devices in conjunction with the G1 or G2 interface, each terminal (i.e. time clock) should be given a Machine Name that corresponds to a Clock Device Code in ePersonality. This will be stored in the reference information of the clock entry.
Define Clock Devices data is stored in the P2K_TS_CLOCK_DEVICES table.
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