TYPE_UNDETERMINED is a toggle which will enable undetermined clock punches to be generated for the clock device.

If the system has at least one clock device that has “Generate undetermined punches” checked then the clock interpretation process that determines the clock type (IN /OUT) is executed.

Undetermined punch means any clock entry that is coming from a device that has Type Undetermined checked (ITCD screen) or a flat-file with punches w/o type.

The clock interpretation process determines the next clock entry type based on the previous clock entry type unless “Interpreter save limit time”(hard code to 14 hours) is reached.
Other considerations:

  • Any clock entry with costing information will be considered as IN and the “Interpreter save limit time” does not have any impact.
  • Any determined clock entries will not be eligible for interpretation
  • The process will do future interpretation (after the current clock entry date) until:
    • The determined clock entry found
    • Clock entry with costing information is found
    • The time between clocks is greater than “Interpreter save limit time”
Clock interpreter is implemented in :

  • UTCIO -Process Daily Employee Clock Ins and Outs
    The source for data can be is P2K_TS_CLOCK_ENTRIES or a flat-file that will be loaded during this process in the P2K_TS_CLOCK_ENTRIES table

  • Pre Commit trigger in Clock Entries business class

  • In ITCE when you click the “Process Entry” button

  • In any Add Missing Punch dialogs

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