At any time after pays have been disbursed the detail of what was done per employee may be viewed.

The manage disbursements form will allow you to view the disbursement information for each employee.

Each tab on the form will display the related data for that disbursement record.

For more information on disbursements see HOW TO SET UP FOR DISBURSEMENTS.

The tabs associated with this form are for VIEWING ONLY, you will not be able to alter the information through the IPDS form.
Pay #
This field displays the pay # for the disbursement.
Pay Period
This field displays the pay period for the disbursement.
Pay Category
This field displays the pay category for the disbursement.
Pay Run
This field displays the pay run number for the disbursement.
Batch #
This field displays the batch number for the disbursement.
Pay Issued
This field displays the date the disbursements were issued.
Disbursement Amount
This field displays the total dollar amount of the disbursement.
This field shows the status of the check

Checks tab#

This tab will display any checks associated with the pay date. The information here will be defaulted in from the P2K_PR_CHECKS table.
Check #
This field displays the check number of the check issued with this pay period.
This field shows the dollar amount of the check.
Check Type
This field categorizes the check into a specific type.
  • Computer Check
  • Hand Written Check
  • Replacement Check
  • Void Check
Check Status
This field indicates the status of the check.
Paid to Order Of
This field indicates to whom the check is issued.
The date that the check was cleared will be displayed in this field.
The date that the check was reconciled will be displayed in this field.
If this toggle is ON, the check has been printed.

Deposits tab#

Deposit #
This field will display the number of the deposit made during this pay period.
Account #
The account where this deposit is being made to is displayed in this field.
The transit number of the bank where this deposit is being made is shown in this field.
Bank Name
This field shows the name of the bank where this deposit is being made.
This field shows the dollar amount of the deposit being made.
Start Date
This field shows the date this deposit was created.
This field displays the status of the deposit.
  • Deposit Issued
  • Deposit Returned
  • Deposit Reversed
Pren. Date
The date for which this deposit is pre-noted will be displayed in this field.
If this toggle is ON, this deposit has been printed.

Earnings, Deduction, Benefit & Other tabs#

This field shows the pay component being defined
The abbreviated name of this pay component will be displayed in this field.
This is the rate used to derive the amount in this pay component. (If applicable)
This field shows the basis used for this rate.
This field shows the time associated with this pay component. (If applicable)
Amount $
This field displays the calculated amount for this pay component.
This field shows this pay component’s amount for the pay period.
This field shows this pay component’s amount for the month up to this pay period.
This field shows this pay component’s amount for the quarter up to this pay period.
This field shows this pay component’s year to date amount up to this pay period.
This field shows this pay component’s amount for the fiscal up to this pay period.

Notes tab#

The Notes tab will display any associated messages.
Note Type
If the notes are to show on your disbursements, you must select ‘UPDISB’ as the Note Type.
Note Text
This field is used to hold the actual message that will appear on the disbursement.

Invoices TAB#

This tab will show payments made to vendor invoices. The vendor is assigned an ‘employee number’ so they may be added to a vendor payroll.

Person Code
This field will identify any employee (by their employee number) from whom a deduction was taken for the vendor invoice.
Last Name
The last name of the employee is displayed.
First Name
The first name of employee is displayed.
Invoice Number
The invoice being paid with this disbursement will be indicated in this field.
The date of the invoice is provided in this field.
Period Start Date
The first day of the pay period will be indicated here.
Period End Date
The last day of the pay period will be indicated here.
Pay Issue Date
The date indicated here is the pay issue date of the employee pay.
Pay Run Number
This field displays the pay run number of the employee pay.
The pay component associated with the vendor deduction.
The abbreviated description of the pay component will be shown here.
The total amount of the employee deduction will be shown here.
Invoice Reference
This field holds the invoice number associated with the employee deduction.

Accruals tab#

The Accruals tab displays the attendance leave accrual values for the employee for the disbursement record. These records are ‘as of’ the last pay calculated, when there are multiple pays for a disbursement.
Pay Period
This field shows the pay period for which these accruals are given.
End Date
This field shows the end date of the pay period.
Pay #
This field displays the pay number in the year for which the accruals are given.
This field shows the category of pay. e.g. regular, replacement, future
Leave Type
This field displays the type of leave currently being viewed.e.g. sick, vacation, bereavement
This field defines the time period (hour, day, week, year) used with the value provided in the previous field.
A short description of the leave type is provided in this field.
Evaluation Date
This field shows the date in which the accruals were evaluated.
Prior Year Owing
This field shows any time left over from the previous year.
Prior Year Adjustment
If an adjustment has been made to the prior year owing, that adjustment will be shown here.
Total Prior Year
This field will display the sum of the prior year with any adjustments made to it.
Current Year Entitlement
This is the time entitlement for the current year.
Total Allowed
If there is a limit to the amount that can be taken, this field will show that amount.
Less Year Taken
This field shows the current amount taken this year.
Current Time Earned
This field defines the current amount of time the employee has earned for this leave.
Current Time Used
This field defines the current amount of time the employee has used for this leave.
Current Time Owing
This is amount of time currently owning.
Term Time Owing
This is the time owed to the employee upon termination.
Prior Year Owing
This field shows the dollar amount of any accrual from the previous year.
Prior Year Adjustment
If an adjustment needs to be made to the previous amount owing, that adjustment will be shown here.
Total Prior Year
This field will display the sum of the prior year dollar amount with adjustments made to it.
Current Year Earned
This field shows the dollar amount of the time earned during the current year.
Total Earned
This is the total of the amount earned during the prior and current year.
Current Amount Owing
This is the dollar amount currently owing.
Term Amount Owing
This is the amount owed to the employee upon termination

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page