Table of Contents
The Maintain Current Scheduled Reports (IMMSR) allows you maintain scheduled reports.
Data for the 'Maintain Current Scheduled Reports' screen is maintained on the P2K_AM_EXECUTIONS and P2K_AM_PARAMETER_VALUES tables.
- Function
- This field identifies the scheduled report.
- Status
- This field shows the status of the execution log.
- Schedule Start Date
- The date the report/execution are scheduled for are displayed in this field.
- Scheduled By
- The individual who scheduled the execution is identified in this field.
Scheduling Options#
- Frequency
- This field specifies how often the process will run.
- Frequency Amount
- This field specifies the interval of time between runs if the Frequency is “Every”, expressed in the time basis of the Frequency Option. (e.g. a value of 2 with a basis of ‘Days’ means ‘Every 2 Days’)
- Frequency Option
- This field specifies the time basis of the Frequency Amount. (e.g. minutes, days, hours, weeks, months) based on the fixed lexicon.
- Day Repeat
- This field specifies which weekday of the month the process should be run on. (e.g. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth).
- Weekdays
- This field identifies which day of the week the process should run on. (e.g. Mon, Tues, Wed, ...)
- Schedule Expiry Date
- This field allows you indicate when the repeat run process will end.
- Manage This Execution in IMEX