The Maintain Current Scheduled Reports (IMMSR) allows you maintain scheduled reports.

Data for the 'Maintain Current Scheduled Reports' screen is maintained on the P2K_AM_EXECUTIONS and P2K_AM_PARAMETER_VALUES tables.

This field identifies the scheduled report.
This field shows the status of the execution log.
Schedule Start Date
The date the report/execution is scheduled for is displayed in this field.
Scheduled By
The individual who scheduled the execution is identified in this field.

Scheduling Options#

Run Start Time
The time the report/execution is scheduled for is displayed in this field.
This field specifies how often the process will run.
Frequency Amount
This field specifies the interval of time between runs if the Frequency is “Every”, expressed in the time basis of the Frequency Option. (e.g. a value of 2 with a basis of ‘Days’ means ‘Every 2 Days’)
Frequency Option
This field specifies the time basis of the Frequency Amount. (e.g. minutes, days, hours, weeks, months) based on the fixed lexicon.
Day Repeat
This field specifies which weekday of the month the process should be run on. (e.g. First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth).
This field identifies which day of the week the process should run on. (e.g. Mon, Tues, Wed, ...)
Schedule Expiry Date
This field allows you indicate when the repeat run process will end.
Manage This Execution in IMEX

By using this button you can navigate to the Define Executions & Report Scheduling screen (IMEX). Any edits to the scheduled report can be made on the IMEX screen.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page