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Health Issues (IHHI) may be recorded in detail, covering information on the time, location, factors, prevention, plans to return to work, health claims, medical exams and lost time surrounding a specific incident.

The definition data for the Health Issues screen is stored in the P2K_SH_HEALTH_ISSUES table.

This field will display the entity that the employee works for.
Case #
This field displays a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the health issue case. This number can be changed after the record has been created.
If this health issue is associated with a safety incident, this field allows you to identify that incident. You may have a health issue without an incident, so the incident number is not required. Selecting an incident will automatically fill the ‘Date of Incident’ and ‘Date Reported’ fields below.
Incident Date
This field will display the date the incident took place.
This field will identify the employee who was injured by the incident. This is a mandatory field you must fill through the LOV. The link is to an assignment on IEAS (P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS) which will identify the employee and their position.
This field displays the name of any external person who may have been injured by the incident. The link to IECI (P2K_HR_CONTACTS) is made through the foreign key (ECT_ID_REGARDING)
In IHHI, any particular "Health Issue" is either for an Employee (Identity) or for a Contact. It can never be for both. When reporting on health issues, one must retrieve either Identity information OR Contact information.

Health Issue tab#

Once the ‘Injured Employee’ field has been selected, the entity, department and job fields will automatically fill with information from the IEAS screen. These fields may, however, be edited.
This field will display the department the employee is assigned to.
This field will display the employee’s job.
Health Issue Type
This field displays the nature of the incident.
Health Issue
This field identifies the reason for the health issue.
Privacy Case
OSHA requires that certain types of injuries, and any case in which the injured employee voluntarily requests that his or her name not be entered on the OSHA 300 log, that the phrase "Privacy Case" be entered instead. In all other cases, the injured employee's name must be printed on the reports. The RHOS report was modified such that IF the Privacy Case column is checked 'PRIVACY CASE' will show in place of the name.
Date of Incident
This field will display the date the incident took place.
Time of Incident
This field will display the time the incident occurred.
Time Started Work
This field will display the time the employee had started work before the incident.
Time Left Work
This field will display the time the employee left work because of the incident.
Reported By EE/Or Contact
These fields identify the individual who reported the health issue.
You may only complete one of these fields.
Date Reported
This field displays the date the issue was reported.
Time Reported
This field will display the time the issue was reported.
How Reported
This field will indicate how the issue was reported.
Health Issue Text
This field allows you to provide further information regarding the health issue text.

Causes tab#

Cause of Health Issue
This field allows you to describe the cause of the issue.
Task Being Performed
This field allows you to indicate the task being performed at the time of the incident.
Hazardous Conditions
This field allows you to indicate any hazardous conditions associated this issue.
Protective Apparel
This field allows you to indicate any protective apparel associated this issue.

Involved Factors tab#

Conducting Business
If this toggle is ON, the issue occurred while the employee was conducting business.
Regular Duties
If this toggle is ON, the issue occurred while the employee was performing regular duties.
Safeguards in Place
If this toggle is ON, proper safeguards were in place when the issue occurred.
Rules Obeyed
If this toggle is ON, the appropriate work place rules had been obeyed when the issue occurred.
Machine Failure
If this toggle is ON, the issue was a result of a machine failure.
Substance Abuse
If this toggle is ON, the issue was a result of substance abuse by one or more employees.
Safeguards Used
If this toggle is ON, the appropriate safeguards were used prior to this issue.
If this toggle is ON, the issue was reported anonymously.
Equipment Involved
This field allows you to indicate any equipment associated this issue.
Substance Involved
This field allows you to indicate any substances associated this issue.
Employee Prevention
This field allows you to detail preventative measures taken by the employee.
Employer Prevention
This field allows you to detail preventative measures taken by the employer.

Injury Details tab#

Injury Class
This field allows users to identify the nature of the injury.
Illness Class
This field allows the users to further classify the injury.
Developed Over Time
If this toggle is ON, the injury developed over time.
Cumulative Injury
If this toggle is ON, the injury is the cumulative result of multiple health issues.
Left Side Affected
If this toggle is ON, the health issue has affected the employee’s left side.
Right Side Affected
If this toggle is ON, the health issue has affected the employee’s right side.
Closest Relative
This field will display the closest relative or contact for the employee.
Date Last Exposed
This field displays the last date the employee was exposed to the health issue.
Disabled as of
If this issue resulted in disability, this field displays the date of the disability.
Deceased as of
If this issue resulted in a death, this field displays the date of the death.
Time of Death
If this issue resulted in a death, this field displays the time of the death. Please note that unless indicated otherwise, the time will default to ‘AM’. EG 4:30 PM must be inputted as either ‘430 PM’ or ‘1630’.
Injury List
This field allows you to list any injuries associated with this issue.
Body Part List
This field allows you to identify any body parts affected by this issue.
Previous Injury
This field allows you to describe any previous injury associated with the issue.

Work Plan tab#

Lost Time Class
This field allows you to identify the nature of the lost time.
Days Away from Work
This field allows you to identify the number of days the employee was away from work as a result of this health issue.
Days Restricted Work
This field allows you to identify the number of days the employee was on restricted work detail.
Estimated Future Days Lost
This field displays an estimate of how many days will be lost in the future for this employee.
Start of Lost Time
This field displays the first date of the lost time for this employee.
Returned to Partial Duties
This field indicates the date the employee returned to work partial duties.
Returned to Full Duties
This field indicates the date the employee returned to full work duties.
Widow Surviving
If this toggle is ON, the deceased employee has left a widow or widower.
Autopsy Performed
If this toggle is ON, an autopsy has been performed on the deceased employee.
Stopped Work Immediately
If this toggle is ON, the employee stopped work immediately when the health incident occurred.
Worked Next Day
If this toggle is ON, the employee returned to work the next day after the incident.
Paid for Day of Incident
If this toggle is ON, the employee was paid for the whole day on the day the incident occurred.
Pay Continuing
If this toggle is ON, the employee will be paid during the time they are away from work.
Will Modify Duties
If this toggle is ON, the employee will work modified duties.
Overtime Paid
If this toggle is ON, the employee was paid overtime.
Return to Work Plan
This field will allow you to describe the arrangement for the employee to return to work.

Health Claim tab#

The definition data for the Health Claims screen is stored in the P2K_SH_HEALTH_CLAIMS table
Claim Status
This field will display the current status of the claim.
Date Prepared
This field will display the date the claim was prepared.
Date Submitted
This field displays the date the claim was submitted.
Claim Amount
This field displays the cash amount of the claim.
Government Act
If this claim is covered under a government act, that legislation will be displayed here.
Prepared By EE / Or By Contact
These fields identify who prepared the claim.
You may only complete one of these fields.
Insured By
This field will indicate the organization that insured the employee. The link to IECI (P2K_HR_CONTACTS) is made through the foreign key ECT_ID_INSURED_BY.
3rd Party Adm
This field will display the name of any third party administrator, specifically, an individual or organization that administers workers compensation claims. The link to IECI (P2K_HR_CONTACTS) is made through the foreign key ECT_ID_THE_TPA.
This field allows you to reference the cost, for example, to an invoice number.
This field allows you to enter the health claim statement.

Medical Exam#

The definition data for the Medical Exam screen is stored in the P2K_SH_MEDICAL_EXAMS table.
Exam Date
This field will display the date of the medical exam.
Medical Type
This field displays the nature of the medical exam.
This field will display the current status of the medical exam.
Treatment Source
This field identifies the facility where the treatment is given.
Next Exam Date
This field will display the next exam date.
Performed By
You may indicate here the individual who performed the examination. The link to IECI (P2K_HR_CONTACTS) is an optional field you must fill through the LOV.
Conducted In
This field will display the name of the individual who conducted the exam. This is an optional field you must fill through the LOV. The link to IECI (P2K_HR_CONTACTS) is made through the foreign key ECT_ID_CONDUCTED_IN.
If this toggle is ON, the medical exam has been authorized.
If this toggle is ON, the exam will require the candidate to be hospitalized.
This field allows you to provide a description of the medical exam.
This field allows you to provide a reason for the medical exam.
This field allows you to record the results of the medical exam.

Health Cost tab#

The definition data for the Health Cost screen is stored in the P2K_SH_HEALTH_COSTS table.
Cost Date
This field will display the date the cost was incurred.
Cost Category
This field displays the nature of the cost.
Cost Amount
This field displays the actual amount of this health cost.
This field defines the currency that the cost amount is expressed in.
Employer %
This field will display the percent of the cost to be paid by the employer.
Payment Status
This field will display the current status of the payment for this cost.
Payment Method
This field will indicate how payment was made for this cost.
This field allows you to give a short description of the health cost being defined.
Cost Reference
This field allows you to reference the cost, for example, to an invoice number.

Time Details#

The definition data for the Time Lost Details screen is stored in the P2K_SH_TIME_LOST_DETAILS table.
This field identifies the employee involved in the incident.
Time Lost Code
This field allows you to provide a unique code to identify the lost time being recorded.
Start Date
This field identifies the first date of the time detail being recorded.
Time Value
This field displays the amount of time lost due to this health issue.
Time Basis
The time basis is the unit of measure that the time value is being expressed in.
Wage Rate
This field identifies the wage rate of the time lost associated to this health issue.
Rate Basis
The time basis is the unit of measure that the wage rate is being expressed in.
Reference Info
This field allows you to enter additional reference information about the time details.

Notes #

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