This section explains the Define Courses (ICRS) screen and its associated fields.
Courses may be established to provide specific training that will help individuals improve their levels of competence. Courses are not restricted to conventional classroom training courses; they may be self-paced learning, instructor led, on the job training, seminars, etc. Courses may be internally or externally prepared and conducted.
The definition data for the Define Course screen is maintained on the P2K_CP_COURSES,P2K_RE_CANDIDATES, P2K_CP_DEVELOPMENT_PROGRAMS, P2K_RE_JOB_PROFILES, and P2K_CP_TRAINING_RESOURCES table.
- Course
- This field is a user-defined code that uniquely identifies the course.
- Title
- This field displays the title of the course.
- Competence Group
- This field identifies the competence group associated with this course.
- Click to View Class Schedules
- By using this button you can toggle between the Class Schedules (ICRSC) screen and ICRS.
Main tab#
- Status
- This field identifies the status of the course.
- Type
- This field identifies whether the course is internal or external.
- Category
- This field identifies the category that the course falls under.
- Supplier
- This field identifies the source that supplies the course.
- Test Assessment
- This field identifies the assessment associated with this course.
- Survey Assessment
- This field identifies the survey assessment associated with this course.
- Start Date
- This field displays the date this course begins.
- End Date
- This field displays the date this course ends.
- Starting Day
- This field identifies the day of the week that the course will begin.
- Duration
- This field displays the duration of the course.
- Basis
- This field identifies the time basis that the previous field is expressed in.
- Repeat interval
- If the course needs to be retaken at set intervals.
i.e. A lifeguard may have to take their first aid training every year, this field identifies the repeat intervals for the course.
- Basis
- This field identifies the time basis that the previous field is expressed in.
- Required Grade
- This field identifies the grade required to complete this course.
- Language
- This field identifies the language that the course will be conducted in.
- External ID
- This field displays the course identification that is supplied by an external source.
- Registration #
- This field displays the registration number for the course.
- Format
- This field identifies the teaching format of the course.
- Web Address
- This field displays any web site address identified with the course.
- Sponsor
- This field identifies the individual or position advocating this course.
Details tab#
- Audience
- This field identifies the course’s target audience.
- Objectives
- This field identifies the objectives of the course.
- Fee Policy
- This field describes the fee policy for this course.
- Prerequisite
- This field identifies any prerequisites needed for this course.
- Course Text
- This field allows you to add any extra information about the course they may need to include.
- Font_HTML
- This is a future feature.
Fees tab#
- Fee Schedule
- This field identifies the fee schedule being used for this course.
- Start Date
- This field displays the first day of the fee schedule payments.
- End Date
- This field displays the end day of the fee schedule payments.
- Course Fee
- This field identifies the fee for the course.
- Currency
- This field displays the currency the course fee is expressed in.
- Description
- This field provides a short description of the fees being defined.
- Course Fee Text
- The field allows you to add any extra information about the course field.
Resources tab#
Definition data for the Resource screen is maintained on the
- Resource Type
- This field identifies the type of resource(s) needed for this course.
- Status
- This field will display the status of the resources.
- Source
- The source of the resource is identified in this field.
- Date Needed
- This identifies the date the resource is needed for.
- Date Booked
- This field will show the date the resource was booked.
- Cost
- The total cost of the resource may be displayed in this field.
- Currency
- This field displays the currency that the resource fee must be paid in.
- Description
- This field allows you to enter a short description of the resource.
- Reference
- This field allows you to provide further details on the resource.
- Resource Text
- This field allows you to add any additional information necessary about the resource.
Required tab#
This screen will identify prerequisites for the course being defined. The prerequisite is NOT a course, it is a competency achieved through a previous course.
For example, in order to take a keyboarding course, the candidate must have achieved a level competency in English.
- Category - Competence/Level
- This field identifies the competency category associated with this activity along with the actual competence level.
- Competence Group
- The group which the required competence belongs to will be displayed in this field.
- Weighting
- This field will display the weighting this step holds within the entire stage.
- Date Confirmed
- This field identifies the date this competency was confirmed as required.
- Confirmed Status
- This field displays the status of the competency.
- Start Date
- If the competency is date sensitive, this field displays the first date of that time frame.
- End Date
- If the competency is date sensitive, this field displays the last date of that time frame.
- Confirmation By
- This field identifies the individual who confirmed the competency.
Developed tab#
- Category - Competence/Level
- This field identifies the competency category associated with this activity along with the actual competence level.
- Competence Group
- The group which the developed competence belongs to will be displayed in this field. This field will be automatically filled once the ‘Category’ field has been completed. This data will default in from P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_CATEGORIES.
- Weighting
- This field will display weighting this step holds within the entire stage. The data for this field will automatically default in once the ‘Catagory” field has been completed. This information will come from P2K_CP_COMPETENCE_CATEGORIES.
- Date Confirmed
- This field displays the date the competency was confirmed.
- Confirmed Status
- This field displays the status of the competency confirmation.
- Start Date
- If the developed competency is date sensitive, this field displays the first date of that time frame.
- End Date
- If the developed competency is date sensitive, this field displays the last date of that time frame.
- Confirmation By
- This field identifies the individual who confirmed this competency.
Activities tab#
This form will display the names of individuals who are candidates for certain positions. The candidates identified in this screen may need the course to achieve a career objective.
This screen is for viewing only. The candidate will be associated to this course through the Plan Development Activities (ICDA) screen.
The actual data for these fields will come from the recruiting module through the Maintain Candidate Profiles (IRCA) screen, table P2K_RE_CANDIDATES.
- Candidate #
- This field displays the candidate code for the individual listed.
- Name
- The name of the candidate will be displayed in this field.
- Status
- This field displays the status of the candidate.
- Type
- This field identifies whether this candidate is external or internal.
- Activity Type
- This field categorizes the activity by a specific type.
- Activity Status
- This field displays the status of the development activity for the candidate. This field is for viewing only; the data will default in from P2K_CP_DEVELOPMENT_ACTIVITIES.
Programs tab#
This screen is for viewing only.
The information listed here will default in from the ‘Establish Development Programs’ (ICDP) form; table P2K_CP_DEVELOPMENT_PROGRAMS.
- Activity Type
- This screen displays the type of activity this program is associated with.
- Program
- This field displays the name of the development program.
- Competence Group
- This field displays the competence group associated with this development program.
- Program Type
- This field identifies the type of development program that is defined.
- Program Status
- This field defines the status of the development program.
Job Profiles tab#
This screen is for viewing only.
The information listed here will default in from the ‘Maintain Job Profiles’ (IRJP) form; table P2K_RE_JOB_PROFILES.
- Activity Type
- This field defines the activity type associated with this job profile.
- Job Profile
- The job profile is identified in this field.
- Job Profile Type
- The type of job profile is identified here.
- Status
- The status of the job profile is displayed here.
- Last Reviewed
- This field displays the date the job profile was last reviewed.
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