Benefits Self Service Functions#

FunctionDescriptionFunction Type
EBOEEEmbedded Employee Open EnrollmentsScreen
IBETDefine Benefit Event TypesScreen
IBEVRecord Life or Work EventsScreen
IBOEManage Open EnrollmentsScreen
IBPOEProcess Employee Benefit OE ElectionsScreen
MBEVCreate Life or Work EventScreen
MBOERRE-Open EnrollmentScreen
MBOESSubmit Open EnrollmentScreen
RBETBenefit Event Type ReportReport
RBOEBenefit Election Exception ReportReport
UBOECreate Benefit Mass Open EnrollmentsReport
UBPOEProcess Benefit Open EnrollmentsReport
VBOEEView Employee Benefit OE ElectionsScreen
WEBELMy Benefit ElectionsScreen
WEBENMy Current BenefitsScreen
WEBEVMy Life and Work EventsScreen
WEBOEEMy Benefit ElectionsScreen
WEBOEE_PRTMy Benefit ElectionsScreen
WEBDPMy DependentsScreen

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