This is a summary of the actions that are taken in payroll when a pay is processed for a terminated employee.

When a new pay header is inserted, if the termination date for the employee’s employment is within the period begin and end dates, you must check if there is a termination reason on the Employment (IEEI) form. If there is a termination reason and the termination date falls within the pay period indicated, check to see if the 'Final Pay' toggle has been turned on in the Termination Reason (IDTR) form. If the ‘Final Pay’ toggle has been turned on, then 'Final Pay Method' field will default to ‘Final Pay’ on the pay header.

Although the 'Final Pay Method' on the pay header is set automatically during Pay Header Insert, it can be turned on and off manually.

If the 'Final Pay Method' on the pay header is equal to 'Final Pay', then UPAUDT will check the termination reason for further processing. If in IDTR, the ‘Collect $ Owing' toggle is on, then UPAUDT will collect all arrears outstanding and issue appropriate exception messages. If the 'Purge Sundry' toggle is on, then UPAUDT will expire all remaining sundry items by moving the 'End Date' back to the 'Termination Date' and issue appropriate exception messages.

When a final pay is 'Prepared' during UPAUDT, the original sundry end date is stored in the 'Reference Info' column of the Pay Line. This column stores the 'End Date' before the UPAUDT, so that UPUNPREP is able to revert the sundry back to the stage before the audit process is done.

In order for the terminate employee procedure (IETR) to delete Timesheet Entries that were created prior to the termination, the system requires the Maintain Client Product Status IMSP list to have the TM Product listed. If it is not listed, the system does not recognize that the TMSS module is being used and will not automatically delete.

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