The following statements are taken from the ICMA Retirement Corporation's web site: "The International City/County Management Association created the ICMA Retirement Corporation (RC) as a separate, not-for-profit organization in 1972."

ICMA Setup #

To execute the required report the only set up required is a pay element and the Interface Format form (IDIF). The benefit plan may be set up with the standard benefit components documented in the Benefits Administration manual (see the Pension Sample Plan).

Pay Element - IPPE #

One pay element must be created in order to execute the report: ICMA Element Pay element that contains the deduction pay components that qualify for ICMA

Interface Format - IDIF #

If not already defined in the Interface Formats Definition form (IDIF), load the standard interface file format using the starter_idif_hl$icma.sql script.
Modify the standard ICMA file to bank requirements using the IDIF function. Rename the code from HL$ICMA to a user-defined code.
RecFieldStart PositionEnding PositionNameVariable NumberNotes
1 1 1 55 Company Name Enter in Constant
2 1 1 11 Filler
2 2 12 15 Plan ID Enter in Constant
3 1 1 4 Filler
3 2 5 14 Company PIN Enter in Constant
4 1 1 4 Filler
4 2 5 15 Total ContributionTotal ContributionICMA Element from UPICMA
4 3 16 30 Filler
4 4 31 41 Calculated AmountTotal ContributionICMA Element from UPICMA
5 1 1 9 Filler
5 2 10 15 Pay Issue DatePay Issue DatePay Header Issue Date
6 1 1 55 Employee NameEmployee NameIdentity Name
6 2 56 64 Employee SSNEmployee SSNIdentity Government ID
6 3 65 72 Filler
6 4 73 83 Employee ContributionEmployee ContributionICMA Element on UPICMA

UPICMA Update #

These are the report parameters for the monthly-required report.