The Employee Schedules (DTESH) screen allows authorized users to:
- view/override detailed shift information
- view/update generated time exceptions
- manual enter time exceptions
- manual enter miscellaneous exceptions
- view/update a log of any calls that have been made
Detailed schedules are based on generated time entries derived from:
- Operational definitions
- Team post assignments
- Holiday calendars
- Planned leaves
- Clock entries from polled clock devices
- Time entries submitted electronically from other systems or the WEB
Schedules show daily details a week at a time from a specified date.
Shift times are shown for each day for each work team or worker.
The definition data for the Maintain Employee Schedules screen is stored in the P2K_TS_WORKERS, P2K_TS_SCHEDULED_SHIFTS, P2K_TS_TIME_EXCEPTIONS, P2K_AT_LEAVE_LINES, P2K_TS_CALL_LOGS and P2K_TS_TIME_ENTRIES tables.
- Dynamic Calendars
- To allow companies to specify the start of the work week
- In IMST in preference tab add 1ST_DAY_OF_WEEK preference; with a value of 1 thru 7; 1 representing Sunday to 7 representing Saturday.
Shift Info tab#
- Shift Date
- The date of the shift is displayed here.
- Shift
- The scheduled shift displays in this field for the highlighted day.
- Shift Start Time
- The start time is derived from the shift for the highlighted day.
- O/R Shift Start Time
- The start time may be overridden using this field.
- Shift End Time
- The end time is derived from the shift for the highlighted day.
- O/R Shift End Time
- The end time the employee finishes his/her shift may be overridden here.
- Station Post
- A description of the station post is displayed here.
- Job
- The scheduled job code is displayed in this field.
- Department
- The department code of the scheduled team post will be displayed here.
- Work Team
- The work team the employee is working within is displayed here.
- Work Station
- The work station the employee is scheduled to work in is displayed here.
- Go to Work Station Schedule
- This button allows the user to drill down to the DTSH screen for the work station that the employee is working in.
- Exceptions
- Assignment
- The employee's assignment code the time exception is for.
- Start Date
- The start date the time exception is for.
- End Date
- The date the time exception ends.
- Start Time
- The start time of the time exception.
- End Time
- The end time of the time exception.
- Meal Start
- Meal End
- Time Exception Type
- The type of exception may be selected from the fixed lexicon X_TIME_EXCEPTION_TYPE.
- Reason For Time
- The reason for the time exception may be entered here from the fixed lexicon X_REASON_FOR_TIME.
- Job
- This field identifies the job associated with this exception.
- Premium
- This field identifies the premium associated with this exception.
- Time Code
- The time code to be associated to the time exception may be selected from the LOV provided.
- Scheduled Shift
- This field identifies the shift associated with the exception.
- Station
- This field identifies the works station associated with this exception
Misc Exceptions tab#
- Other Exceptions
This section allows the user to create a time exceptions for the day in focus with a
Time Exception Action of 'Other'. If an exception with an action of 'other' was created on the
DTSH form for this employee for this date, it also display here.
- Assignment
- The employee's assignment code the time exception was created for.
- Time Code
- The time code used to identify the time being captured.
- Start Time
- The time in which the time exception begins.
- End Time
- The time in which the time exception ends.
- Value
- The amount value of the time exception is recorded here.
- Premium
- This field identifies the premium associated with this exception.
- Job
- The job being performed by the employee during the time frame the exception was created for.
- Station
- This field identifies the works station associated with this exception
Planned Exceptions#
This section displays any time exceptions for the day in focus that has an associated leave record in a status of Requested or Processed. The user may also create a leave time exception for the employee here as well.
- Start Date
- The start date of the leave time exception is stored here.
- End Date
- The date in which the leave ends is displayed here.
- Time Code
- The time code used to capture the leave time is displayed here. The user may select the time code from the LOV provided.
- Leave Type
- The type of leave being taken by the employee is displayed here. The type of code may be selected from the LOV provided.
- Start Time
- The time in which the leave begins.
- End Time
- The time in which the leave ends.
- Projected Time
- The amount of time that the leave is projected to be is displayed here.
- Leave Time
- The amount of the overall leave time is displayed here.
- Basis
- The basis in which the leave time is recorded in i.e: days, hours
- Cascaded
- If the leave time has been cascaded to a different leave bank, the toggle will be checked ON.
Call Logs tab#
If a worker is called and a call log is recorded where work is either "accepted" or is a "call In" (
Call status) then the date and time provided below is used to create a time exception that will be processed to directly adjust the workers schedule for both scheduled and non-scheduled work.
- Call Placed On
- This field displays the date the call to the employee took place.
- Time of Call
- This field displays the time of day the call took place.
- Call Status
- The status of the call will be displayed in this field. Call_Status is tied to the fixed lexicon X_CALL_STATUS.
- Call Result
- This field displays the result of the call, ie: if the employee accepts work, declines work or calls in. This field is tied to the lexicon X_CALL_RESULT.
- From Time
- This field indicates the time in which the additional work is set to start.
- To Time
- This field indicates the time in which the additional work is set to finish.
- Description
- A brief description of the reason for the call or of the conversation within the call may be provided here.
- Call Placed By
- This displays who made the call to the employee.
Days Detail tab#
- Start
- This field indicates the start time of the time entry in the schedule.
- End
- This field indicates the end time of the time entry in the schedule.
- Job
- The job the employee is working in is indicated here.
- Department
- The employee's department code is displayed here.
- Work Station
- This field displays the scheduled work station for the day in focus.
- Type
- The type of time entry is displayed here, for example Overtime, Meal. This field is tied to the lexicon X_TIME_ENTRY_TYPE.
- Last Name
- This field displays the last name of the worker assigned to the post on the day in focus.
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