DRV_TYPE is a fixed lexicon which indicates the type of change to be applied to the scale.

X_SCALE_MODIFY_TYPE is a fixed lexicon with the following values:
Displayed Value
01 Percent IncreaseNumber Decimals
Round Method
Percent - The percent of the increase is indicated in this field.
Scale Base Date
02 Fixed IncreaseAmount - The amount of the increase is indicated in this field.
Number Decimals
Round Method
03 Percent DecreaseNumber Decimals
Round Method
Percent- The percent of the decrease is indicated in this field.
Scale Base Date
04 Fixed DecreaseAmount - The amount of the decrease is indicated in this field.
Number Decimals
Round Method
05 Cell IncreaseAmount
06 Cell DecreaseAmount
07 Set RateAmount
09 Percent/Step IncrementNumber Decimals
Round Method
Step Increment

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