Disbursement Message UserCalcs#

Personality allows users to create an automatic check message(s) through the creation of a UserCalc processed by UPDISB.

The automatic check message can be at the employee level using qualifications in the UserCalc.

The messages may be seen for individual employees on the Notes tab on the Manage Disbursements (IPDS) form.

These message will also be displayed on the self service WEPDS form or on the generic UPSTUBDW/UPSTUBCW forms. If your organization has a custom stub, this section may not be available.

There is an attribute on a UserCalc called 'UserCalc Usage'. If the usage is 'Disbursement Message’, then the UserCalc will be executed for each disbursement created.

If the message is for all employees, then set up a “User Variable” of type CHAR, and "RETURN' this User Variable from the Disbursement User Calc.

If you define the message directly on the usercalc varible tab, you will have to go into the User Variable before each pay and reset the message.

For this reason, it is recommended that you instead set up your message in IMVR to allow date effective changes or updates without having to unpublish a usercalc.

If the message is employee specific, then the value returned would have to be a CHAR value derived logically through the ‘Alphanumeric’ operand types or a User Variable from within the usercalc.

The UserCalc example below will return the user variable value (message) for all employees. The variable 'MESSAGE' is set up as a CHAR on the IMUC screen on the variables tab.
The user constant 'MESSAGE3' is defined on the IMVR form. The system will use the pay issue date to retrieve the corresponding effective date message (value) defined on the screen.

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There can be multiple messages printed on the check/deposit form, only one message can be returned per UserCalc.

Example – there can be one general message for all employees created by one UserCalc and another message created by a second UserCalc to wish qualified employees a happy birthday. The UserCalc Name is used in determining the order of the messages.

Each message can be a length of 200 characters. The message is only limited by the space available on the physical check/deposit form. The messages created will be stored in the P2K_AM_NOTES tables by the disbursement process.

The user must define a note type of “UPDISB” on the Define Note Type (IMNT) form.