Definition & Set Up #

  • Define Benefit Plan Types (IBPT)
  • Maintain Lexicons (IMLN)
  • Maintain Client Site Information (IMST)
  • Define US/CDN Pay Categories (IPPGU) / (IPPGC)
  • Define Processing Frequencies (IPPF)
  • Define Benefit Plans/Coverages (IBPN)
  • Benefit Plan Profile (RBPN)
  • Define Benefit Schedules (IBSC)
  • Benefit Schedule Report (RBSC)
  • Define Groups (IDGR)
  • Define Event Types (IBET)
  • Open Enrollment Event Type Report (RBET)
  • Maintain Forms (IMFD)
  • Define Approval Processes (IDAP)
  • Define Workflow Actions (IMWA)
  • Maintain Where Clauses (IMWC)
  • Define User Calculations (IMUC)
  • Define Media Codes (IMEC)
  • Define Note Types (IMNT)

Employee Information #

  • Define Employee Contacts (IECT)
  • My Contacts (WEECN)
  • My Personal Profile (WEEPP)
  • My Current Benefits (WEBEN)

Dependents/ Beneficiaries #

  • My Dependents (WEBDP)
  • Define Benefit Recipients (IBRA)
  • Define Benefit Recipients by Plan (IBRP)
  • Maintain Benefit Enrollments (IBEN)

Life or Work Events #

  • Record Life or Work Events (IBEV)
  • My Life and Work Events (WEBEV)

Open Enrollment #

  • Create Benefit Open Enrollments (UBOE)
  • Manage Open Enrollments (IBOE)
  • Benefit Election Exception Report (RBOE)

Benefit Elections #

  • View Employee Benefit OE Elections (VBOEE)
  • Process Employee Benefit OE Elections (IBPOE)
  • My Benefit Elections (WEBOEE)

Process Enrollments#

  • Process Benefit Open Enrollments (UBPOE)
  • Process Employee Benefit Elections (IBPOE)

Benefit Statements #

  • Employee Benefits Statement (RBBS)
  • Employee Salary and Benefit Statements (RBES)