A report is provided to list the benefit plan and coverage defined.

Report Parameter Form
Covarage As Of DateMandatory, Date, LOV available
Benefit plan profile will be selected based on the coverage date supplied here
Print DetailsMandatory, LOV available, <No>
If <Yes> then the components, rates and waivers will be printed for each coverage within each plan selected
User CommentOptional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.

Report Filters
EntityMandatory, Multiple selection available, LOV available
This limits the report to plans of specific entities.
Remit ReportMandatory, Multiple selection available, LOV available
This is the remittance report that the benefit plans are attached to.
PlanMandatory, Multiple selection available, LOV available
This limits the report to specific plans.
Plan TypeMandatory, Multiple selection available, LOV available
This limits the report to a list of specific plan types.

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