ACT_WITHDRAW is an action that allows a registered Candidate to withdraw from a class. If the Candidate is not yet registered with the class, this button will be grayed out.

When an enrolled Candidate withdraws from a class an opening will be made available to the class.

If the class was full and the class is defined with a Class Enrollment Option of Auto Enroll, Allow Wait List the highest priority Candidate on the waiting list will be automatically enrolled. If no priority is given to the Candidates on the waiting list, the Candidate with the earliest request date will be enrolled. If there are no Candidates on the waiting list, an opening will be made available and the class will be made visible in WECCL.

If the class was full and the class is defined with a Class Enrollment Option of Auto Enroll, No Wait List and there is a Candidate with an Approved status, this Candidate will be automatically enrolled. If there are more than one Approved Candidate the system will use the highest priority Candidate, or if no priority is given the earliest requested Candidate. If there are no Candidates who have been approved, an opening will be made available and the class will be made visible in WECCL.


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