ACT_SHOW_ALL is a mult-purpose button used throughout the application.

When used in IALA it will allow the user to see all of the evaluations for all previous years.

When used in IPSN it provides the ability for the user to display all of the sundries. If this toggle is OFF, only active sundries will be displayed. Active sundries are defined by the following conditions:

  • Start Date falls on or before the As Of Date
  • End Date falls on or after the As Of Date
  • If the Sundry has a Declining Balance it has a value greater than zero (0).

When used in WECCL it allows the Candidate to expand the list of courses. When the SHOW ALL toggle is On, WECCL will show all of the courses that have at least an offered class and the system's As Of Date is between the Enrollment Start and End Dates. Full classes will also show if the associated course is offered and falls between the dates. If the SHOW ALL toggle is OFF WECCL will only show courses that have classes which are available for registration or the candidate is already registered/enrolled to, this is to allow him to withdraw from the class. With the toggle Off, full classes will display if they allow a waiting list.

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