This page (revision-3) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by adsignore

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by kparrott

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Page revision history

Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
3 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB adsignore to previous
2 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB jaiken to previous | to last
1 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB kparrott to last

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At line 6 changed one line
• A new update process is created called USDG-Generate Development Goals for review. This process will be the start of Annual Reviews using goals for development. It may include filters up to all of the standard ePersonality people selection criteria and will include parameters for selection of the source of pre-defined goals generated to a new table Development Goals (SDG). The source of the goals can come from either Review Type Subjects(SRT) (Alternate source) or Entity and Job profile core competencies.
• A new update process is created called USDG-Generate Development Goals for review. This process will be the start of Annual Reviews using goals for development. It may include filters up to all of the standard Personality people selection criteria and will include parameters for selection of the source of pre-defined goals generated to a new table Development Goals (SDG). The source of the goals can come from either Review Type Subjects(SRT) (Alternate source) or Entity and Job profile core competencies.
At line 42 changed one line
• An ePersonality professional screen may also be provided called ISCR - Maintain Compensation Rewards which could be used by payroll/administrator staff.\\
• A Personality admin screen may also be provided called ISCR - Maintain Compensation Rewards which could be used by payroll/administrator staff.\\
At line 54 changed one line
• A salary matrix as part of the existing ePersonality product ISMX- Define Salary Matrices provides suggested salary changes and will be used by the system to generate recommended % changes for an employee based on their reviews overall rating.\\
• A salary matrix as part of the existing Personality product ISMX- Define Salary Matrices provides suggested salary changes and will be used by the system to generate recommended % changes for an employee based on their reviews overall rating.\\
At line 58 changed one line
• WMSPF/WASPF will display the allocated department budget and a derived total of allocated and unallocated money.\\
• [WMSPF]/[WASPF] will display the allocated department budget and a derived total of allocated and unallocated money.\\