Balance Pay for Performance Increases#

The purpose of this screen is to review an employees Pay For Performance Increase and submit a PA. The FIND on this screen populates once USPF is run and puts the applicable employees into a People List.

Performance Increase Information#

Annual $ Amount
The total dollar amount increase for the year.
Annual % Increase
The total percentage increase of salary for the year.
Average % Increase
The average percentage increase given.

Column NameColumn TypeDefinition
EmployeeVARCHAR2The Employees Number and Name
Compa RatioNUMBERThe Compa Ratio ** Needs additional definition **
ISMX%NUMBER Percentage increase based on Matrix ISMX
Old WageNUMBER Old Wage of the employee
PA #NUMBER Personnel Action Number
New WageNUMBER New wage of the employee
$ adjustNUMBER Dollar amount adjusted from old wage value to new wage value
Actual %NUMBER Percentage adjusted from old wage to new wage
$ Lump SumNUMBER Dollar amount lump sum issued to employee
ApprovedTOGGLE Toggle indicated if this Pay For Performance Increase has been approved or not.


Job Title
The title of the job from the selected employee.
The salary range
Range Min
Minimum dollar amount in the range
Midpoint Range
Mid dollar amount in the range
Range Max
Max dollar amount in the range
The Personnel Action Number
Takes Effect
The date the change is to take effect.
The current state of the PA/Personnel Action.
Personnel Action Comments.