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!!!Alias: [IVSRG]
[{TableOfContents }]
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The INF_CV_RANGES table is used to import salary ranges and range rules into the software data structures. Salary ranges define the minimum and maximum salary or wage values that an organization considers appropriate for a job grouping
The Range Interface File screen is used to import salary ranges and range rules into the software data structures.
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Tables loaded:
*[P2K_SA_SALARY_RANGES] (first record for each range code only)
*[P2K_SA_SALARY_RANGE_DETAILS] (first record and subsequent effective splits)
!!Table Columns
||Column name||Data Type / Size||Mand.||Notes
|[ID]|Number(10)| |Used internally to define a unique identification for the record. This field would not be loaded.
|[ENTITY_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|Y|Validation: Must be a valid entity code defined on [P2K_CM_ENTITIES].
|[RANGE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|Y|Validation: Must be a unique range code for the entity specified.
|[RANGE_METHOD]|Varchar2(30)|Y|Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_RANGE_METHOD]
|[DESCRIPTION]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[EFFECTIVE]|Date()|Y|Validation: Must be a valid date format. Suggestion: If you are not loading multiple date-effective records for the same range code, then populate this field with a constant ‘01-Jan-0001’ which represents the beginning of time.
|[EXPIRY]|Date()| |Validation: Must be a valid date format, with a date after the effective date. Suggestion: If you are not loading multiple date-effective records for the same range code, then populate this field with a constant ‘31-Dec-3999’ which represents the end of time.
|[CHANGE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: The Change Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_CHANGE_REASONS]
|[MATRIX_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[RATE_BASIS]|Varchar2(30)|Y|Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_RATE_BASIS].
|[RANGE_MINIMUM]|Number(18)| |
|[RANGE_MIDPOINT]|Number(18)| |
|[RANGE_MAXIMUM]|Number(18)| |
|[BASE_AMOUNT]|Number(18)| |
|[DOLLAR_PER_POINT]|Number(18)| |
|[MAXIMUM_PERCENT]|Number(5)| |
|[MINIMUM_PERCENT]|Number(5)| |
|[CREATE_DATE]|Date()| |This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
|[CREATE_USER]|Varchar2(30)| |This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
|[CHANGE_DATE]|Date()| |This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
|[CHANGE_USER]|Varchar2(30)| |This field used internally only to provide audit information for the creation/updating of records. This field would not be loaded.
Range Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_RANGES] table.
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;[ID|ID]:This field identifies the range record within the data base.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:You may associate the range code to a specific entity within this field.
;[Range|RANGE_CODE]:This field holds the user-created code that uniquely identifies the range being created.
;[Range Method|RANGE_METHOD]:This field identifies the method that will be used to calculate the range.
;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:A description of the range is provided in this field.
;[Effective As Of|EFFECTIVE]/[Expires On|EXPIRY]:If the range is time limited, the date range of that period is defined in this field.
;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
;[Salary Matrix|MATRIX_CODE]:This field allows you to associate a salary matrix with the salary range.
;[Start Date|MATRIX_START_DATE]:Over time, the values of the compa-ratios, and the percentages of wages that apply, may change. This field allows you to define the dates during which the matrix is applicable.
;[Basis|RATE_BASIS]:This field defines the time period (hour, day, week, year) to be used with the salary range defined. E.G. $40,000 /YR or $16/HR.
;[Minimum Range|RANGE_MINIMUM]:If the salary range is defined by a fixed range, this field identifies the minimum value of that range.
;[Midpoint Range|RANGE_MIDPOINT]:If the salary range is defined by a fixed range, this field identifies the midpoint value of that range.
;[Maximum Range|RANGE_MAXIMUM]:If the salary range is defined by a fixed range, this field identifies the maximum value of that range.
;[Base Amount|BASE_AMOUNT]:If the salary range is defined by a formula, this field holds the base value to be used for the range rule.\\Range Midpoint = Base Amount + (Dollar Per Point x Evaluated Points).
;[Dollar Per Point|DOLLAR_PER_POINT]:If the salary range is defined by a formula, this field holds the dollars “earned” per point awarded at the job level.
;[Maximum %|MAXIMUM_PERCENT]:If the salary range is defined by a formula, this field holds the percent that will be used to calculate the maximum value of the range.
;[Minimum %|MINIMUM_PERCENT]:If the salary range is defined by a formula, this field holds the percent that will be used to calculate the minimum value of the range.
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