Range_Method is a mandatory fixed lexicon field which identifies the method that will be used to calculate the range.Two methods are supported:

  • By Fixed Value: this is used when the range will be hard coded with flat dollar amounts. i.e. $40,000 minimum, $45,000 midpoint, $50,000 maximum.
  • By Formula: this is used when the range for the job will be calculated based on a certain dollar amount per “point” above a base salary. The value of the base salary, plus the dollar value of the points evaluated by job, becomes the midpoint of the range. Maximum and minimum amounts for the range are based on a percentage of this midpoint.
When using the 'By Formula' method there is a specific order from where points are collected.

  1. If the assignment record has a position, the system will check the POSITION_POINTS column on the Position Details at the AS OF Date for a value.
  2. If points are not found in POSITION_POINTS column, then the system will check the Job Details record at the 'As Of' date for a value in the JOB_POINTS column.
  3. If there still are no points then the system will read the Evaluations table using the Position if there is on, or the Job if no Position exists on the Assignment. If there is no Evaluation record set up for the Position (or the points are less than zero), then the system will check for a record for the Position's Job.

X_RANGE_METHOD is a fixed lexicon with the following values:

Displayed Value
01 By Fixed Value Used when the range will be hard coded with flat dollar amounts. i.e. $40,000 minimum, $45,000 midpoint, $50,000 maximum.
02 By FormulaUsed when the range for the job will be calculated based on a certain dollar amount per “point” above a base salary. The value of the base salary, plus the dollar value of the points evaluated by job, becomes the midpoint of the range. Maximum and minimum amounts for the range are based on a percentage of this midpoint.

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