This page (revision-24) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by kparrott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JMyers

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
24 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB kparrott to previous
23 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB jmyers to previous | to last
22 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB jmyers to previous | to last EMAIL_ADDRESS ==> EMAIL_ADDRESS(Disambiguation)
21 26-Nov-2021 10:22 6 KB jmyers to previous | to last

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[{TableOfContents }]
!!!Alias: [IVEPS]
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The Personal Interface File screen is used to import personal records into the software data structures.
The INF_CV_PERSONALS table is used to import employee identity and personal information into the software data structures. Basic employee information is created through Identity and Personal tables.
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Personal Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_PERSONALS] table.
Tables loaded:
*[P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] (first record for each employee only)
*[P2K_HR_PERSONALS] (first record and subsequent effective splits)
*[P2K_HR_ALIASES] (subsequent records only)
*[P2K_AM_USER_FIELD_VALUES] (one per user field specified)
!!Table Columns
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!!Identity Tab
;[ID|ID]:This field uniquely identifies the personal record within the data base.
;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]:This field identifies the person associated with the personal record.
;[User|USER_NAME]:This field identifies the user associated with the personal record.
;[Gov't Code|GOVERNMENT_CODE]:This field identifies the person's government identification number (SSN/SIN).
;[First Name|FIRST_NAME]/[Last Name|LAST_NAME]:This field provides person's name.
;[Date of Birth|BIRTH_DATE]:The person's date of birth is provided in this field.
;[Gender|GENDER]:The person's gender is displayed in this field.
;[Language|LANGUAGE_CODE]:The person's primary language is identified in this field.
;[Ethnic|ETHNIC]:This field identifies the individual's ethnic background.\\For U.S. Installations: The ethnic code (or race of an employee) is used for Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action reporting.\\For Canadian Installations: Ethnic origin of an employee is used for Employment Equity reporting.
;[Middle Name|MIDDLE_NAME]:This field identifies the individual's middle name, if applicable.
;[Salutation|SALUTATION]:This field identifies the title of the individual.
;[Rank|RANK]:This field provides the individual's name extension. (i.e. JR., SR., II)
;[Birthplace|BIRTHPLACE]:The person's place of birth is displayed in this field.
;[Challenged|CHALLENGED]:This field indicates if the individual is physically challenged.
;[Veteran Status|VETERAN_STATUS]:This field indicates if the candidate is a veteran.
;[Govt Code Verified|GOVT_CODE_VERIFIED]:This field indicates if the government code has been verified as a legitimate code for that individual.
;[Photo Location|PHOTO_LOCATION]:This field holds the name for the file containing the employee's picture, if applicable
;[Drivers License|DRIVERS_LICENSE]:This field displays the license number of the individual,if applicable.
!!Address tab
;[Govt Code Origin|GOVT_CODE_ORIGIN]:This field displays the employee/candidate’s country of origin.
;[Effective as of|EFFECTIVE]/[Expires On|EXPIRY]:These fields define the dates during which the address is effective.
;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
;[Tax Jurisdiction|GEO_CODE]:This field displays the GEO code of residence tax jurisdiction and is used in the payroll process for taxation purposes.
;[Address 1|ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field holds the employee’s home address (street, rural route or concession number).
;[Address 2|ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This is the second line of home address, used for PO Box number or special delivery instructions.
;[City/Town|LOCALITY]:Locality refers to the city, district or township name of residence.
;[State/Province|STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This is the standard abbreviation code of the state or province where the employee resides.
;[Country Name|COUNTRY_CODE]:This field displays the country where the employee resides.
;[Zip Code|ZIP_POSTAL]:This field will display the mailing code.
;[Mail Address 1|MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE_1]:This field holds the employee’s mailing address (street or rural route or concession number).
;[Mail Address 2|MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE_2]:This field shows the second line of employee’s mailing address, used for PO Box number or special delivery instructions.
;[Mailing City/Town|MAIL_LOCALITY]:This field displays the city, district or township name used with the employee’s mailing address.
;[Mailing State|MAIL_STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:This field shows the standard abbreviation of the state or province used with the employee’s mailing address.
;[Mailing Country|MAIL_COUNTRY_CODE]:This field displays the country for the employee’s mailing address.
;[Mailing Zip Code|MAIL_ZIP_POSTAL]:This field will display the mailing code.
;[Phone Unlisted|PHONE_UNLISTED]:This field indicates that the employee‘s home phone number is unlisted.
;[Phone #|PHONE_NUMBER]:This is the employee's home phone number.
;[Alt. Phone #|ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]:This is the employee's alternate phone number.
!!Personal Tab
;[Cellular #|CELLULAR_NUMBER]:This field holds the individual's personal cellular or mobile phone number.
;[Fax #|FAX_NUMBER]:This is the personal fax number for the employee.
;[Email|EMAIL_ADDRESS(Field)]:This is the personal email address for the employee.
;[Marital Status|MARITAL_STATUS]:This field shows the marital status of the employee. i.e. single, married etc.
;[Date of Marriage|MARRIED_DATE]:This is the date employee was most recently married.
;[Number of Dependents|NUMBER_DEPENDENTS]:This field indicates the number of dependants this employee has.
;[Years of Education|YEARS_EDUCATION]:This field displays the number of years of education this employee has.
;[Transportation|TRANSPORTATION]:This is the method of transportation the employee uses to get to work.
;[Bonded Status|BONDED_STATUS]:This field indicates if the employee is bonded.
;[Citizen Status|CITIZEN_STATUS]:This field indicates the citizenship status of an employee.
;[Foreign ID|FOREIGN_CODE]:This field shows any foreign registration codes for an employee. For example - A Canadian Social Insurance Number for an American employee.
;[Country of Citizenship|CITIZENSHIP]:This field indicates the employee's country of citizenship.
;[School|SCHOOL_DISTRICT_CODE]:For U.S. installations only: This field indicates the school district in the residence where employee pays school taxes.
||Column name||Data Type / Size||Mand.||Notes
|[ID]|Number(10)| |Used internally to define a unique identification for the record. This field would not be loaded.
|[PERSON_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|Y|Validation: Must be a unique person code on the [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] table.
|[USER_NAME]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: Must be a valid user name defined on [P2K_AM_USERS].
|[GOVERNMENT_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |This field is required if this record is the first [INF_CV_PERSONALS] record for this employee that will result in the creation of a [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] record. It is not required if it is a subsequent record that will result in the “splitting” of the [P2K_HR_PERSONALS] record.
|[BIRTH_DATE]|Date()| |
|[GENDER]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_GENDER]
|[LANGUAGE_CODE]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: Must be either a valid lexicon code, or a valid lexicon description from [X_LANGUAGE_CODE]
|[ETHNIC]|Varchar2(30)| |This field is required if this record is the first [INF_CV_PERSONALS] record for this employee that will result in the creation of a [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] record. It is not required if it is a subsequent record that will result in the “splitting” of the [P2K_HR_PERSONALS] record. Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_ETHNIC]
|[MIDDLE_NAME]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[SALUTATION]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_SALUTATION]
|[RANK]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_RANK]
|[BIRTHPLACE]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[CHALLENGED]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_CHALLENGED]
|[VETERAN_STATUS]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_VETERAN_STATUS]
|[GOVT_CODE_VERIFIED]|Varchar2(4)| |
|[PHOTO_LOCATION]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[DRIVERS_LICENSE]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[ALT_LANGUAGE_CODE]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[GOVT_CODE_ORIGIN]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[EFFECTIVE]|Date()|Y|Validation: Must be a valid date format. Suggestion: If you are not loading multiple date-effective records for the same person code, then populate this field with a constant ‘01-Jan-0001’ which represents the beginning of time.
|[EXPIRY]|Date()| |Validation: Must be a valid date format, with a date after the effective date. Suggestion: If you are not loading multiple date-effective records for the same person code, then populate this field with a constant ‘31-Dec-3999’ which represents the end of time.
|[CHANGE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: The Change Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_CHANGE_REASONS]
|[GEO_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: The GEO Code must be a valid GEO code on the [P2K_CM_TAX_JURISDICTIONS] table. If the [STATE_PROVINCE_CODE] is provided, then the [GEO_CODE] must be within that specific state, as well.
|[ADDRESS_LINE_1]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[ADDRESS_LINE_2]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[LOCALITY]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be a valid state code or province code, for the [COUNTRY_CODE] indicated on [P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES].
|[COUNTRY_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be a valid country code on [P2K_CM_COUNTRIES]. If you provide a [STATE_PROVINCE_CODE], then you must provide a [COUNTRY_CODE].
|[ZIP_POSTAL]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be formatted in the correct format, for the country indicated.
|[MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE_1]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[MAIL_ADDRESS_LINE_2]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[MAIL_LOCALITY]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[MAIL_STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be a valid state code or province code, for the [COUNTRY_CODE] indicated on [P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES].
|[MAIL_COUNTRY_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be a valid country code on [P2K_CM_COUNTRIES].
|[MAIL_ZIP_POSTAL]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be formatted in the correct format, for the country indicated for the mailing address.
|[PHONE_UNLISTED]|Varchar2(4)| |Validation: This field is a “toggle” field. The value will be translated as False if the value is left NULL, set to “N”, “NO” or “0”. All other values will translate to True.
|[PHONE_NUMBER]|Varchar2(20)| |Validation: Must be formatted in the correct format, for the country indicated by the physical location
|[ALT_PHONE_NUMBER]|Varchar2(20)| |Validation: Must be formatted in the correct format, for the country indicated by the physical location.
|[CELLULAR_NUMBER]|Varchar2(20)| |Validation: Must be formatted in the correct format, for the country indicated by the physical location
|[FAX_NUMBER]|Varchar2(20)| |Validation: Must be formatted in the correct format, for the country indicated by the physical location.
|[EMAIL_ADDRESS]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[MARITAL_STATUS]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_MARITAL_STATUS]
|[MARRIED_DATE]|Date()| |Validation: Must be a valid date
|[YEARS_EDUCATION]|Number(5)| |
|[TRANSPORTATION]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_TRANSPORTATION]
|[BONDED_STATUS]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_BONDED]
|[CITIZEN_STATUS]|Varchar2(30)| |Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_CITIZEN_STATUS]
|[FOREIGN_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[CITIZENSHIP]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[SCHOOL_DISTRICT_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: Must be a valid school district code defined on [P2K_CM_SCHOOL_DISTRICTS].
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_01|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EPS01 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_02|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EPS02 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_03|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EPS03 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_04|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EPS04 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_05|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EPS05 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_06|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EPS06 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_07|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EPS07 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_08|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EPS08 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_09|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EPS09 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_10|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EPS10 defined on [IMUF]
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!!User Fields Tab
;[User Field Value 1 - 10|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]:This field is used for conversion. This value is applied against the user-defined field for each table which must have been previously defined in the [P2K_AM_USER_FIELDS] table.
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[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'
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