This page (revision-34) was last changed on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by kparrott

This page was created on 26-Nov-2021 10:22 by JMyers

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
34 26-Nov-2021 10:22 11 KB kparrott to previous
33 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB rforbes to previous | to last
32 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB klawler to previous | to last
31 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB jmyers to previous | to last
30 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB jmyers to previous | to last EMAIL_ADDRESS ==> EMAIL_ADDRESS(Disambiguation)
29 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB jmyers to previous | to last WORK_RULE_CODE ==> WORK_RULE (Field)
28 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB jmyers to previous | to last
27 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB jmyers to previous | to last
26 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB jmyers to previous | to last
25 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB jmyers to previous | to last
24 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB jmyers to previous | to last
23 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB JMyers to previous | to last
22 26-Nov-2021 10:22 10 KB JMyers to previous | to last
21 26-Nov-2021 10:22 9 KB JMyers to previous | to last

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[{TableOfContents }]
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The Assignment Interface File screen is used to import work rule codes into the software data structures.
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Assignment Interface File data is maintained on the [INF_CV_ASSIGNMENTS] table.
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!!Assignment Information Tab
;[ID|ID]:This field uniquely identifies the assignment record within the data base.
;[Entity|ENTITY_CODE]:This field identifies the entity associated with the assignment.
;[Person Code|PERSON_CODE]:The employee associated with the assignment is displayed in this field.
;[Employment Type|EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]:The employment type associated with the assignment is displayed in this field.
;[Hire Date|HIRE_DATE]:The hire date associated with this assignment is displayed in this field.
;[Assignment Code|ASSIGNMENT_CODE]:This field identifies the assignment.
;[Prime Assignment|PRIME_ASSIGNMENT]:This field indicates if the assignment will be regarded as the primary assignment for attendance and benefits purposes, regardless of the type indicated.
;[Type|ASSIGNMENT_TYPE]:The assignment type is displayed in this field.
!!!Alias: IVEAS
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;[Description|DESCRIPTION]:This field provides a short description of the assignment.
;[Assignment Status|ASSIGNMENT_STATUS]:The assignment status is displayed in this field.
;[Start Date|ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE]:This field will display the start date of the assignment.
;[End Date|ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE]:This field will display the end date of the assignment.
;[Date of Next Review|NEXT_REVIEW_DATE]:This field shows the date of the next assignment review.
;[Effective As Of|EFFECTIVE]/[Expires On|EXPIRY]:If the group is temporary, these fields will define the dates the work rule is effective.
;[Change Reason|CHANGE_CODE]:This field displays the ‘Change Reason’ code, which provides the rationale as to why information has been created or changed as of an effective date.
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!!Definition Tab
;[Position|POSITION_CODE]:This is the position to which the employee is assigned. Position_Code from [IDPS]
;[Title|ASSIGNMENT_TITLE]:This is the official or formal title of the position or job for this assignment. The assignment title is inherited from the position (or job) title, but may be overridden.
;[Job|JOB_CODE]:This field shows the job that the employee is hired to perform.
;[Unit|UNIT_CODE]:This is the unit with which the employee is affiliated.
;[Department|DEPARTMENT_CODE]:This is the department to which the employee is assigned.
;[Work Rule|WORK_RULE (Field)]:The work rule associated with the assignment is displayed in this field.
;[Long Term Assignment|LONG_TERM_ASSIGNMENT]:This field indicates if the assignment is long term.
;[Requires Time Sheet|REQUIRES_TIME_SHEET]:This field indicates if the assignment requires a time sheet.
The INF_CV_ASSIGNMENTS table is used to import employee’s work assignment information and attendant data into the software data structures. Employees will perform work for the company, reflected by the assignment that they are given. Assignments may be for specific positions or for a more generic job definition. The assignment record defines under what jurisdiction an employee will be taxed (as their work location) by default.
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;[Provide Public Service|PROVIDE_PUBLIC_SERVICE]:This field indicates if the position is to be reported as ‘Provide Public Service’ on specific government reports (e.g. Official Language Report - [REOLA]).
;[Provide Internal Service|PROVIDE_INTERNAL_SERVICE]:This field indicates if the position is to be reported as ‘Provide Internal Service’ on specific government reports (e.g. Official Language Report - [REOLA]).
;[Supervisory|SUPERVISORY]:This field indicates if the position is to be reported as ‘Supervisory’ on specific government reports (e.g. Official Language Report - [REOLA]).
;[Status|STATUS_CODE]:This field defines what employment status qualifies an employee to use this time code. This may be left blank.
;[First Date on Leave|LEAVE_DATE]:This field shows the date the employee’s leave commences.
;[Leave Reason|LEAVE_REASON]:A reason for the leave of absence may be entered here.
;[Returned From Leave Date|LEAVE_RETURN_DATE]:This field shows the date the employee will return from the leave.
;[Replaced By #|PERSON_CODE]:This field shows the number and the name of the person replacing the employee. This field is for documentation purposes only and the information displayed will not be used for processing.
;[Job Profile|JOB_PROFILE_CODE]:This field is the 'job posting' information that is linked to the recruitment application.
Tables loaded:
*[P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS] (first record for each employee only
*[P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS] (first record and subsequent effective splits)
*[P2K_AM_USER_FIELD_VALUES] (one for each user field value provided)
!!Table Columns
||Column name||Data Type / Size||Mand.||Notes
|[ID]|Number(10)| |Used internally to define a unique identification for the record. This field would not be loaded.
|[ENTITY_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|Y|Not moved to the software data structures, but used for validation of the employment record. Validation: The Entity Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_ENTITIES].
|[PERSON_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|Y|Not moved to the [P2K_CM_LOCATIONS] table, but used for validation of the employment record. Validation: Must be a valid PERSON_CODE already defined on the [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES] table.
|[EMPLOYMENT_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |Not moved to the [P2K_CM_LOCATIONS] table, but used for validation. Validation: The employee must have an active employment record for this employment type. Must be one of the [X_EMPLOYMENT_TYPE] fixed lexicon values.
|[HIRE_DATE]|Date()| |Not moved to the [P2K_CM_LOCATIONS] table, but used for validation of the employment record. Validation: Must be a valid date.
|[ASSIGNMENT_CODE]|Varchar2(16)|Y| Suggestion:Set the Assignment Code to be the same as the assignment type.
|[ASSIGNMENT_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| | Validation: If provided, must be a value from the [X_ASSIGN_TYPE] fixed lexicon
|[ASSIGNMENT_STATUS]|Varchar2(30)| | Validation: If provided, must be a value from the [X_ASSIGN_STATUS] fixed lexicon
|[ASSIGNMENT_START_DATE]|Date()| |Validation: Must be a valid date.
|[ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE]|Date()| | Validation: Must be a valid date.\\If you are converting in a terminated employee, then this date must match the termination_date.
|[PRIME_ASSIGNMENT]|Varchar2(4)| |Validation: This field is a “toggle” field. The value will be translated as False if the value is left NULL, set to “N”, “NO” or “0”. All other values will translate to True.
|[DESCRIPTION]|Varchar2(50)| |
|[EFFECTIVE]|Date()| |Validation: Must be a valid date format. Suggestion: If you are not loading multiple date-effective records for the same entity code, then populate this field with a constant ‘01-Jan-0001’ which represents the beginning of time.
|[EXPIRY]|Date()|Y| Validation: Must be a valid date format, with a date after the effective date Suggestion: If you are not loading multiple date-effective records for the same entity code, then populate this field with a constant ‘31-Dec-3999’ which represents the end of time.
|[CHANGE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The Change Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_CHANGE_REASONS].
|[STATUS_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: Must be an Employment Status code defined on [P2K_CM_EMPLOYMENT_STATUSES].
|[POSITION_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The Position Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_POSITIONS]
|[DEPARTMENT_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The Department Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_DEPARTMENTS]
|[UNIT_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The Unit Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_UNITS].
|[JOB_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The Job Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_JOBS]
|[LOCATION_CODE_WORK_IN]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: The Location Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_LOCATIONS]
|[COUNTRY_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Not moved to the software structures, but used for validation of STATE_PROVINCE. Validation: Must be a valid country code on [P2K_CM_COUNTRIES]. If you provide a [STATE_PROVINCE_CODE], then you must provide a [COUNTRY_CODE].
|[STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Not moved to the software structures, but used for validation of [GEO_CODE]. Validation: Must be a valid state code or province code, for the country indicated on [P2K_CM_STATE_PROVINCES]. If you provide a [STATE_PROVINCE_CODE], then you must provide a [COUNTRY_CODE].
|[GEO_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |Validation: The GEO Code must be a valid GEO code on the [P2K_CM_TAX_JURISDICTIONS] table. If the [STATE_PROVINCE_CODE] is provided, then the [GEO_CODE] must be within that specific state, as well.
|[GROUP_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The Group Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_GROUPS]
|[AUTHORIZATION_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The Authorization Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_AUTHORIZATION_AREAS]. Derivation: The authorization code is derived from the authorization defined for the position. If there is no position defined, then the code is derived from the department.
|[WORK_RULE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The work rule code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_WORK_RULES]. Derivation: This field is derived from the work rule defined for the position. If there is no work rule specified for the position, then the work rule is taken from the group. If there is no work rule defined on the group, then it is taken from the job definition.
|[LOCATION_CODE_PAYDEST]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The Location Code provided must be defined on [P2K_CM_LOCATIONS]
|[PERSON_CODE_REPLACED_BY]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[PERSON_CODE_SUPERVISED_BY]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: Must be an employee who has already been defined on [P2K_HR_IDENTITIES]
|[RANGE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The Range Code provided must be defined on [P2K_SA_SALARY_RANGES]. Derivation: The range code is derived from the range code specified for the position. If no position is specified, then it is taken from the job definition.
|[SCALE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The Scale Code provided must be defined on [P2K_SA_WAGE_SCALES] Derivation: The scale code is derived from the scale code specified for the position. If no position is specified, then it is taken from the job definition
|[STEP_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: The Step Code provided must be defined on [P2K_SA_WAGE_SCALES] for the [SCALE_CODE] provided. Derivation: The step code is derived from the step code specified for the position. If no position is specified, then it is taken from the job definition
|[FTE]|Number(9)| |
|[WORK_TYPE]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[WCB_CLASS]|Varchar2(30)| | Validation: If provided, must be one of the values defined for the [X_WCB_CLASS] lexicon
|[HOURS_PER_DAY]|Number(9)| | Validation: May not exceed 24. Derivation: The hours worked per day is derived from the value defined for the work rule specified. If there is no value defined for the work rule, then the value is derived from the position code. If there is no position code, then the value is derived from the group. Finally, if there is no value defined on the group, the hours per day is derived from the value for the job.
|[HOURS_PER_WEEK]|Number(9)| | Validation: May not exceed 168.Derivation: The hours worked per week is derived from the value defined for the work rule specified. If there is no value defined for the work rule, then the value is derived from the position code. If there is no position code, then the value is derived from the group. Finally, if there is no value defined on the group, the hours per week is derived from the value for the job.
|[HOURS_PER_PAY]|Number(9)| | Validation: May not exceed 744. Derivation: The hours worked per pay is derived from the value defined for the work rule specified. If there is no value defined for the work rule, then the value is derived from the position code. If there is no position code, then the value is derived from the group. Finally, if there is no value defined on the group, the hours per pay is derived from the value for the job.
|[PERIODS_ELECTED]|Number(5)| |
|[CONTRACT_DAYS]|Number(9)| |
|[CONTRACT_LIMIT]|Number(18)| |
|[USE_FTE_WAGES]|Varchar2(4)| | Validation: This field is a “toggle” field. The value will be translated as False if the value is left NULL, set to “N”, “NO” or “0”. All other values will translate to True. Derivation: This toggle’s value is taken from that specified for the position. If there is no position specified, then the value is taken from the group definition.
|[WAGE_RATE]|Number(18)| | Derivation: The wage rate is taken from the wage rate specified on the scale/step code, if specified. If there is no scale/step code specified, then the wage is taken from the position. If there is no position specified (or no wage on the position record), then it is derived from the job definition. Suggestion: Do not provide a Wage_Rate without a Rate_Basis, as the derived rate basis may not be the one you intend.
|[RATE_BASIS]|Varchar2(30)| | Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_RATE_BASIS]. Derivation: The rate basis is taken from the wage rate specified on the scale/step code, if specified. If there is no scale/step code specified, then the rate basis is taken from the position. If there is no position specified (or no rate basis on the position record), then it is derived from the job definition. Suggestion: Do not provide a Rate_Basis without a Wage_Rate, as the derived rate basis may not be the one you intend
|[OUT_OF_RANGE]|Varchar2(4)| | Validation: This field is a “toggle” field. The value will be translated as False if the value is left NULL, set to “N”, “NO” or “0”. All other values will translate to True.
|[SCALE_OVERRIDDEN]|Varchar2(4)| | Validation: This field is a “toggle” field. The value will be translated as False if the value is left NULL, set to “N”, “NO” or “0”. All other values will translate to True.
|[ASSIGNMENT_TITLE]|Varchar2(50)| | Derivation: The assignment title is derived from the position title specified for the position. If no position is specified, then it is taken from the job title on the job definition
|[JOB_SENIORITY_DATE]|Date()| | Validation: Must be a valid date
|[RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL]|Varchar2(30)| | Derivation: The responsibility level is taken from the responsibility level defined for the position. If there is no position defined, then it is derived from the department specified
|[PHONE_NUMBER]|Varchar2(20)| | Validation: Must be formatted in the correct format, for the country indicated by the physical location. Derivation: This phone number is derived from the phone number defined for the department.
|[PHONE_EXTENSION]|Varchar2(16)| | Derivation: This phone extension is derived from the phone extension defined for the department
|[EMAIL_ADDRESS]|Varchar2(50)| | Derivation: This e-mail address is derived from thee-mail address defined for the department
|[SERVICE_RATING]|Varchar2(30)| | Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_SERVICE_RATING]
|[LEAVE_DATE]|Date()| |
|[LEAVE_REASON]|Varchar2(30)| | Validation: Must be either a valid lexicon code, or a valid lexicon description
|[TRIGGER_RETRO]|Varchar2(4)| |
|[SUPERVISORY]|Varchar2(4)| |
|[BURDEN_METHOD]|Varchar2(30)| |
|[BURDEN_PERCENT]|Number(18)| |
|[LONG_TERM_ASSIGNMENT]|Varchar2(4)| |
|[REQUIRES_TIME_SHEET]|Varchar2(4)| |
|[JOB_PROFILE_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[WORK_CALENDAR_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[WEB_PAY_STUB_ONLY]|Varchar2(4)| |
|[PREMIUM_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| | Validation: Must be a valid premium defined on [P2K_SA_PREMIUMS], and may not have already been defined for this job, effective at the same time.
|[PREMIUM_RATE_BASIS]|Varchar2(30)| | Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_RATE_BASIS]
|[PREMIUM_RATE]|Number(18)| |
|[SPLIT_SEQUENCE]|Number(5)| |
|[DISTRIBUTION_CODE]|Varchar2(50)| | Validation: The [DISTRIBUTION_MASK] is validated against the [DISTRIBUTION_FORMAT] specified for the GLCOMPANY that is associated with the [ENTITY_CODE_SUB_DIVISION|ENTITY_CODE]
|[SPLIT_RULE]|Varchar2(30)| | Validation: If provided, must be one of the fixed lexicon values from [X_SPLIT_RULE]
|[SPLIT_PERCENT]|Number(5)| |
|[SPLIT_AMOUNT]|Number(18)| |
|[ADDITIONAL]|Varchar2(4)| |
|[START_DATE]|Date()| |
|[END_DATE]|Date()| |
|[GL_FUND_CODE]|Varchar2(16)| |
|[USER_PERCENT]|Number(5)| |
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_01|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS01 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_02|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS02 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_03|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS03 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_04|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS04 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_05|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS05 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_06|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS06 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_07|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS07 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_08|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS08 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_09|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS09 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_10|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS10 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_11|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS11 defined on [IMUF]
|[USER_FIELD_VALUE_12|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]|Varchar2(2000)| |Looking for EAS12 defined on [IMUF]
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!!Compensation Tab
;[FTE|FTE]:Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is a factor that indicates how an employee's weekly hours compare with the standard full time number of hours from the work rule, position, job or group. An FTE factor of 1.0000 indicates a full-time assignment, one of less than 1.0000 indicates a part-time assignment. The FTE is re-derived, if the weekly hours, the work rule or the job is changed.
;[O/R Work Calendar|WORK_CALENDAR_CODE]:This field may contain an override work calendar to be used in place of the work calendar defined on the work rule.
;[Hours Per Pay|HOURS_PER_PAY]:This field holds the average number of hours per pay for this assignment.
;[Periods Elected|PERIODS_ELECTED]:If this is a contract assignment, this field shows the number of pay periods that the wage is to be paid over for the contract period.
;[Contract Days|CONTRACT_DAYS]:If this is a contract assignment, this field shows the number of days within the contract.
;[Contract Limit|CONTRACT_LIMIT]:If this is a contract assignment, this field displays the wage limit for the contract period.
;[Periods Elected|PERIODS_ELECTED]:If this is a contract assignment, this field shows the number of pay periods that the wage is to be paid over for the contract period.
;[Start Date of Pay|PAY_STARTING_DATE]:For contract assignment only: This field displays the date upon which the employee is to begin being paid. This may be different than the hire date.
;[Range|RANGE_CODE]:Salary range provides minimum and maximum guidelines for the salary payable for the job, with which an employee's salary may be compared. This range is inherited from the position or job, however, it may be overridden.
;[Scale|SCALE_CODE] [Step|STEP_CODE]:The Wage Scale and Step fields determine the wage that is derived from the wage scale table. Scale/Step is inherited from the position or job, and may be overridden.
;[Wage Rate|WAGE_RATE]: The employee's wage rate, expressed in terms of the rate basis, below. On this screen, there is an [in line calculator|WAGE_RATE CALCULATOR] for ease of wage changes.
;[Basis|RATE_BASIS]:The rate basis is the unit of measure that the associate wage rate is being stored or displayed in. It is either inherited from the position (or job), or defaulted from the wage scale and step. This basis may, however, be overridden (i.e. hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly or annually).
;[Use FTE Wages|USE_FTE_WAGES]:This field indicates the FTE wage for the position.
;[Wage Rate|WAGE_RATE]:This field displays the employee's wage rate, as expressed in terms of the rate basis listed below.
;[Out of Range|OUT_OF_RANGE]:This field indicates if the displayed wage is outside of the minimum or maximum values for the salary range.
;[Scale Overridden|SCALE_OVERRIDDEN]:This field indicates if the displayed wage rate has been keyed manually, and is different from the rate on the scale step.
;[Trigger Retro|TRIGGER_RETRO]:This field indicates if the assignment record may be specifically included in an execution of UPRETRO for retroactive wage increases.
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!!Location Tab
;[Responsibility Level|RESPONSIBILITY_LEVEL]:‘Responsibility Level’ is a security access feature. A user may only access information on an employee who’s assignment responsibility is lower than, or equal to that defined for user access on IMSV. The data for this field is inherited from the position, but it may be overridden.
;[Service Rating|SERVICE_RATING]:This field indicates that an employee is on a probationary status either for service or seniority purposes.
;[Job Seniority Date|JOB_SENIORITY_DATE]:This field displays the job seniority date used to track a seniority date that is related to the assignment.
;Work Type
;[Burden Method|BURDEN_METHOD]:This field specifies the burden method to be used for this in the Journalize Labor (UPGL) process. If this field is not specified, the burden method defined on the [IDGR] will be used.
;[Burden Percent|BURDEN_PERCENT]:This field specifies the burden percentage corresponding to the burden method defined in the previous field.
;[Auth Area|AUTHORIZATION_CODE]:The authorization area associated with the assignment is displayed here.
;[Works Out Of|LOCATION_CODE_WORK_IN]:This field displays the work locations where the employee may normally be found, or where their primary duties are performed.
;[Country Name|COUNTRY_CODE]:The country where the work is performed is displayed in this field.
;[State, County|STATE_PROVINCE_CODE]:The state/province where the work is performed is displayed in this field.
;[Tax Jurisdiction|GEO_CODE]:The tax jurisdiction where the work is performed is displayed in this field.
;[Sends Pays To|LOCATION_CODE_PAYDEST]:This field indicates where the employee's pay will be sent.
;[Phone #|PHONE_NUMBER]:The phone number associated with the assignment is displayed in this field.
;[Phone Extn|PHONE_EXTENSION]:The phone extension associated with the assignment is displayed in this field.
;[Email|EMAIL_ADDRESS(Field)]:The email address associated with the assignment is displayed in this field.
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!!Premiums and Distributions Tab
[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'
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;[Premium|PREMIUM_CODE]:This field displays the user-defined premium code that uniquely identifies this premium within the organization.
;[ Premium Rate|PREMIUM_RATE]:This field is an override for the Premium Rate that is derived from the Premium Code.
;[O/R Rate Basis|PREMIUM_RATE_BASIS]:This field is an override for the Premium Rate basis that is derived from the Premium Code.
;[Split Sequence|SPLIT_SEQUENCE]:This field defines the sequential order of a distribution mask when splitting a cost over multiple distributions.
;[Distribution|DISTRIBUTION_CODE]:This field shows the distribution code receiving the portion of costs. This is normally the distribution of the wages associated with the assignment.
;[Split Rule|SPLIT_RULE]:The distribution split rule indicates whether the distribution is being split by a percentage, by flat amount or by the Distribution pick list of authorized assignments.
;[Split Percentage|SPLIT_PERCENT]:If a split rule is ‘by percent’ then this field will indicate a percent.
;[User Percentage|USER_PERCENT]:If a split rule is ‘by percent’ then this field will indicate a percent.
;[Amount $|SPLIT_AMOUNT]:If you have selected ‘Split By Flat Amount’ as the split rule, then the amount to be given to the distribution code is indicated in this field.
;[Start Date|START_DATE]\[End Date|END_DATE]:These dates indicate the dates this distribution may be used.
;[GL Fund|GL_FUND_CODE]:The GL fund associated with the premium is displayed in this field
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!!User Fields Tab
;[User Field Value 1 - 12|USER_FIELD_VALUE_nn]:This field is used for conversion. This value is applied against the user-defined field for each table which must have been previously defined in the [P2K_AM_USER_FIELDS] table.
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