If there has been a date effective change made to the scales/steps, you will want to apply those changes to the jobs, positions and assignments affected. This is done through the Update Mass Salary Update (USMC) form. USPA is required to be run for any back-end type PA’s such as USMC, etc.
USPPA is required for all Java created PA’s through forms such as ISPA, SS forms, etc.

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV available
This reduces the list to the jobs, position and assignments within the entity listed.
From DateMandatory, Date, LOV available
Users must specify the date that USMC must use to choose the jobs, positions, and assignments to be processed and date the changes are to be made effective.
Change ReasonMandatory, LOV available
As this is a date effective change on ISWS a change reason must be supplied.
Create PAMandatory, Yes/No Selection
Specifying Yes will create a Personnel Action for updating assignment records rather than directly.
Ignore Rate Diff.Mandatory, Yes/No Selection
If Yes, the report will ignore any wage rates that are different from the recorded wage scale rate. IF the scale override toggle is on then the record will still be bypassed regardless of this option. The point of this is for when the rate in effect on the Assignment record does not match the previous Scale/Step effective Rate you can process through with this new rate. If it does not match there may be reasons that need to be looked into.
Include Future HiresMandatory, Yes/No Selection
If Yes, the report will include/update future new hires that are not yet active.
Include Future Terms.Mandatory, Yes/No Selection
If Yes, the report will include/update upcoming terminations that are still active.
Include LeavesMandatory, Yes/No Selection
If Yes, the report will include/update the records for people on leave.
Include InactivesMandatory, Yes/No Selection
If Yes, the report will include/update inactive employees that are not terminated.
TrialMandatory, Yes/No Selection
If Yes, the report will show the results without committing them.
Exception LevelMandatory, LOV available, <0-Exceptions Only>
The exception level (report messages) required. 0 – will only generate tracing for critical errors.
User CommentsOptional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.

Report List Filters
UnitOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces the list to the jobs, position and assignments within units listed.
Wage ScaleOptional, Multiple selection and LOV available
This reduces the list to the jobs, position and assignments with scales listed.