This function imports transactions from the Loaded Pay Lines table. This table must be populated with data from either an external source through the use of LMTD or manually entered into the form IPTL.

UPTL can load:

  • Pay transactions to IPTR
  • Pay lines to IPPH or
  • Leave lines to IAAL

Transactions matching the selection criteria are processed up to and including the ‘As Of’ date (Cut-off date) defined in the parameters. Position, job, department and wage information is taken from the “Prime” assignment record unless it is provided on the pay transaction. Each transaction processed is validated.

A single transaction can have one or more warnings or errors. Warnings do not prevent transactions from being loaded, errors do. Transactions that pass the validation without any errors are recorded on the appropriate Personality table and then automatically deleted from the Loaded Pay Line table, if the 'Remove Loaded Lines' parameter is set to YES.

Transactions with errors are left in the Loaded Pay Lines table. Transactions that have not been selected by the UPTL parameters are also left in the Loaded Pay Lines table for subsequent processing.

Audit text is provided on each transaction to identify the errors associated with it. All errors are reported on the exceptions report. Transactions with warnings are loaded but are also highlighted on the exceptions report. The exception report:

  • ONLY prints details for transactions where there are errors or warnings
  • Prints control totals of the number of transactions processed, rejected and unprocessed
  • Shows the total hours processed and rejected

UPTL loading depends on the chosen destination for the transactions. Each run of UPTL must be for a single destination. Destinations are optional and can be defined on individual transactions, if necessary. Removing loaded pay lines depends on the parameter. If set to YES, then all lines that are ’02-Loaded Clean’ and ’03-Loaded with Warnings’ will be removed from the file. If set to NO, then all lines will remain in the file after UPTL is completed.

When UPTL is launched, the employment record will be determined using the entry date from the IPTL.

The employment record will be selected if:

a) The employment type matches the value provided on the IPTL form.
b) The Transaction date from IPTL falls between the Hire Date and the Termination Date from the employment record. The system will assume the end of time value of 31-Dec-3999 for records where there is no termination date.

If multiple records are found that meet these specifications, the qualifying record with the most recent hire date will be used.

IPTR - Pay Transactions#

IPTR transactions are processed by batch code, if defined on IPTR. If the batch code is not defined, the transactions will be batched by payroll. New IPTR batches are created as required.

If no pay period is defined, the date of the transaction determines the pay period the transaction falls in. The 'Eligible' and 'Approved' flags of newly created batches are set as defined on the parameters. Valid transactions are loaded into Pay Transactions and Pay Transactions Time Codes.

When the IPTL record has the Work Tax Jurisdictions (GNIS Code), it will be considered an override on the Work Jurisdiction for the ITR form. The overridden Work Jurisdiction will be written on to the IPTR records.

IPPH - Pay Lines#

Valid transactions are turned into pay lines and pay line details. If no matching pay header exists, a new pay header is created. Existing batches and pay headers that have transactions added to them are marked as ‘To be Audited’. Pay Headers can be pre-generated through the Create Pay Header UPCPAY function. Pays are created only when the 'Create Pays When Needed' toggle is set to ON.

There are a number of conditions that must be met for UPTL to use an existing batch:

  1. The batch codes must be the same. This means for UPTL that either they were supplied to match or that both were batched by payroll.
  2. Batch Status must be 00 - Active.
  3. Batch Type must be 01 - Pay Header
  4. The batch must have the same Pay Category as the IPTL line.
  5. The Balanced flag must be null.
  6. The Audited flag should be set to OFF.

When the IPTL record has the Work/Home Tax Jurisdictions (GNIS Code), it will be considered an override on the Work/Home Jurisdiction for the IPPH form. A new Pay Header will be created on IPPH for each jurisdiction.

IAAL - Leave Lines#

Valid transactions for leave entitlements and leave time taken are turned into leave lines:
  • The Accrual status is set to “Not Updated”.
  • No leave line details are created.
  • The Entitlement Earned flag is turned ON for entitlements.
  • The new Leave Reason field becomes the IAAL Leave Reason.

When loading leave transactions into payroll, if an employee leave accrual balance has been exceeded:

  1. If IALP is set to No Warn, Allow - Transactions will load through UPTL
  2. If IALP is set to Warn but Alllow - Transactions will load through UPTL
  3. If IALP is set to Error, Do not Allow - Transactions will NOT load through UPTL and must be entered manually.

UPTL Report Parameters#

EntityMandatory. Defines the Entity the transactions are to be loaded for.
LOV Available
PayrollMandatory. Defines the payroll the transactions are to be loaded for.
NOTE: Only one payroll can be selected per execution of this function.
LOV Available
From DateMandatory. Defines the start date to process the transactions for.
To DateMandatory. Defines the end date to process the transactions for.
Print Processed LinesWhen this toggle is set to YES, any lines that qualify for processing will be reported.
Remove Loaded Lines_When this toggle is set to YES, any lines that qualify for processing will be physically removed from the flat file (IPTL).
Destination TypeMandatory. Select IPTR, IPPH or IAAL
NOTE: Do not select 'IPTS', as it is not valid for UPTL. The IPTS type will only work for UPLTS.
LOV Available
BatchDefines the transaction batch that is to be processed.
Optional. LOV Available
Create Pays When NeededFor generating IPPH pays.
When this toggle is set to ON, new pays will be created, if an existing one can not be located.
Prior Period SeparateFor generating IPPH Pays.
When this toggle is set to ON, a new pay will be created if the transaction is in a prior period.
When this toggle is set to OFF, all transactions will be put into the current pay, even if they are from a prior period.
One PTR per PTLWhen this toggle is set to ON, each transaction will create a separate IPTR record, even if it is for the same day.
Create Eligible PaysWhen this toggle is set to ON, the batch in IPPH will be created as eligible. When this toggle is set to OFF, the eligible flag will be OFF.
This is used ONLY when creating pays (IPPH) records. When loading to IPTR, this parameter is not used.
Pick Up Not LoadedWhen this toggle is set to ON, transactions that were in error will be picked up and processed again, without having to change the 'UPTL Status’ field to ‘To be Loaded’.
Batch ByMandatory. Defnes how the transactions will be batched. Options are: Authorization Area, Department, Dept Batch Code, Event Site, Location, Manager, Payroll or Work Area.
LOV Available
Exception LevelMandatory. Defines the level of detail to be included in the report.
LOV Available
User CommentUsers can enter text that will print on the header of all pages of the report.

UPTL Report Filters#

DepartmentDefines a specific department to run the process for. Optional. LOV Available
Pay CategoryDefines a specific pay category to run the process for.
NOTE: Only one pay category can be selected per execution of this function.
Optional. LOV Available

Notes #

How to use "Prior Period Separate" Option.

System respects 'Prior Period Separate' field. However, 'Prior Period Separate' and 'Create Pays If Needed' are mutually exclusive.
If user has selected 'Create Pays If Needed' as Yes then irrespective of value selected for 'Prior Period Separate', system will always created different pay headers for transactions belonging to different pay periods.

However, if user has selected 'Prior Period Separate' as No and 'Create Pays If Needed' also as No.. only in this case system will put all the transaction into one pay header. The pre-requisite for this case is user should have pay header for "Latest" pay period in IPPH.
Only in this case system will put all the transactions into one batch.
I have tried and tested this in QA and Staging and it's working in this manner in both the environments.

I will need one information i.e. the PDF file generated by user so that I can cross check what parameters user had given. If user has selected 'Create Pays If Needed' as Yes then it will never respect 'Prior Period Separate'
if user has selected No for both the parameters i.e. 'Create Pays If Needed', 'Prior Period Separate' then the pre-requisite must be satisfied i.e. the pay header must be available in IPPH for the 'latest' pay-period