Personality allows you to setup the Self Service application to allow users to access the system using an Accessor Key and PIN instead of the standard default login page with Last Name, Person Code and PIN Number.

Setting Up IMST #

A new preference called SS LOGIN TYPE(System Preference] must be defined in IMST. This preference is used to dynamically choose the type of employee login into Self Service.

If the SS LOGIN TYPE preference is set to ‘DEFAULT’ or if the value is left blank, the standard login in page (Last Name/Person Code/PIN) will be used. When SS LOGIN TYPE preference is set to ‘ACCESS’, the Access Key login page (Access Key/PIN) will be used.

In addition to setting up the preference, IMST must be setup with the correct Mail Host and Mail Domain. This is to ensure that an email containing the password can be sent to the employee.

Login Page for Self Service using the Standard/Default Preference:

Login Page for Self Service using Access Preference:

Manually Create Self Service Access Record #

The ‘Self Service Access’ record may be set up by manually clicking on the ‘Initialize Access to Self Service’ button on the employee’s identity record (IEID).

It is imperative that before the accessor record be defined, that the employee MUST be set up with an email address on their work assignment (IEAS) record. If the employee’s access record is manually created through IEID, the employee will NOT automatically be sent their password. Instead, once the employee’s password information has been generated, that information will need to be emailed to the employee.

Steps to Manually Create the Accessor Record:#

  1. Select the employee for whom the accessor record is being created.
  2. Select the user-profile to assign the employee (e.g. SS_EMPLOYEE).
  3. Save the record. Ensure email address is indicated on the employee’s work assignment.
  4. Click on the Initialize Access to Self Service button.
  5. The system will return a system-generated password. Note the password and then email the employee their accessor key (their work email address (IEAS)) and password (as generated by the system).

Generate Self Service Access Record (UMSSA)#

The Generate Self Service Access (UMSSA) report can be used to automatically generate the employee’s accessor record.

A report of UMSSA will display all of the employees that were updated and for which access was granted.

The employee will receive an email with their new password information. They will need to have their email address and password on hand when accessing Self Service for the first time.

The Access Key field is a 30-character field and is not case sensitive. The program validates it to be unique when entered. If another employee is found to have entered the same value previously, a message will be issued and the user must then enter a different value.

When an accessor is first initialized, the access key will be set to the current email address. The “current email” is derived from the employee’s prime assignment in IEAS. If no email address is present on the IEAS record, the system will use the personal email address indicated in IEPI. When no email is defined, the access key will remain unset.

Logging into Self Service Using the Access Key#

The login page for Self Service using the accessor key facility will require that the employee provide the access key (initially set up as their email address) and PIN.

Once the employee logs into the Self Service, they will be taken to the Change My PIN (WEDPN) screen where they must change their Access Key and PIN.

The access key is currently defined as the employee’s email address but can be overridden to allow the employee to enter a user-defined option.

Notes #

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