The rate/basis amounts are generated in the Pay Line Details from the paylines.

The rates that are in effect as of the Pay Line Start date will be used according to the following rules

  1. The rate basis with the rate on the Pay Line will be picked up and converted to the pay component basis on the Pay Line Detail. The rate on the Pay Line will always be in the originating basis.
  2. If a "Pay Line Rate" has been manually keyed, it will be used.
  3. If the rate source from Pay Line Detail Pay Component is "Primary Assignment", the Primary Assignment rate will be used (unless an override rate has been keyed).
  4. If the rate source is "Matching Assignment", the system will look to the employee’s list of assignments EAS entries that matches the Pay Line Assignment code, this rate is used (unless a rate has been keyed).
  5. If the rate source is "Matching Assignment", and there is no Assignment IEAS entry for Position/Job to match the Pay Line Assignment code, an assignment with a matching Position/Job without the Assignment code will be found and its rate used. If none are found, the Position/Job rate will be used (unless a rate has been keyed).
  6. If the rate source is "Position/Job", the Position/Job rate will be used (unless a rate has been keyed), this is used when you do not want to set up each Assignment IEAS entry to authorize each employee for this Posn/Job.
  7. Generation logic will assign the correct PC Rule based on the Entity/Unit/Group. The entity, unit, group will be determined by studying the position and job from the Pay Line. The Position /Job could be an override applied during IPPH, UPTL etc.
  8. Generation logic will assign the most appropriate assignment (EAS_ID) on insert of a new pay line. If the Position/Job is altered later, then generation logic will again determine the correct assignment record. It will use the PC Rule chosen in step one to filter the assignments based on the assignment Code on the chosen PC Rule.
  9. The wage rate defaulted on each pay line will be changed to most accurately reflect the rate used. This will be ONLY a default and the actual rate used on any calculations is determined at the ‘Pay Line Detail’ level, which is lower. The actual rate used is subject to rules imposed at the Pay Line Detail level, and can vary by Rate Source, FTE, ‘Higher of’, and other factors.
  10. Using the Position/Job on the Pay Line, generation logic will first hunt for a matching assignment, and then fall back to position, then job. If no match can be located, then the 'Prime Rate’ will be used. Again, this logic is NOT governed by the ‘Rating Rules’ imposed by the pay components output on a line.
  11. IPPH will now display the ‘X Rate Override’ toggle. Generation logic will determine if an override has been applied based on the comparison of the rate on the Pay Line and a computed ‘Default Rate’. It will then update the override toggle as needed. You can always ‘Plug’ a rate by turning on the override toggle.
  12. UPRETRO will NOT re-assess retro on Pay Lines toggled as an override.

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