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Maintain Aliases (Using PA's)#

The Maintain Aliases screen allows you to maintain alternate names for employees using a personnel action.

Maintain Aliases data is stored in the P2K_SA_PERSONNEL_ACTIONS, P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENTS and P2K_HR_ASSIGNMENT_DETAILS tables.

Personnel Action Request#

PA #
This field displays the PA which will maintain the alias.
Change Reason
This field provides the reason for the data change.
Takes Effect
The date the PA takes effect will be displayed in this field.
New Effect
Initiate PA
This button will allows you to initiate a Personnel Action for the employee in focus.
Cancel PA
This button allows you to cancel the PA by pressing this button, once pressed the status will change to 'Cancelled'.

Classification Information#

This is the official or formal title of the position or job for this assignment.
This is the position to which the employee is assigned.
This field shows the job that the employee is hired to perform.
This is the unit with which the employee is affiliated.
This is the department to which the employee is assigned.
This is the group code that determines the policy rules under which the employee must be processed.
Work Rule
Work rules are used to determine the standard payroll processing information required to create pay headers and transactions for an employee.
Work Type
Wage Rate

If this toggle is ON, this assignment will be regarded as the primary assignment for attendance and benefits purposes, regardless of the type indicated. If this toggle is OFF, this is an additional assignment.
Assignment Code
The assignment code is an identification field for each assignment record. Each employment record has a specific assignment type but it may be necessary to be more specific.
This is a user-definable description of the assignment.
The assignment type describes the purpose of the assignment record. Each employment record has a corresponding assignment, with an assignment type of 'primary'. Optionally, there may be additional assignments of different types. Primary will default.
This field is used for the ‘contract’ facility. Will default to ‘Ongoing’.
Start Date
This field will display the start date of the assignment. This field is used for controlling generation of time in payroll, time scheduling and the forecasting & costing modules. You may manually enter this date or use the calendar (F9). This field is defaulted to the hire date of the employee.
End Date
This field will display the end date of the assignment. This field is used for controlling generation of time in payroll, time scheduling and the forecasting & costing modules. You may manually enter this date or use the calendar (f9). This field is set to the termination date of the employee.
Wage Progress Date
If the assignment’s wage is to increase on a specific date, that date is indicated in this field.
Next Review
This field shows the next review date for this work assignment.
Renew Contract
This button allows you to renew the employee’s contract.

Definition tab#


This is the position to which the employee is assigned. Position_Code from IDPS
This is the official or formal title of the position or job for this assignment. The assignment title is inherited from the position (or job) title, but may be overridden.
This field shows the job that the employee is hired to perform.
This is the unit with which the employee is affiliated.
This is the department to which the employee is assigned.
This is the group code that determines the policy rules under which the employee must be processed.
This field indicates the payroll schedule the employee is on, for example, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly.
Work Rule
Work rules are used to determine the standard payroll processing information required to create pay headers and transactions for an employee. This value is inherited from the position, group, department or job but may be overridden.
Long Term Assignment
This field is used for certain custom calculation functions and may be secured from view.
Requires Time Sheet
This toggle indicates that the employee must complete a time sheet for their position. This toggle controls whether UEGTS will create a separate timesheet (IPTS) for this assignment based on the option on the Work Rule Status. Only used for secondary assignments.


Provide Public Service
This toggle indicates if the position is to be reported as ‘Provide Public Service’ on specific government reports (e.g. Official Language Report - REOLA).
Provide Internal Service
This toggle indicates if the position is to be reported as ‘Provide Internal Service’ on specific government reports (e.g. Official Language Report - REOLA).
This toggle indicates if the position is to be reported as ‘Supervisory’ on specific government reports (e.g. Official Language Report - REOLA).
Employment Status
This field indicates an individual’s employment status as pending approval, active, on a leave of some type or terminated.
Leave Date
This field shows the date the employee’s leave commences.
Leave Reason
A reason for the leave of absence may be entered here.
Return Date
This field shows the date the employee will return from the leave.
Replaced By #
This field shows the number and the name of the person replacing the employee. This field is for documentation purposes only and the information displayed will not be used for processing.
Job Profile
This field is the ‘job posting’ information that is linked to the recruitment application.

Compensation tab#

Full Time Equivalent (FTE) is a factor that indicates how an employee's weekly hours compare with the standard full time number of hours from the work rule, position, job or group. An FTE factor of 1.0000 indicates a full-time assignment, one of less than 1.0000 indicates a part-time assignment. The FTE is re-derived, if the weekly hours, the work rule or the job is changed.
O/R Work Calendar
This field may contain an override work calendar to be used in place of the work calendar defined on the work rule.
Hours Per Day
This field shows the average daily hours the employee works. This value is inherited from the Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and may be overridden at the employee level.
Hours Per Week
This field shows the average weekly hours the employee works. This value is inherited from Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and may be overridden at the employee level.
Hours Per Pay
This field shows the average hours the employee works within a pay period. This value is inherited from Work Rule, Position, Group or Job and may be overridden at the employee level.

The following 5 fields Contract Days, School Days, Contract Limit, Periods Elected and Pay Starting are used exclusively for the control of contract processing.

Contract Days
If this is a contract assignment, this field shows the number of days within the contract.
School Days
If this is a contract assignment, this field shows the number of school days within the contract.
Contract Limit
If this is a contract assignment, this field displays the wage limit for the contract period.
Periods Elected
If this is a contract assignment, this field shows the number of pay periods that the wage is to be paid over for the contract period.
Start Date of Pay
For contract assignment only: This field displays the date upon which the employee is to begin being paid. This may be different than the hire date.
Salary range provides minimum and maximum guidelines for the salary payable for the job, with which an employee's salary may be compared. This range is inherited from the position or job, however, it may be overridden.
Scale Step
The Wage Scale and Step fields determine the wage that is derived from the wage scale table. Scale/Step is inherited from the position or job, and may be overridden.
Scale Rate
This field displays the rate the employee is receiving from the scale/step table. This field will be automatically filled once the scale/step has been selected.
Wage Rate
The employee's wage rate, expressed in terms of the rate basis, below. On this screen, there is an in line calculator for ease of wage changes.
The rate basis is the unit of measure that the associate wage rate is being stored or displayed in. It is either inherited from the position (or job), or defaulted from the wage scale and step. This basis may, however, be overridden (i.e. hourly, weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly or annually).
Fulltime Wage
If the FTE indicated in the Work Arrangement area is less than 1.00, this toggle will indicate whether the displayed salary or wage is the full time equivalent amount. Suppose an employee has an FTE of 0.5 and the wage rate indicated is $4,000. If the toggle is OFF, this means that the employee will actually receive the full $4,000. If the toggle is turned ON, the displayed salary or wage is the 1.00 Full Time Equivalent amount. This means that in this case, where the FTE is 0.5, the employee will receive $2,000.
Out Of Range
If the toggle is ON, the displayed wage is outside of the minimum or maximum values for the salary range. If the toggle is OFF, either the wage is within the range, or there is no range for the job. This toggle is automatically turned on when the salary is outside the minimum/maximum range on the Salary Range. To reset this toggle, re-enter the wage rate to be within the salary range selected.
Scale Overriden
If the toggle is ON, the displayed wage rate has been keyed manually, and is different from the rate on the scale step. If the toggle is OFF, either the wage rate has not been overridden or else the scale step is not being used. This toggle is automatically turned on when the salary is overridden from the salary provided by the scale/step code selected. To reset this toggle, re-enter the wage rate to be the same as the scale rate.
Trigger Retro Pay
If this toggle is ON, this assignment record may be specifically included in an execution of UPRETRO for retroactive wage increases. If this toggle is OFF, the UPRETRO program will use other criteria for selecting qualified retroactive wage changes.
FLSA Uses Work Calendar

Location tab#

First Manager
This is a derived field based on hierarchical information in the system to show the user what the system will use when the "First Manager" option is chosen in approvals. The order of determination starts with what is entered as the ‘Reports To’ person on the assignment itself.
Supervised By
This is the person code and name of the individual who supervises the employee when they are working in this assignment. This information is derived from either the incumbent of the position to which this positions reports (if available) or from the department manager. You may, however, override this value. This field is used to establish a hierarchical organization structure for org chart reporting.
Responsibility Level
‘Responsibility Level’ is a security access feature and is defined on the Assign User Security Rights (IMSV) form. A user may only access information on an employee who’s assignment responsibility is lower than, or equal to that defined for user access on IMSV. The data for this field is inherited from the position, but it may be overridden.
Service Rating
This field indicates an employee is on a probationary status for service or seniority purposes.
Job Seniority Date
The job seniority date is used to track a seniority date that is related to a specific assignment, position, department or job. The Job Seniority Date is defaulted to the Hire Date, upon the creation of the primary record. On subsequent assignments, this date is left blank and may be filled in.
Work Type
Work type is an assignment classification.
WC Class
Workers’ Compensation is a user-definable code.
Burden Method
This field specifies the burden method to be used for this in the Journalize Labor (UPGL) process. If this field is not specified, the burden method defined on the IDGR will be used.
Burden Percent / Rate
This field specifies the burden percentage or rate corresponding to the burden method defined in the previous field.
Auth Area
This field identifies the authorized area to which this employee is assigned. Only users with access to this authorization area will be able to see the employee's records. The authorized area is inherited from the position, but may be overridden.
Work Division
This field associates a work division to the assignment, for use with the Time Scheduling module and workers. If using the Time Scheduling module, this column should be filled in.
Works In Location
This field displays the work locations where the employee may normally be found, or where their primary duties are performed. The data for this field is inherited from the department, but may be overridden.
Jurisdiction Code
This field holds the GEO code of work tax jurisdiction for this assignment. This field is defaulted from the location code, and may be overridden. This field is restricted to show only those jurisdictions within the state identified by the location code.
Send Pays To Location
This field identifies the location where an employee's pay checks or deposit slips should be sent. This field may be left blank if the pays are to be sent to the employee’s ‘work out of’ location. This field may be used in the sorting of checks and deposits. If this field is left blank, checks and deposits may also be sorted by department or work location.
Web Pay Stub Only
If this toggle is on, the Information that can be used by the UPSTUB programs as a bypass. If on the UPSTUB can be made to not print for this person.
Phone #
This field shows the normal work phone number where the employee may be contacted. 3144662421 will be formatted to (314) 466-2421.
Phone Ext
This field holds the normal work phone extension where the employee may be contacted.
This field holds the employee's work email address. This value is inherited from the locations, however, it may be overridden.

Premiums tab#

Premiums from the Position or Job forms are not shown on the assignment screen.
This field displays the user-defined premium code that uniquely identifies this premium within the organization.
Premium Rate
This field is a display-only field, indicating the default value defined for this premium in the Define Premiums (ISPM) screen.
This field is a display-only field, indicating the value default defined for this premium in the Define Premiums (ISPM) screen.
O/R Rate
This field may be used to provide a value, or override the default value defined for this premium.
O/R Basis
This field is used in conjunction with the O/R Rate to indicate the unit of measure for this premium, when the rate is overridden.

Distributions tab#

Seq #
This field defines the sequential order (or line number) of the distribution code for this assignment. You may define one or multiple distribution lines with splits. The last distribution code in the sequential order will always get the remainder of the amount.
Distribution Code
This field shows the distribution code receiving the portion of costs. This is normally the distribution of the wages associated with the assignment.

The Distribution Editor button provides an editor to aid in the creation of the correct distribution code. The information displayed in the distribution editor is based on the set up in the G/L Segments form. If segment values are completed for a segment and the ‘Must Validate’ toggle is on, then an LOV will be provided. As each segment is chosen, the complete distribution will be shown at the top of the form. When you are satisfied with the distribution created, press OK. This will take the full or partial distribution and place it back on the previous form in the Distribution field. If you do not want the distribution code to be returned to the previous form, press ‘Cancel’.
Split Rule
The distribution split rule indicates whether the distribution is being split by a percentage, by flat amount or by the Distribution pick list of authorized assignments.
Not Specified:If ‘Not Specified’ is selected, there is no need to define percentage or amounts, the system will post the entire 100% to the distribution code.
Split By Percent:See Percentage field for more information
Split By Flat Amount:See Amount field for more information
Distr. Pick List:Within the Distribution tab of IEAS, sequences are created with the split rule ‘Dist. Pick List’ with the start and end dates identified. You MUST complete both the start and end date fields within IEAS. The pick list will be applied to either a pay transaction (IPTR) or pay line (IPPH) through the following procedure:
1. Select the Distribution Mask button (e.g. on Pay Lines tab for IPPH).
2. Click on the List of Distribution Editor button.
3. Select distribution from list.
Benefit Account:Within the distribution tab, this selection allows users to distribute labor and benefit burden by multiple funds based on grants, funds, etc. The majority of most employee costs of burdening benefits are distributed to the same fund(s) as the wages, However, there may be employee benefits burdening/encumbrances that are not based on the same fund(s) distribution as the wage distribution. The difference in distribution can be due to grants that are awarded to cover salary only, therefore benefits need to be charged elsewhere.
Dist %
If the split rule is ‘by percent’ then indicate the percent in this field. You must enter the percentage has a whole number, not a decimal. For example, to indicate 6% you would enter 6, not .06
User %
If you have selected ‘Split By Percent’ as the split rule, then you will indicate the User percentage in this field. After the Distr % is entered, the User % is defaulted with the Distr %. This defaulted value may be overridden.
Note that the system will not check to see if the Distribution and User percentages add up to 100%. This field is for informational purposes only, no processing logic is set for User %.
Amount $
If you have selected ‘Split By Flat Amount’ as the split rule, then you will indicate the amount to be given to the distribution code in this field. When the ‘Split By Flat Amount’ is used, the distribution code will be posted with the exact amount as specified. The last sequential split line will be adjusted positively or negatively.Only one split rule should be used on a single distribution tab. You may however, set up separate split rules for different assignments, positions or jobs.
Start Date
For Distribution Pick Lists, this is the start date from this distribution may be used. For Funds, this is the start date that the fund becomes available.
End Date
For Distribution Pick Lists, this is the last date that this distribution mat be used. For funds, this is the end of that fund's availability.