Adding Different Colors to Leave Policy Types#

Color can be added to the leave types in the calendar box in the Self Service and Mobile applications.

Leave approval icon labels in the calendar box can also be changed in the Mobile Application.

Defining the Styles#

There are two new Fixed lexicons:
  • X_CSS_COLOR - This lexicon holds the colors available for leave types
  • X_CSS_ICON - This lexicon holds the styles available for icons

There are two new Partially Fixed lexicons:

These lexicons are maintained by the customer and are the link between the HL colors and HL style in the fixed lexicons to the leave types and icons.

For example - The X_CSS_COLOR lexicons defines HL colors that can be associated with leave types.

These colors are then associated with leave types in X_CSS_LV_TYPE_CODE

A similar process is available for icons.

Assigning Colors to Leave Types and Icons to Leave Approvals

The Leave Type/Leave Approval and Icon/Color fields in these forms have LOVs which allow for a user-friendly option to select a Color or Icon to associate with a Leave Type or Leave Approval.

  • IMLSLT - Maintain CSS Leave Colors for Leave Type

  • IMLSLA - Maintain CSS Icons for Leave Approval
Attaching the Leave Color to the Calendar

Once the colors have been assigned to the Leave Types on IMLSLT, the Calendars must be setup to show these colors.
This is done on the IMFDH form as follows

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