IMLSLA screen can be used to maintain CSS Icons for Leave Approval that display on the Leave Calendar (W1MALC).

The ‘Leave Approval’ and ‘Icon’ fields in IMLSLA have LOVs which allow for a user-friendly option to select an icon to associate with a Leave Approval.

X_CSS_LV_APPROVAL - This is a partially fixed lexicon.

Displayed Value
01 Awaiting Approval
02 Approved
10 To Be Submitted
20 Cancelled
99 Declined

X_CSS_ICON - This fixed lexicon holds the styles available for icons.

Displayed Value
Accept 'Check Mark'
Cancel 'X'
Question '?'

For example, depending on the stage of the Leave Approval, you can have different Icons showing:

  • if the Leave Approval is Approved, there could be a 'Check Mark' beside the leave
  • if the Leave Approval is Awaiting Approval, there could be a 'Question Mark' beside the leave

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