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Pay Components are any identifiable components of a pay, or any item that requires the ability to be stored or totaled. Pay components are used to store all the data calculated by the pay calculation.

You may define and maintain pay components through the Define Pay Components (IPPC) form.

Pay Component Data is stored in the P2K_PR_PAY_COMPONENTS, P2K_PR_PC_RULES and P2K_PR_PC_DETAILS tables.

PC Code
A PC code is a unique number code from 1 to 9,999 assigned to uniquely identify the pay component within the system.
This field holds the short alpha description of the pay component used for printing on check and deposit statements, lists and pay registers. Although this field accepts 30 characters, you should keep your abbreviation as short as possible.
This field displays a longer description of the pay component than may be entered in the abbreviation.
PC Usage
This field is used to categorize when and how the pay component is to be used during the pay calculation. For example, the Usages of Net Pay indicates that this will be the pay component used to store the net Pay amount that is calculated through UPCALC (Payroll Calculation).
Pay Components Usages are provided with the application.
Usage Desc
This field gives a short description of the usage, specifically when and how the pay component is to be used during the pay calculation. For example, the Usages of Net Pay indicates that this will be the pay component used to store the net Pay amount that is calculated through UPCALC (Payroll Calculation).
The PC Action determines whether a transaction item entered under this pay component will be:
Store Results
If this toggle is checked, the value(s) of the pay component amount will be stored in detail in the PC Amount table and accumulated in the to-date PC Amount table. This option would be used for all Pay Register amounts. If the toggle is not checked, the pay component amount will not be stored or accumulated. This option is used for items such as rates used in calculations, or indicators used to trigger special processing. Store Results toggle must be checked in order for a Statistical pay component (usage 14) to work correctly. If this toggle is not checked, information will not be stored in the statistic attached to the pay component.
Assoc. PC
Associated pay components are used to store the number of another pay component that may be associated with this PC. For example, if the PC being defined were a Time PC then the Earnings PC would be its Assoc. PC. This field may need to be left blank until all of your pay components are completed.
Assoc. Description
Assoc. Statistic
This field holds the employee payroll statistics. The result of this PC will be stored in the To Dates table as well as being sent to the Statistics table if the PC Usage is 14 and a statistic code is indicated in this field.
Assoc. Element
If the pay component is to hold the result of a pay element it needs to be indicated here. If (PPE) appears in the usage, the PC should be associated to a pay element. This field can be filled in after the pay elements are completed.

PC Information tab#

ADP Tax Code
This field is used to indicate the ADP tax code. These tax codes are decided between ADP and the client and must be mapped in the ADP system to ensure that the amounts collected are applied to the correct tax accounts.
ADP Tax Type
This field is used to indicate the ADP tax code and indicates whether the amount is considered a Deduction (or Contribution), a subject amount or a taxable amount.
ADP Tax Resident
Third Party to Disburse

Elements Used In tab#

Seq #

A pay component may need to vary its rules or detail by entity.
A pay component may need to vary its rules or detail by unit within entity.
A pay component may need to vary its rules or detail by group within unit within entity.
If the pay component is to store time or units, the basis needs to be indicated. (i.e. days, hours, units) in this field. While this field is optional, it is recommended that you complete it if you are going to do a retro pay.
Pay Point
From the pay point set previously set up, this field will indicate when this pay component needs to be picked up for processing during the pay calculation.
Assignment Type
The assignment type categorizes the assignment record. Each employment record has a corresponding assignment, with an assignment type of 'primary'. Optionally, there may be additional assignments of different types. This ‘type’ is considered when determining if a given assignment is to be considered during the ‘matching assignment’ wage rate calculation.
Time Code
User defined time code that uniquely identifies a type of time. Time codes are easy to use data entry codes chosen by the user. They are used to link the time codes used in front end time, attendance and time scheduling applications with KnowledgeBase’s payroll application. i.e. PC 110 Sick Time would be associated to a Time Code called SICK HRS for Attendance purposes.

PC Rules tab#

This section indicates where and what can be entered in the Pay Line when a PC is chosen for data entry.
Enter Sundry
If the Enter Sundry toggle is ON, the pay component may be entered on a sundry line (i.e.a recurring type of transaction). If the toggle is OFF, the pay component may not be entered on sundry lines.
Enter Pay Lines
If the Enter Pay Lines toggle is ON the pay component may be entered on a pay line (i.e. a one-time type of transaction). If the toggle is OFF, the pay component may not be entered on pay lines.
Generate Details
If the Generate Details toggle is ON, this pay component has associated pay component detail records. If the toggle is OFF, there are no related PC details.
Enter Position
If the Enter Position toggle is ON, you may override the position code on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered.
Default Position
If the foundation structure is set up with positions then this toggle must be ON to allow the position indicated on the employee’s assignment file to be defaulted for this pay component. If the foundation structure was set up with only jobs then this toggle does not need to be marked. This toggle only needs to be marked for pay components that need to be related to the rate of pay and/or distribution code.
Enter Job
If this toggle is ON, you may override the job code on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered.
Default Job
If the Foundation structure is set up with jobs then this toggle must be ON to allow the job indicated on the employees assignment file to be defaulted for this pay component. This toggle only needs to be marked for pay components that need to be related to the Rate of pay and/or Distribution code.
Sundry Assgn Match
This toggle is used for sundries which apply only to an employee’s specific assignment (e.g. primary or secondary assignment).
Enter Date
If the Enter Date toggle is ON, you may enter the transaction date on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, the date may not be entered.
Enter Value
If the Enter Value toggle is ON, you may enter the time on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered.
Enter Wage Rate
If the Enter Wage Rate toggle is ON you may override the wage rate on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered.
Enter Rate Basis
If the Enter Rate Basis toggle is ON, you may override the rate basis on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered.
The Reference field is used on the pay lines of either the IPPH (Pay Header) or IPSN (Sundry) forms. It allows you to enter a reference or description of the pay line or sundry to indicate how they will be used. This reference information may be either anecdotal or more structured (e.g. Union Code or Court Number). You may select either:
This field provides the name of the UserCalc associated with the PC Rule.
Enter Premiums
If the Enter Premiums toggle is ON, you may enter premiums on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered.
Enter Work Jurisdiction
If the Enter Work Jurisdiction toggle is ON, you may override the work jurisdiction on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered. Enter_Work_Geo if the Pay Point toggle is ON, you may override the pay point on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered.
Enter Pay Point Type
If the Enter Pay Point Type toggle is ON, you may enter the pay point type. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered.
Enter Pay Point Sequence
If the Enter Pay Point Sequence toggle is ON, you may enter the sequence of the task on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered.
Enter User Calc
If the Enter UserCalc toggle is ON, you may enter a UserCalc on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered.
Enter Detail Action
If the Enter Detail Action toggle is ON, you may override the PC action on the pay line. If the toggle is OFF, it may not be entered.

PC Detail Rules tab#

This section indicates what will be generated in the Pay Line Details when a PC is chosen for data entry.

For example, if a time PC Users will want KnowledgeBase to generate the earnings that would be associated to that time.

This field indicates the pay component number if Time or Amount is being used
This field is automatically populated when the pay component number is entered.
This field is used to determine the nature of the' Pay Line Details' that will eventually be created. The two main types are 'Entered Value', and 'Computed Value'. The other types are maximums and declining balance, which are not as common.
The 'Entered Value' is populated (during save) with the value entered on the Pay Line.
The ‘Computed Values’ are calculated based on the 'Calculation Method'. Only one ‘Computed Value’ is allowed per pay component detail.
Calculation Method
Indicates the method by which an amount is calculated.
Rate Source
This field indicates from where the wage rate used to determine the value of the pay component detail is derived.
Assignment Rate
The Assignment Rate applies the rate based on the assignment rate.

Override Field Entry#

If the Override Rate toggle is ON, you may override the wage rate on the Pay Line Details. If the toggle is OFF, the wage rate may not be overridden.
If the Override Value toggle is ON, you may override the value on the Pay Line Details. If the toggle is OFF, the value may not be overridden.
User Variable
If the Override User Variable toggle is ON, you may key the user variable on the pay line details. If the toggle is OFF, you variable may not be overridden.
If the Enter Distribution toggle is ON, you may enter the distribution on the Pay Line Details. If the toggle is OFF, the distribution may not be entered.
If the Override Element toggle is ON, you may override the element on the Pay Line Details. If the toggle is OFF, the element may not be overridden.


Highest Rate of the Day
This field applies the higher of the wage rates derived from either the ‘Rate Source’ chosen, or from the Employee Prime Assignment Rate. The ‘Highest Rate of the Day’ logic is invoked independently and at a later point in time. It compares the ‘Wage Rate’ stamped on the Pay Line Detail, to the highest ‘Wage Rate’ on all Pay Line Details. After choosing the higher, the calculation rule is applied and the individual amounts generated.
Salary Rate Method
For salaried employees, there are multiple ways the system can derived a salary or wage value for the pay line. This field indicates the method to calculate this rate.
Custom Rate Logic
Custom rate logic is logic preprogrammed into KnowledgeBase, based on client specification.


Element Code
If a pay element (Elem) is indicated in the calculation method then it needs to be completed here. Pay elements are maintained through the IPPE (Element) form.
User Variable
If a user variable (UVAR) is indicated in the calculation method then it needs to be completed here. Maintained through the IMVR (Maintain user variables) form.
If the calc method used requires a statistic, this field can be used to compute the detailed amount.

Acct Arrears tab#

Review the DEDUCTIONS AND ARREARS page for additional details on the logic of the following fields.
Insufficient Earnings
Indicates the method by which a deduction should be made from gross pay.
Create Arrears
If the Create Arrears toggle is ON, whenever there are insufficient earnings to cover the deduction, an arrears transaction for the deduction is generated for the purpose of recovering the amount on a subsequent pay. If the toggle is OFF, in an insufficient earnings situation, no arrears are generated and the deduction is forgotten.
Arrears PC
Negative Deduction
The negative deduction rule determines how a negative deduction (i.e. a refund or 'credit' to the employee) will be processed.
Collect Back
This toggle is only ever 'ON' for one pay component - Advance Recovery. If this toggle is ON, the negative deduction is considered to be a recoverable advance, and an arrears transaction is generated for the purpose of recovering the advance on a subsequent pay. If the toggle is OFF, the negative deduction is treated as a refund or reimbursement to the employee, for which no recovery is required.
Negative deductions occur when we have to pay the employee back for taking too much money from their pay for whatever reason (e.g. they were listed as Family deduction and should only have been Single for some Benefit plan).
For Example:
If the Collect Back toggle is Off
Gross 1000
Deduction -20
Net = 1020 (Correct – because the company owed the employee)
Next Pay: Nothing happens (correct)

If the Collect Back toggle is ON
Gross 1000
Deduction -20
Net = 1020 (Correct) Arrears created (20)
Next Pay:
Gross 1000
Arrears 20
Net = 980 (If ‘Collect Back’ toggle is ON, it will result in the deduction being recovered on the next pay)
Negative_Arrears is an optional toggle field.
Collect Back toggle is only set ON for pay component usage of 5 - ‘Advance Recovered’. If Collect Back is set ON for deductions this will result in an incorrect calculation during the next pay as arrears will be generated and the gross amount reduced.
Arrears Recovery
The Deduction Recovery rule defines how deductions that are in arrears will be recovered.
This rule is primarily used for deductions applied to irregular employees. If the employee has not worked enough hours to cover certain deductions for more than a few pays. The system will wait until the employee has enough earnings, it doesn’t recover all arrears at one time and leave the employee with very little net pay. Therefore, recover the arrears one deduction at a time.
This rule is used for larger amount deductions where it is unlikely that there will be sufficient earnings to cover more than the regular deduction plus a single arrears transaction.
Recover All At Once - recovers all arrears amount for this pay component regardless the number of times this deduction was in arrears.
This rule recovers arrears on a multiple transaction basis, for example when an employee is three deductions in arrears for the same pay component, the pay calculation process attempts to recover each of these three deductions on the next pay.
If there are insufficient earnings to collect the whole amount of the arrears transaction, the uncollected balance is generated as a new arrears transaction. This rule is used for deductions that are small enough for there to be a strong possibility of recovering more than one from the same pay.

For more information on how the following fields work with the General Ledger please see the page GENERAL LEDGER ACCOUNTS.
DR G/L Account
This field allows you to select the appropriate Debit Account Code for this pay component.
DR Suffix
This field allows you to select the Debit GL Suffix Type.
CR G/L Account
This field allows you to to select the appropriate Credit Account Code for this pay component.
CR Suffix
This field allows you to to select the Credit GL Suffix Type.
AP Vendor
This field allows you to to select a vendor.

Premiums tab#

Premium type usages provide the ability to specify the list of the premium type(s), if any, which are applicable to a pay component.

If a premium type usage is not defined, premiums of this type may not be used with the pay component.

Premium Type
User defined premium type code e.g. 'shift' or 'night'.
Distribution Rule
This option enables the premium expenses either to be costed the same way as the pay component it’s attached to, or to be costed in conjunction with the Pay Line GL mask.
Use Prem PC GL Mask (no Pay Line Distr override)
Use Prem+PL GL Mask (no Pay Line Distr override) (Default Rule)
Use PL PC GL Mask (no Pay Line Distr override)
Use PL PC+PL GL Mask (no Pay Line Distr override)

Retro Pay tab#

If you wish retro pay to be calculated on the earnings of this pay component, you must use the retro pay tab.

The Retro PC and the Retro Evaluation Method fields are mandatory; the Retro UserCalc is an optional field.

Retro PC
This field holds the pay component into which retro earnings will be stored. This may be the original earnings pay component.
This field provides a short description of the retro pay component. PC_Abbreviation is defaulted based on the Retro PC used.
Retro Method
This field indicates how the retro pay will be evaluated, either by pay component or by pay line.
Retro User Calc
This field provides any UserCalcs associated with this retro pay. UserCalcs are ‘only’ used for retro on ‘non-earnings’ pay components such as Benefits or an increase in a deduction. This feature is rarely used and UPRETRO is more commonly used to compute an increase in ‘Earnings’ into the past.

Notes #

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