Function to load new hires from a spreadsheet#

Three IDIF definitions have been created to load this data from the spreadsheet in DRC's format to the conversion tables INF_CV_PERSONALS, INF_CV_EMPLOYMENTS and INF_CV_ASSIGNMENTS. This is accomplished with one LMTD run using three interface definitions - DRC_NH_EAS, DRC_NH_EEM and DRC_NH_EAS which redefine the spreadsheet columns as needed, provide constant values where required and other fields are nullified.

Once the conversion tables have been populated, the user runs the custom function DRC_NEWHIRE.

This function executes modified versions of the conversion programs UVPERSONALS, UVEMPLOYMENTS and UVASSIGNMENTS in turn, issuing user friendly messages when there is a problem in the definition.

At the end of the report, a summary of the new hires is issued.

and then the UMDA_EPS and UMDA_EAS is executed to ensure date-effective contiguousness.