Create A Request#

The Create A Request screen allows you to view, send and receive requests for action within your organization. This facility is comprised of two screens: the ‘Create a Request’ (Inbox) and the ‘View Requests’ (Outbox) screens.

At the top of the screen you will see a listing of the request you have made.

Sent On
The date your request was sent is shown in this field.
Sent To
This field shows the person to whom the request was sent.
This field displays the status of your request.
This field shows the identifying number of the request.

Request Outbox#

‘Outbox’ is your View Requests screen which allows you to create and send requests for action by others in your organization.
Request Number
Use this field to provide and identifying number for the request. (Mandatory)
This number will be automatically generated when you create a request.
To EE # - Name
Use this field to indicate to whom you would like to send the request.
Request Type
This field allows you to categorize the request you would like to make into a specific user-defined type.
Action Required
If the request requires some action, as oppose to being FYI, you may indicate that action here.
E.G. Response is needed, Information needs to be faxed.
When you create a request, the default status of that request will be ‘Draft’.
You must change the status to ‘New’ then save in order to send the request. (Mandatory)
From Date / To Date
The From Date and To Date fields will allow you to define a time frame for the request.
Include a one line summary of the request in this field.
This field allows you to provide a full description of the request.

View Request (Inbox)#

‘Inbox’ is your View Requests screen which allows you to receive, view and maintain requests sent to you by others in your organization. There are two ways of viewing requests that have been made of you:
  1. Click on the ‘Go to Inbox’ button in the Create a Request screen
  2. Click on any request displayed on the Manager Splash screen under “Internal Requests I need to Respond to”
This field indicates the status of the request sent to you.
Sent On
This field shows the date the request was sent.
Req From
This field indicates who sent the request.
This field provides a one line summary of the request.

On the right hand side of this screen are two buttons which you can use to facilitate the request.

  • Complete A Request
  • Deny A Request

In addition, the Make a New Request button will return you to the Create a Request screen.

From Date / To Date
These date fields provide a time frame for the request.
The type of request being made is indicated here.
This field displays a one line summary of the request in this field.
This field provides a full description of the request. The next section provides a list of activities completed for this request.
This field indicates the type of activity performed for this request.
Entered By
This field indicates who entered the activity into the request’s log. (Mandatory)
Sub #
This field indicates if there is another request with more detail on the active.
Activity Text
The field provides information on the activity completed.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page