This document refers to the Oracle Reports-based UPSTUBC and UPSTUBD programs, which are obsolescent and being replaced by the Windward Reports-based programs UPSTUBCW and UPSTUBDW.

For information on the set up and use of these functions, please see the document CHECKS AND DEPOSITS.

The UPSTUBD/UPSTUBC programs have many features and are designed to create an easy to read paycheck.

Contact your Sales Representative if you are interested in this feature.


Checks and deposits are fully computer generated.

Check/Deposit forms are sorted by Disbursement ID, Employee Last Name and Employee First Name.

The Employee Name format throughout the check/deposit is ‘First M Last’.

The Description fields in Sections 2,3,4,5 and 7 represent the abbreviation for Pay Components (PC) held within a particular element.

The Date format throughout the check/deposit is ‘Mon-DD-YYYY’.

The Current and YTD Values formats throughout the check/deposit forms are ‘99,999,999.00’.

Check/Deposit forms are designed to be printed using 8½” x 11”, ‘safety’ paper stock.

The check/deposit portion appears at the top of the form and the stub/notice portion is found at the bottom. At the end of this document, a sample of the check stub appears on Figure #1, and a sample of the deposit notice appears on Figure #2.

Only one document is printed for each employee, either a check stub OR a deposit notification. Check/Deposit stubs produce only one single page per one check/deposit.

In an overflow situation, when a section is limited to a certain number of rows available, an overflow row will be printed on one last summary line for any additional information. This summary line will appear under a heading such as “Other Earnings” or “Other Deductions” for sections 2-EARNINGS, 3-TAXES WITHHELD, 4-ADDITIONAL PAYMENTS, 5-DEDUCTIONS and 7-TAXABLE BENEFITS.


The stub/notice portion of the check/deposit form has 11 sections. See Figures 1 and 2 for layout.


This contains general information regarding employee:

Section #2 – EARNINGS#

Section #2 contains information about the employee’s current and YTD earnings including, but not limited to, regular earnings, duty premiums, and overtime.

This section also contains the hours (format ‘9999.00’) and rate (format ‘999,999.0000’) data.

“Earnings” allows 13 rows to be printed; all additional rows will be accommodated in one overflow row titled “Other Earnings”.

The sort order in this section is first the PC’s with current values, and then the PC’s with only YTD values.

A “Z_CHK_EARNINGS” element must be created to hold the pay components that will appear in this section.

Section #3 – TAXES WITHHELD#

This section includes any taxes and other government deductions that apply to the employee gross earnings found in Section #2. “Taxes Withheld” allows 7 rows to be printed; all additional rows will be accommodated in one overflow row titled “Other Withheld”. A “Z_CHK_TAX_WH” element must be created to hold the pay components that will appear in this section.


Section 4 contains information about the employee’s current and YTD additional payments, such as reimbursements, etc.

This section also includes the Total Paid field, which is the sum of earnings and additional payments totals.

“Additional Payments” allows 4 rows to be printed; all additional rows will be accommodated in one overflow row titled “Other Additional Payments”.

A “Z_CHK_OTHER_EARN” element must be created to hold the pay components that will appear in this section.

Section #5 – DEDUCTIONS#

Section 5 includes additional deductions such as donations, insurance premium payments, RRSP, etc. Any non-taxable deductions will be marked with an asterisk.

“Deductions” allows 14 rows to be printed; all additional rows will be accommodated in one overflow row titled “Other Deductions”.

The sort order in the section is first Taxable Deductions and then Non-taxable Deductions, followed by the Total line.

Both “Z_CHK_DEDUCTS” and “Z_CHK_DEDS_NON” elements must be created to hold the pay components that will appear in this section. The first element is for taxable deductions and the second element for non-taxable deductions.

Section #6 – ACCRUALS#

Section 6 contains Leave Bank information from attendance.

“Accruals” allows 7 rows to be printed.

The values in this section are sorted by PC sequences.

‘Earned’ is time earned this pay; the element is “Z_CHK_AT_EARNED”.

‘Taken’ is time taken this pay; the element is “Z_CHK_AT_TAKEN”.

‘Ending Balance’ is the bank balance as of this pay; the element is “Z_CHK_AT_BAL”.

‘Beginning Balance’ is derived from the formula: (‘Ending Balance’ + ‘Taken’ - ‘Earned’).

All the value fields in this section have the format ‘9999.00’.

The Leave Type field displays the long description from the PC held in Z_CHK_AT_EARNED element.

For more information regarding this section, see Point (1) under ‘Notes’ at the end of this document.


Section 7 contains information about Employer Benefits.

“Taxable Benefits” allows 4 rows to be printed; all additional rows will be accommodated in one overflow row titled “Other Benefits”.

The “Z_CHK_TAX_BENS” element must be created to hold the pay components that will appear in this section.


Section 8 contains the employee paycheck total amount (format’99,999,999.00’) for the pay period.

“Payroll Net Pay Distribution” allows 5 rows to print.

If a deposit has been made, there will be additional information about the employee’s deposit account.

The letter ‘C’ at the beginning of the account number represents a checking account. The letter ‘D’ indicates a savings account.

For security purposes, the deposit stub will show only the 4 last digits of employee account number. All of the other digits are masked.

Section #9 – SUMMARY#

Section 9 contains summary information, which is divided into two rows: Current and YTD.

This section displays summary information on Gross and Net Pay, Taxes Withheld, Deductions and Taxable Wages.

Depending on the Entity Legislation (CDN or US), the Taxable Wages summary will represent the current value for either Usage 5100 (Canadian legislation) or Usage 6004 (USA legislation).

All fields in this section will have the format ‘999,999,999.00’.


Section 10 displays information on the employee taxable status, exemptions (federal or state/provincial), and additional taxes that the employee requested to be withheld.

Depending on the Entity Legislation (CDN or US) title of first row will be either State or Province.


Section 11 may show important information regarding a paycheck customer event or other general information.

“Important Message” allows 2 rows to be printed.


The upper portion of the check form is the actual paycheck. This paycheck displays the check amount, check number, check date, the employee name and address, etc.

The MICR line requires ‘Architext MICR 2’ font to be installed on the PC that is used to produce the check stubs.

The Signature and Logo are dynamic links. The paths are A:\Signatures.GIF and A:\Seal.GIF

The check number field holds up to 12 digits.

If the check amount is zero, the word ‘VOID’ will be printed in place of both the signature and the check amount.

The programs require that the A:\ drive be accessible during runtime.

Company Bank Information
The bank information and ABA number may be obtained through IPBL screen.


The upper portion of the deposit notice includes the deposit amount, deposit date, employee name, address, etc.

Logo is a dynamic link. The path is A:\Seal.GIF

The program requires that the A:\ drive must be accessible during runtime.


Company Name and Address
The entity information may be obtained through the IDLN and IDEN screens
‘To The Order Of’
The “To The Order Of” field contains the employee name and mailing address. If there is no mailing address information available, the field will display the employee’s primary address.
The format order is ‘First M Last’, ‘Address 1’, ‘Address 2’ (if one exists), ‘Locality’, ‘State’, and ‘Zip/Postal Code’. Two spaces between ‘Locality’, ‘State’ and ‘Zip code’ have been set.
The check program has a standard people-related set of parameters, as well as some specific parameters. One of the specific parameters is ‘Print Zero Checks’

Figure #1: Check Stub

Figure #2: Deposit Notice


  1. The Accruals section works through a PC held in a particular element. However, it is preferable to collect this information from the disbursement.
  2. You may decide which fields from IPDS screen you would like to see on the check/deposit form and under which title.
  3. This method allows for more accurate information and reduces the setup time.
  4. To create custom Check/Deposit programs, you may provide detail specification and Bank MICR specification.
  5. You may verify most of the information shown on the Check/Deposit stubs through the IPDS disbursement screen.
  6. An Overflow situation may be handled by printing any overflow information on a separate check/deposit page. Please note however, due to current Oracle tools technology, the check program is unable to print the word ‘VOID’ in the check area of the overflow page.
  7. The check portion can be left blank or you can repeat the check information and simply omit the signature. If your company is uncomfortable with leaving this area blank, you may chose to use the 'Other’ line option to prevent an additional form from being created.


If your company has contracted with us to printed your employee's check stubs, then the Print Pay Checks (UPSTUBC) form will be used to produce the checks. We provide a sample check stub that can be run until the custom programming is completed.

You may reprint single or multiple checks specifying the Check Number(s) by specifying the starting number and the ending number.


If your company has contracted with us to printed your employee's deposit notices then the Print Deposit Slips (UPSTUBD) form will be used to produce the deposits. We provide a sample deposit notice that can be run until the custom programming is completed.

You may reprint single or multiple deposits specifying the Deposit Number(s) by indicating the Starting Number and the Ending Number.

Notes #

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