XPPT - Exit The Pay Point And The USERCALC#

This command is rarely used.

Causes the UserCalc in progress to immediately proceed to line 99999, exiting the current UserCalc and the current Pay Point Type, ignoring all other tasks in the Pay Point Type.

This command could be used to trap errors, and may be used after a MSG command has been issued, explaining the reason for the status.

If Taxes equal $0 then exit the UserCalc and the Pay Point, otherwise just exit the UserCalc (the remainder of items at that Pay Point would not be skipped).

Line CMD OT Operand 1 OPER OT Operand2 OT Operand3 If Goto Else GoTo
00100 IF PC 9010 EQ N 0 00200 99999
00200 XPPT 99999
99999 EXIT 99999

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