Approve Reviews in Detail#

The employee's first and last name display in this field.
Review Type
The type of review for the employee will display here.
The status of the employee's review is displayed here.
Review Date
The date the review took place is held here.
Absenteeism Rating
The rating attained by the employee in regards to their absenteeism is displayed here.
Absenteeism Points
The points attained by the employee in regards to their absenteeism is displayed.
Overall Rating
The overall obtained by the employee during the review is held here.
Overall Points
The overall point attained by the employee is held here.

Review Details#

EE comments in DB
This field indicates a file located in the database that may contain comments obtained during the review.
The reviewer/manager may provide additional comments on the review in this field.
Date of Next Review
The date of the employee's next review is displayed here.
ERM Required
This field indicates the employee's review needs to be reviewed by Employee's Relations Manager.
Generate Ratings
This button allows the manager to generate ratings for the employee.
This button will submit the review for approval.
Approval Bar
The approval bar will display for the submitted reviews.

Review Ratings tab#

Review Category
This field displays the categories that have been defined for the review type. This data will default in from the Review Type (ISRT) form.
Review Rating
This field displays the review rating given if you are using a subjective system. This rating may also include alphanumeric descriptions of the review points awarded.
This field shows the points that have been awarded to the employee for performance in this category, if a points system is used to rate employees.

Leave Balances Summary#

The leave policy code will display here.
The description of the leave policy is displayed.
If the employee has a planned leave for the policy, the number of leave hours is displayed.
Balance To Date
This field will display the employee's leave balance.

Past Reviews tab#

This tab displays historical reviews for the employee in focus.
Review Type
This field displays the general type of the review.
This field displays the status of the historical review.
Overall Rating
This field shows the overall rating of the employee for the historical review.
Overall Points
This field displays the total number of points for the historical review.
This field displays comments that were added to a particular review.

Optional Details tab#


Attitude Rating
The rating associated to the employee's attitude is displayed in this field.
Attitude Points
The points attained by the employee for their attitude is displayed here.


Leadership Skills Rating
The rating associated to the employee's leadership skills is displayed in this field.
Leadership Skills Points
The points attained by the employee in regards to their leadership skills is displayed in this field.

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page