Manage Time Sheet Time Code Exceptions#
WMTTSE (Manage Time Exception) was developed to give managers the ability to manage their employees time exceptions for a pay period. This functionality can only be used for employees whose timesheets are generated with shifts (start and end timesheets). As an exception is handled, it is removed from the exception list. The screen will only display previous day(s) time exceptions; users can define the timeframe for which a manager can handle the exceptions, through a where clause. Although this is a user-definable value, High Line does not recommend setting this to a large value as it may result in a performance issue.
Time Code Exceptions#
This section displays all employees that have exceptions that must be handled.
- Change Work
- This button allows Managers to allocate the time for the specific transaction against a specific time code or use special conditions.
- Add Leave
- This button allows Managers to place the employee on leave by selecting the appropriate time code or special condition.
- Go To Time Sheet
- The dialog ‘Go to Time Sheet’ is used to take the user to the time sheet screen (WMTTS). In order to use this functionality, the Time Sheet form (WMTTS) must be available on the self-service menu.
Day Details#
This section displays the details for a specific transaction. It identifies whether or not there is a missing punch and allows for the creation of missing punches (if required). The ‘Expected Punch Prediction’, ‘In Punch’ and ‘Out Punch’ columns were added to allow managers to quickly identify whether the exception is the result of a missing punch.- Person